Dedication: TenTen4Neji, xxxFireClanxxx, Quiet Wolf, Silent Devil

Summary: A sweet embrace…a tasty kiss...but for how long? She can never be with him but for that moment…it was worthwhile after all…

Kiss of a Warrior

It's been three years. Well almost three years. He is now jounin while she is still a chunnin. Two different person…yet the two are alike. Whether if it were a cut or a heart broken, they would always found each other in their arms. Even if it's midnight or in the afternoon, they would hold each other for embrace but they knew…they knew they couldn't be together. It was hard for him to love and she was too stubborn to love. They can't love and yet here they are still holding each other in the dark night

"Tenten…" he said soothingly. There's nothing she could do. She was selfish. She wanted him all for herself. She just wanted him.

"Don't…" she starts to say. She should move. It's been too long already

'Even one minute is long enough,' she thought

She starts to move but he fiercely held her

"Don't do this," His head move to her neck. Nuzzling, she whisper out his name

"Neji…" Why did he do this to her? But she enjoyed it. It was just lust. There's no love between them but of course she enjoyed it.

"Please…" she said with a pleading look but Neji kept on nuzzling in her hair. It was dark and cold but they were warm. Held together as the two broken hearts formed into one. He held her hand that made her stiff

"We can't," she said with a desperate tone in her voice but Neji ignores it. She stood still and waits for what happening next. She had to go but part of her wants to stay and the part of her was annoying

"Neji…" His breath was cold. His long hair blinds the two couple

"Don't…" Their face was so close. It happened every time. Every time when Neji's heart gets broken or the fact he's alone but he never led up to the part when they were this close. Their lips were practically touching as he closes his eyes. She couldn't. She should pull away but she couldn't. Nothing to do but did the same as him. For a minute, she could feel the kiss of a warrior. Realizing it, she pulled away

"Neji…" Her tears…she didn't want it to happen. She didn't want to fall in love with a broken man. It was just lust and yet there was love between them

"Gomen nasai," he realizes what just happened. He ran. The coward…he couldn't face what just happened. She held her knees while crying. Just as she was crying, the sky starts to cry. Under the soft rain, she remembers the taste of the kiss. It was very sweet and It all happen because he was heartbroken. What can she do? She was still in her thoughts. She remembers every moment that Neji would go to her but it never led up to this

'I'm sorry,'

The wind whispers to her. She wanted another taste. Another taste of a warrior but he was for her only a moment. With her head in her knees and great tears, she said,



A simple drabble. I'll create more if there's reviews R+R please