Trust in Me

Summary: When Luke finds illegal drugs in the house will the family believe it's Bo's or is someone else causing trouble for the Dukes?

Chapter 1: The Set-up

'It's just another normal day in Hazzard. So ya'll watch out, there's bound to be trouble soon.'

"Yaaaahooooo. Yeeehaaaaa."

'That there is Bo Duke and Luke Duke. They're cousins. When Luke ain't runnin' his uncle's shine and Bo ain't in school, they spend their time fightin' the system here in Hazzard County. Them and their cousin Daisy, that's her sittin' in the middle, live on the family farm with their Uncle Jesse. He's the family patriarch, and his word is law and always obeyed. Usually out of love, but never the less always.'

"I need to pick ya up today?" Luke asked Bo as he stopped in front of Hazzard County High.

"Hi Bo."

"Hey Bo."

"Hey ya'll." Bo replied smiling at the two girls from his class as he climbed out the window of their orange racin' car, the General Lee.

"Bo… Bo… BO!" Luke hollered tryin' to get his little cousins attention.


"Glad to see ya back with us cuz."

Givin' Luke a big grin, Bo informed him, "Gotta keep the ladies happy, cuz."

"Boy, you wouldn't know what to do with one of those lil gals even if'n they had directions written on 'em." Luke laughed.

"Cute." Bo said kneelin' and lookin' in the window of the car at his cousins. "Now did ya want somethin', or do ya just like messin' with me?"

"Both, but I asked if ya needed me to pick ya up today?"

"Yeah, around five. I got football practice today." Bo said grabbin' his book bag and tossin' it over his shoulder. "Damn."

"Ya better not let Uncle Jesse here ya talkin' like that, Bo." Daisy said. "What's wrong sugar?"

"I forgot my wallet this mornin'. Luke let me borrow a couple of dollars?"

Reachin' in his wallet, Luke pulled out a five and handed it to Bo. "That's every penny I got til I get paid for that run tomorrow."

"My wallet's on the dresser. Get a five outta it when ya get back home." Bo told him, turnin' to leave. "See ya."

"Did ya hear that, Fred?"

"Yeah Tommy, I heard it. Wouldn't ya know it? The one day we need the kid to have his wallet, he forgets it. Guess it'll have to wait til tomorrow."

"Maybe it'll work out better this way." Tommy said smilin'.

"How ya figure?"

"Well imagine the look on Luke's face when he opens up the kids wallet."

"Hey, yeah ya right. Come on let's go report back to the boss." Fred said laughin'.

'Ya know, I get the feelin' those boys are up to no good. What ya reckons in ole Bo's wallet that's got them so het up?'

"Hey sugar, ya gonna go and help Uncle Jesse up at still site 2?" Daisy asked Luke as he cut the General off in front of the house.

"Yeah. I just gotta go get that money from Bo first." Luke replies as he headed toward the bedroom that the boys had shared for years. Walkin' inside the room he headed over to the dresser and picked up his cousin's wallet. Pullin' the five-dollar bill out, Luke noticed somethin' else fall to the floor. Bendin' down, he picked up the partially smoked joint. "Awwwe Bo. Damnit kiddo."

'Well, now don't that just put a kink in ya plow line. Looks like them ole boys is wantin' to play dirty… now don't it. Guess we know what was in the wallet now, just wonder why?'

"What ya got there, Luke?" Daisy asked comin' in to make up the beds.

"Looks like our baby cousin has decided to do a little experimentin'." Luke stated holdin' the joint up for Daisy to see.

"Awe, now come on Luke. Ya don't really think Bo would smoke pot do ya?"

"I don't wanna, but I did find it in his wallet and it has been smoked. And he is at the right age to start tryin' different things."

"What ya gonna do?"

"I ain't sure. If it was anythin' else, I'd just talk to him or bust his tail over it and leave it between us." Luke said, knowin' what he had to do.

"Ya gonna tell Uncle Jesse… ain't ya?"

"Don't sees to where I got much choice. We're talkin' about drugs this time, not just playin' hookey or somethin'. Just think of all the things that could happen to the kid if he is messin' with the stuff. Think of what it could lead to."

Puttin' her hand on her cousin's shoulder, Daisy said. "Sugar, ya ain't gotta explain it to me. I think tellin' Uncle Jesse is the only thing ya can do."

Dreadin' the fact he was the one to tell his uncle, Luke sighed. "Well, if ya hear an explosion, it's where Uncle Jesse got so hot over this the still blew."

'Now, ya know ole Luke's feelin' lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut right 'bout now, don't ya?'

"So let me get this straight. What ya'll are atellin' me is that Luke is gonna find that there marijuana cigarette in Bo's wallet, instead of the principal?" Boss asked the two men sittin' in front of him in his office at the Boars Nest.

"Yep, we both heard the kid tell Luke to get some money outta it when he got home." Tommy said.

"You dipsticks. See I told ya Boss, ya shoulda had me do it if ya wanted it done right." Roscoe stated, smilin'.

"Roscoe, you're the dipstick. Don't ya see, this is even better." Boss said.

"It is?"

"Of course it is. Look, Luke will find it and tell Jesse about it."

"Oooh, oooh Jesse ain't gonna like that." Roscoe frowned.

"No, but he'll believe Bo this time." Boss Hogg said smilin' and leanin' back in his chair.

"This time? You mean… gook, gook, ya mean ya gonna do it again?" Roscoe asked.

"Yes, and then we'll have Bo right where we want him."

"Drivin' your shine." Roscoe said.

"Drivin' my shine." Boss smiled.

'Now don't that just explain a lot? Wonder why Boss wants Bo for a driver? He outta know Jesse ain't gonna let Bo drive for the competition. Why shoot, he won't even let him drive for him just yet.'

"Bout time ya got yaself up here. Come on, we gotta get this here shine ready for tomorrow." Jesse said to Luke as he joined him at the still site.

Now ole Jesse could read those kids of his like they was books, and he could tell that somethin' wasn't right with Luke. "What's troublin' ya boy?"

"Uncle Jesse, I gotta tell ya somethin' I know ya ain't gonna like and I don't know how to go about it." Luke said rubbin' the back of his neck.

Sittin' down on a fallen log and motionin' for his nephew to join him, Jesse told him, "Best way to do it is just to say it plain."

"Alright." Luke said sittin' down. "Bo forgot his wallet this mornin' so I gave him my last five dollars. He told me to get a five outta his wallet when I got back home."

"Whoa, slow down boy. Ain't nothin' can understand ya but a chipmunk, ya talkin' so fast."

"Yes sir. Well I stopped and got the money…"

"So that's why ya late. Well it's ok son. Ain't like ya that late." Jesse said standin' and walkin' back toward the still.

Luke stood also and finished his story. "Uncle Jesse, when I pulled the money out, somethin' else fell outta his wallet."

"What was it boy? Quit ya stallin'."

Luke reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out the joint. "This." He said showin' it to Jesse.

"This what I think it is?" Jesse asked, takin' it from Luke.

"Yes sir. It's marijuana."

"This time the boy's done gone too far. I won't have drugs in my house."

"Come on now Uncle Jesse. We don't know nothin' for sure. Why don't ya wait and see what Bo has to say about it." Luke said layin' his hand on Jesse's shoulder.

Pattin' Luke's hand, Jesse nodded his head. "Ya right son. We gotta believe in Bo and hear his side in all this first."

"Now ain't that just like the Dukes. All that evidence and still they believe in one another. That's enough to make anyone wanna be a part of that there family… don't ya think?"