This was a thought I had. I have another story that I am currently writing for but i have writers block but this one popped into my head. Hope you like

Hermione Granger just happens to be the Princess of Darkness, but she never knew that. It started out to be nothing. Hermione was an average teenage witch with a past that was unknown. She always knew that she was adopted but she never really knew who her parents were until she got a letter by owl when she was going to her 7th year at Hogwarts.

St. Mungo's Adoption Reunion

For Miss Hermione Granger and her

Adoptive Parents

Hermione never knew she was adopted from the hospital of which witches and wizards go to. She was shocked. She hesitated to open the letter but she did.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

We are pleased to say that you and your adoptive parents, Julie Granger and Daniel Granger, have been invited to the reunion special of the children adopted from this hospital. It is not manditory but will be celebrated on August 28th of this year.

There she stopped. She ran to the kitchen yelling "MOM!"

She entered completely out of breath to see her mom making lunch.

"Mom? What hospital did you adopt me from?" Hermione asked, wanting to know.

"St. Johns. Why do you ask?"

"This letter says I was adopted in the wizards hospital."

"There must be some mistake"

"No mom... there isn't"

Hermione gave her mom the letter as she looked in the envelope to see for anymore papers. She found one and opened it. The minute she read it, her mouth dropped, her eyes widened. She dropped the letter and fainted to the ground.

Her mom looked at her in concern and then read the other piece of parchment. It read:

Certificate of Birth
Hermione Granger

Adopted Parents: Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Granger.

Biological Parents: Miss Genevieve Riddle and Mr. George Ranside

Her mom read the certificate over and over again. She couldn't make head nor tail with this piece of information. 'What's the big deal?' she thought

Hermione woke up to a splitting headache. "Please tell me it was just a dream" she said with a hand to her forehead and her sitting on the floor.

"Why is this terrible?" her mother asked her.

"Mom, this tells me that im not a muggle born anymore. Im a… pureblood. And im related to the man who killed my friends parents" she said annoyed by this information.

"Oh" was all her could mother say

"Yea, Oh!"

"Remember Hermione, you cant chose your family" her mother said.

"Yes I know, but im not going to this reunion. You guys aren't able to go through the portal even if. Anti muggle magic was put on it so you cant get through" Hermione said.

Her mother nodded "I wasnt going to make you anyways."

"I go to Hogwarts in a week. I'll go start packing." Hermione got up and pulled her wand out of her belt loop. Lucky for her, she was now officially able to use magic outside of school since she turned 16 last year.

Hermione walked up the stairs to her bedroom. She sat on her bed and looked at the ceiling. A cool breeze came from her opened window and calmed her. Then she saw an owl fly into her room and drop a letter on her lap and then flew out.

She looked at the letter.

To Miss Hermione Granger

1079 Oak Street, Riverhead, England

The second door to the right, upstairs

Hermione knew exactly where this was from once she turned over the envelope to see the Hogwarts crest sealed it.

She opened it hastily. She already had the schoolbook list and others, what more could she need.

She took out the letter and began reading

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

Congratulations! You have been chosen for Head Girl. You and Mr. Malfoy will meet with your Head of House at the front compartment of the Hogwarts Express to be notified of your jobs as head. After, you will have a meeting with the prefects to explain their jobs as prefects. Again Congratulations and have a great summer

Albus Dumbledore

Hermione smiled. She forgot that they choose Heads this year. She flipped the envelope to reveal and "Head Girl" badge. She reread the letter just to make sure she read correctly but then it popped out in front of her eyes, the words: Mr. Malfoy. Her smiled faded and she laid back on her bed. She lifted her wand in the air and gave it a flick. All her stuff that she was taking packed into her trunk, neatly, except The Standard Book Of Spell, Grade 7.

"Wingardium Leviosa" she swished and flicked her wand and the book lifted into her hands and onto her lap and she began reading it.

My first chapter for my first Harry Potter fic... hope you liked it... R&R