Hi, there I haven't updated this one for a while, so I thought I would for all you readers. Thank you to all those who reviewed the last few chapter, here's another one for you

Chapter 3 : Beginner Or Pro?

In the training room, the BladeBreakers were setting up.

''I wanna battle Kai first'' chirped Pandora,

''Sorry Pandora, you'll have to go through us rank by rank to get to Kai'' replied Tyson.

''Fine then, who's first?'' asked Pandora,

''Kenny is'' replied Max.

''Right, but can I put some music on, I'm still half asleep'' laughed Pandora,

''Sure'' said Kenny, he was teaching Max to record on Dizzi at that moment.

''I think I got it now, I just have to press this button to start, and this one to stop'' said Max,

''That's right'' replied Kenny and began setting up Hopper.

Pandora smiled and walked over to the CD player, she then put in a CD. A few seconds later, music blared out of the speakers. Kenny, Max, Ray and Tyson were holding their hands to their ears so they wouldn't go deaf.

''Is it too loud?'' asked Pandora,

''Just a bit'' smiled Max.

''Ok, I'll turn it down a bit'' laughed Pandora adjusting the volume.

''What music was that?'' asked Tyson,

''It's my music'' replied Pandora.

''he means who's singing this?'' asked Ray,

''Oh right, it's me'' laughed Pandora.

''You mean this is your voice, and your music?'' asked Kai,

''Yeah'' smiled Pandora.

''Wow, that cool'' grinned Tyson.

''Although I'm a completely different person when I'm on stage'' mumbled Pandora,

''You mean you've been singing…on stage…at a gig?'' asked Kenny.

''Yeah, I've been with loads of bands while they were on tour'' replied Pandora,

''What bands?'' asked Tyson.

''Ummmm, Papa Roach, Aiden, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, The Offspring, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot and Kelly Clarkson'' replied Pandora counting on her fingers.

''But how?'' asked Max,

''I subscribed to their official sites and won tickets on their competitions'' smiled Pandora.

''Just wow, your so lucky to have seen all those bands up close'' gawped Tyson,

''I know, luck has mostly been on my side'' gleamed Pandora.

''Speaking of luck, I wanna see how my luck is with battling you guys'' she smiled.

''Ok, Ready? 3...2...1...LET IT RIP!'' yelled Max.

''Go Hopper'' called Kenny,

''let's give it to them!'' yelled Pandora.

They both launched their blade into the dish, Pandora's blade span silently in the middle of the dish while Hopper hopped around the sides.

''Hopper attack!'' commanded Kenny,

Hopper hopped towards Pandora's blade but just as it was about to hit it, it moved out of the way and slammed Hopper out of the dish.

''Who's next?'' smirked Pandora,

''I am'' smiled Max.

''Ooooh, Maxie, you win this and I'll give you 5 packets of Sherbet Lemons'' teased Pandora.

''Right, 3, 2, 1 LET IT RIP!'' yelled a hyper Max,

''Let's make this quick'' grinned Pandora as her blade slammed against Draceil.

''Good defence Maxie, but it isn't enough to fight me off. Slam him!'' yelled Pandora to her blade,

Her blade obeyed and began to slam Draceil. But after a while, Pandora's blade moved towards the edge of the dish.

''We've got her now'' said Max as Draceil charged at her blade,

''Too slow'' mumbled Pandora.

Her blade moved out of the way just as soon as Draceil was about to hit it, but Draceil flew out of the dish instead.

''Don't worry Max, I'll still buy you a packet of lemons'' smiled Pandora,

''Cool, thanks'' grinned Max and walked to the others.

''My turn now'' said Ray stepping up to the dish,

''Bring it on'' smirked Pandora readying her blade again.

''3..2..1..LET IT RIP!'' they both yelled launching their blades into the dish.

''Let's outrun her'' called Ray as Driger followed Pandora's blade around the dish,

''Wanna play follow the leader do ya?'' asked Pandora.

She then closed her eyes and concentrated on her blade, it then completely turned and span round the dish in the opposite direction to Driger.

''What the?'' asked Ray as a gust of wind shot past him and towards Pandora,

It circled her a few times before combining itself with her blade. Her blade then became a mini tornado and headed straight for Driger. The tornado collided with Driger, knocking it into the tornado and out of the dish all together.

''How did you do that?'' asked Ray,

''It's a secret'' grinned Pandora poking her tongue out at him.

Ray sighed and walked to the others, Tyson the stood up at the dish with Dragoon already on it's launcher.

''Time to put you in your place'' he grinned,

''You don't have to'' smirked Pandora.

''And why not?'' asked Tyson,

''Cause it's me who has to put you in your place, sure you've been the world champ a couple of times but so what? I'm nothing like any of the other bladers you've fought against in the past, I'm a whole new type of blader'' replied Pandora.

''Sure you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?'' asked Tyson,

''I've walked the walk all my life thank you very much, and you have no idea what I've been through to become what I am today'' glared Pandora.

''Let's just start the battle, 3, 2, 1 LET IT RIP!'' called Max.

''There's no way you can beat me without a Bitbeast'' smirked Tyson,

''I seem to recall beating Max and Ray and they both have bitbeasts, what's so different about you?'' asked Pandora.

Tyson gave no answer to that,

''Or are you just too scared to get beaten by a girl?'' laughed Pandora.

''You May be a girl, but you are also my team mate, so I won't hurt you'' replied Tyson,

''Pathetic, I joined the team for some action and adventure, all I get is a team mate who can't stand up to a girl'' huffed Pandora crossing her arms.

''Fine, we'll fight wind with wind'' snapped Tyson,

''What?'' asked Pandora.

''That tornado you made during your battle with Ray, your blade must be a wind type'' said Tyson,

''Just because it was an attack, doesn't mean it was my blade's element'' laughed Pandora.

''Then what is?'' asked Tyson,

''I don't know'' mumbled Pandora.

''What do you mean you don't know your own blade's element?'' fumed Tyson,

''Like you said, I don't have a Bitbeast yet so I don't have an element yet. All you have bitbeasts, so you all have elements but I have neither'' replied Pandora.

''She's right Tyson'' said Kai,

''Kai you've been so quiet, I thought you lost your mouth'' laughed Pandora.

''What does she mean Kai?'' asked Tyson,

''Before a blade receives a Bitbeast, it can use certain amounts of an elements power, but a very small amount (ok I made that up but oh well lol). Better watch out cause if I'm right, she has another 3 elements up her sleeve'' explained Kai.

''But what ones?'' asked Tyson,

Pandora glared at Kai.

''Should've have paid attention during your Blading theory lesson'' replied Kai becoming silent again.

''Oh man, this sucks'' moaned Tyson,

'Kai thinks he's got me all figured out, how wrong he is' though Pandora then turned her gaze back to her match.

''Time to end this! Dragoon, Galaxy Storm!'' yelled Tyson,

Dragoon appeared from it's blade and unleashed a giant hurricane towards Pandora's blade. While her blade as being thrown about in the hurricane, Pandora fell to her knees holding her throat.

''What's wrong with her?'' asked Tyson,

''You should be able to answer that for yourself. If a blader has developed a certain bond between them and their bitbeasts then they become one. A bit like all of us and our bitbeasts basically, and everything the blade feels, the blader feels. Your suffocating her blade in the hurricane, so Pandora feels like she's being suffocated in the hurricane as well'' explained Kai.

''Tyson call off the match'' called Max,

''No, I'm fine and I will beat you. You've been number 1 for too long mate'' grinned Pandora standing up, her head was hung still.

She lifted up her head and looked at Tyson, she looked kinda different in a way. Then Kai saw it, she wasn't Pandora anymore, she was a completely different person.

Her blade broke free of dragoon's hurricane and slammed him to the other side of the dish.

''I call upon the elements of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. Combined your strengths to beat this idiot!'' commanded Pandora.

4 lights shot up from her blade. A red one, a blue one, a grey one and a green one. They all swirled together and charged at Tyson.

But before they could hit their target, Dragoon jumped in front of him and took the hit himself sending Tyson's blade out of the dish, but also reflected the attack straight back at Pandora.

Pandora couldn't move, she was frozen to the floor with fear. As her own attack was about to wipe her from the face of existence, she felt strong arms wrap around and pull her to the ground. Next thing she knew, she was lying on the floor with her slate haired captain on top of her shielding her from the attack. Pandora looked around the training room, to see a great big hole in the wall where her attack had hit. She then passed out, right there and then. Kai got off her and picked her up bridal style, he then collected her blade and took her back to their room. And unaware to Pandora, they took the elevator.

How was that? I hope you all like it. I Dunno why but it takes me ages to type my chapters up lol. I'll try to get better and upload more sooner but I can't promise anything. Please leave a review and make me happy.