Forgive me...I had to alter Gohan and Videl's ages in this without much justification. It just works better this way.

Professor Son Gohan drowsily opened his eyes in the ever so familiar, but unfamiliar surroundings he often found himself in on a Saturday or Sunday morning every week. It was normally both of those days as well. Bright pink walls assaulted his sense of sight, the remnants of posters clinging to the walls. He looked down at the 'beauty' that he shared this double bed with. He groaned; he must have been absolutely hammered.

He normally maintained some sort of decency, even while drunk, and he always went home with only the best, whatever state he was in, but last night had pushed his limits, and quite obviously found them. He couldn't even remember this one's name. Began with an E. Or was it an A? Who cared? Just gave him more of an incentive to get out of there before she awakened.

As silently as his body, as well as his still inebriated mind would allow, he slid from under the covers, reaching down for as many of his clothes as he could find. Half dressing himself, and retrieving the rest of his attire from around the cluttered room, he loosened the latch for the man-sized window, and leapt out into the brightening morning.

The cool dawn air slapped at his face as he flew, awakening his entire body in the process. Flying always managed to sober him up, it was something he had learned early in college, after his first exploits with alcohol. He hadn't enjoyed the taste a great deal, but his newfound friends were always amazed at his capacity for the stuff. His body had a far higher tolerance level than his fellow students, owing to their 'human-ness'.

His first month in college taught him so much about life, about what he had been missing in his life out in the country. At first he had attended, but remained living at home. While his fellow pupils relished the freedom from their parents, he was still stuck under the iron fist of his mother. He span some yarn about commuting to the city affecting his studies, et voila! His own apartment in the city, fully furnished and supplied for, courtesy of one Bulma Briefs, godmother to Gohan. She hadn't minded at all, she seemed to think that she owed him something, which, of course, she did, along with the rest of earth's population.

He was now twenty-nine years old, he had destroyed Cell twenty years ago, at the tender age of nine. That had been the last enemy they had faced. Gohan didn't train for almost ten years after that, but after realising Vegeta had managed to surpass him, he recommenced, if only to annoy the saiyan prince. Gohan's natural ability and strength easily allowed him to catch up to the older saiyan, and since then, he had remained ahead, dangling the carrot in front of the now ageing Vegeta.

Gohan never thought that he was owed anything by anyone for his victory, the loss of his father, who he still dearly missed, putting a dampener on the whole affair. The identity of the boy that had killed Cell remained a mystery, something he relished. He didn't want all the crap that would inevitably come with it. Even Mr Satan's efforts couldn't overrule the accounts of the cameraman and announcer, who had managed to remain conscious throughout the entire ordeal, unlike the famed martial artist, who had managed to knock himself out on the rock he had been hiding behind.

For the last eleven years, Gohan had been on an endless womanising rampage through Orange Star City. In college, they had flocked to meet the eighteen year old that was already taking a doctorate course. A genius, they had all said. The fact that word said he was the best-looking thing on campus available for the females didn't harm anything either.

The girls on his course had all been around twenty-three at the time he started, five years his senior. That hadn't mattered too much. They were all appealing to him in some way, and they had been the first to succumb to his boyish charm, and confidence that instantly shone through. He grew tired of them physically, though, and the young saiyan was always on the lookout for his next target, the next challenge. Not many had been one of those either, a challenge, things were always far too easy for him. The differences between him and the other males at the university were subtle, but they were there, and the girls saw them all.

Women were drawn to him as a moth to a flame, much to the disgruntlement of his fellows. This hadn't deprived him of friends, however, as they too flocked to be around him, always around to pick up the stragglers, or occupy those who were willing to be with another in an effort to be around Gohan. It wasn't as though he was the resident celebrity, however, and he managed to keep a fairly low profile, considering the circumstances. His existence was almost a myth upon the grounds of the university, most of the women not believing in him until introduced by one who already 'knew' him. The thought of his college reputation brought a smile to his lips, the absurdity of it had forever baffled him.

As it was, he greatly enjoyed his stint there, as short as it was. It took him only two years to achieve a doctorate in biology and evolution. Then it was a simple matter of acquiring a teaching qualification, and moving into employment at Orange Star High. He never considered becoming a university professor, his brief stint there was enough for life. At his teaching post, he had a multitude of female, teenage admirers. He exercised strict control, never even giving a pupil a second glance. None of them appealed to him anyway.

The general view of him at that school was as an exemplary role model for the children. The staff knew about his weekend exploits, but the students knew little. 'Do as I say, don't do as I do' was his general motto when it came to teaching kids the way of living the good life. He still led an honest life though, he contributed to charity, paid his taxes, and never fooled around with a married woman. He had just happened to end up in bed with almost every suitable, available woman in an entire city. Well, not quite that many, but it was a heck of a lot more than his fair share, that he knew.

So now, here he was, flying back to his apartment in Orange Star, another thing his mother had not been too happy about. She had once again felt that it would be much easier for him to simply remain at home, and fly to work each and every day. He, however, realised that this would put an instant halt to his activities, and gave her the same story that he had given her many years ago when he commenced his university studies.

He had to get home quickly, as he always paid his mother and brother a visit on Sunday, where she always forced him into a sit down meal at lunch, and a lengthy discussion about his career, and prospects about the future. The usual nonsense old people cared about. He'd never let her hear him say that one, that was for sure. The main reason he went was to keep an eye on his little brother. He had been slowly introducing Goten to the city, and the time came for the inevitable university education that would be enforced by his mother two years ago.

Goten had stayed at home to study, and hadn't been the child prodigy that Gohan had been. He was studying with people his own age, doing things the normal way. He hadn't had as much of a culture shock as Gohan had, and eased into the life at a much slower pace. He had already had a relatively long relationship of nine months, which had been broken off just a few weeks previous. This positively dwarfed Gohan's record, of an entire week, that he achieved in his first one, a girl from his first course. Hers was one of the names he could remember. She held a special place in his heart, she had been his first after all. But there were countless others whose name he couldn't remember, much like the one he had just left snoring in her bedroom.

Then, perhaps his brother would one day be able to actually settle down, and lead a steady life with a wife and kids, unlike the older demi-saiyan. Gohan had grown so accustomed to his life, he couldn't imagine ever marrying. He didn't see the attraction of it, being tied to one person for the rest of a life, such a ridiculous idea. He had never been much of a true believer in love, or maybe he didn't think that he personally was capable of it in that form. As for children, he wasn't bothered. Raising Goten had been brilliant, but he didn't think that he would ever be ready to raise his own. He didn't want kids, and he didn't have any of them up until now - he hoped. Goten could continue the Son line.

He couldn't see how one woman would be able to keep him satisfied and occupied with her for years to come. He hadn't slept with the same woman twice in nearly ten years, always charming them one night, and then sweet-talking them into forgiving him for the one night stand. He only did the latter if he was certain to encounter them again.

Returning to the luxury apartment that he lived in, paid for by his more than generous salary for his multiple jobs and titles held at school, a lump sum given to him by Bulma after graduating and the odd bit of money won at martial arts tournaments when he got a bit bored at the weekend, he changed into more suitable attire. His mother had always taught him to dress smartly, to make a good first impression, and she wouldn't even let him in her home anymore unless he was, in her humble opinion, suitably dressed.

She usually let him pass these days with a clean button up, black pants and black shoes. Anything less was a no-no. Jeans almost made her wail in agony, she really was that deranged. He threw on the required clean clothes after entering through the door. He picked up the bag that contained his dirty laundry, and left again quickly, locking the door behind him.

Running unassumingly down the street, he blended in, shooting off into the sky quicker than the human eye could see. None of them saw the twenty-something man actually disappear, they just assumed that he had darted off in another direction. Gohan had become an expert at blending in the city over the last eleven years, and could take off from almost anywhere, no matter what the situation. They hardly expected someone to just take off into the sky, did they?

Slinging the bag onto his shoulder, he set himself to a leisurely pace, following the route that he knew so well back to the countryside. The small house quickly came into view, the quaint countryside around it creating a picturesque view from his vantage point high in the air. He descended, and landed on the lush green grass that surrounded the house for miles about a hundred feet from the front door. Chichi liked to retain some semblance of 'normalness', and wouldn't allow her boys to use overtly abnormal powers too close to the home unless it was vital to do so.

As he approached the door, he reached out a hand to turn the handle, the sound of more than two chattering voices coming from inside. It was only meant to be family on this day. Having a day exclusively for family one day in every week did seem a bit excessive, even for his mother, so he shrugged it off. Opening the door, he spotted Goten's ex-girlfriend, or whom he thought to be that, sitting with Goten, now talking intimately, his mother moved away to the kitchen. His arrival had not been noticed as of yet.

"I'm here." He spoke to his family.

His mother shot around a hundred and eighty degrees. "Gohan! You've arrived. Look at that. Almost thirty and you can't wash your own clothes!" She took the bag from his grasp. "You remember Katie don't you?" He turned to the girl sat with his brother, smiling up at him. He did remember her, but he last met her over six months ago. She and Goten had been together three months. He had been surprised they had split. She was a pretty young thing, very good looking and it almost seemed as though the two were in love at the time, whatever that meant. He had never felt it.

Getting straight to the point, as always, he spoke again. "I thought that you two split up."

The two of them looked at each, gazing into one another's eyes. How sickening, Gohan thought. Then Goten spoke, "That was a mistake, a big misunderstanding. We're back together again and we're going to get married." Gohan simply raised an eyebrow at first at the revelation.

"Why? Did you knock her up or something?" He joked. The couple gave each other sheepish grins, and then he saw the small bump on the girl's belly. Goten you idiot! "That isn't the only reason that you're doing this is it?"

"Of course not. We just realised how we felt, and just brought things forward a bit because of the baby, it's pretty far along."

Gohan nodded at his brother's sincerity, giving his silent approval of the whole affair. The rest of the night was spent talking of grandchildren and weddings, Chichi getting wholly overexcited. She also questioned why Gohan couldn't settle down like his younger brother, and put an end to the meaningless flings. The woman knew of Gohan's social life, but only to a limited extent, Gohan keeping most of the details from her. If she knew, he didn't know what she would think, or do to him.

"I just want you to be happy Gohan." She told him as he was about to leave for the city, ready for another day of work tomorrow.

"I am happy mother."

"You think you are now, but do you want to be like this when you are forty years old? Alone, wifeless, childless. You'll look back to this time and you'll wonder - Why?"

"Sure I will mom." With a peck on the cheek, he was gone.

The next day was the start of another school year for the students and teachers of Orange Star High. Videl Satan was halfway between the two. She had just completed her master's degree, and was very pleased with what she had achieved. The school had welcomed her as a teacher in training, and she would be here part time for the entire year as part of her teaching course, in the hope of taking her on full time at the establishment afterwards. Teaching had always interested her, and she wanted to give something back to society. Her father had wanted her to follow in his footsteps as a professional martial artist, but she was happy enough to continue it as a hobby.

Currently, she was walking up the front steps of Orange Star High, along with the teacher who would be looking after her this year while she was at the school. Videl herself was wearing fairly conservative attire, a long skirt and white button up blouse kept her well covered. She never enjoyed being gawped at, and had been covering her body over since she entered the her teenage years.

Looking round, she noticed that it was still fairly empty, only a few students were milling about the school's grounds.

"The lazy assholes never turn up before the bell rings." Miss Kendry, Videl's guide for the year, told her, dislike of the students making itself very clear.

"They don't?" Videl questioned. The strict catholic school her father had sent her to did not tolerate tardiness, and all students arrived half an hour before classes began. They were now approaching the staff room, located down a corridor that Videl knew. She had visited the school on numerous occasions, normally for an interview with the principal, others just to be shown around. The school had been near to her father's mansion where she lived as a child, but she had never had the need to enter.

Pushing open the large, heavy brown doors, Miss Kendry held the door open for Videl. She looked around, recognising most of the faces present. She had been introduced during her visits to the school, as they dropped into the school, preparing their lessons for the year.

Her eyes stopped darting around the room when she saw a strikingly handsome man she had never seen before, sat on a desk, charming a woman with a bush of brown hair, of about fifty, whom she didn't recognise either. She kept blushing and looking down at the ground as he smiled at her. With a final word, he got up as she let out a short laugh. He stood, and turned towards her.

Videl found herself almost rooted to the spot as he smiled at her, and her stomach made leaps deep inside her. He was then gone, out of the door that they had just come through, gliding right past her, brushing her hand with his own, purely by accident, of course. She savoured the tingling feeling she still felt at the point where their skin had met, for one blissful moment.

She found herself unable to concentrate as his image infiltrated her mind. His black hair seemed as though it defied gravity, spiking up without any hints of gel. Wire-framed glasses that gave him an educated and adult look framed his dark, smouldering eyes, but his smile was almost a cheeky, boyish grin.

The sleeves to his blue button up shirt were rolled up, his collar was loose along with his tie, and there clearly had been little effort at tucking the shirt in. Despite this, he didn't look out of place, and Videl just couldn't imagine what he would look like in a suit, he seemed correct in what he was wearing. She shook her head as thoughts permeated her mind of what he looked like underneath the shirt, as suggested by his muscular forearms.

"That, my dear Videl, was Doctor Son. Just call him Gohan, he prefers it."

"What does he teach?" She questioned, his image still firmly placed within her mind.

"Advanced sciences, a bit of physical education. Plus, he's one of the deputy principals. A brilliant mind, got his doctorate at around twenty I think."


"He's got a good heart, but watch out for him Videl. He's a serial womaniser, seriously serial. I once myself found myself in the arms of 'The Doctor' a while back. Everyone woman under forty working in this place has at one time or another." She noticed the surprised and doubtful look on the younger woman's face. "And when I say everyone, I mean, everyone. Take care around him, because you will undoubtedly be his next target. And when you find him turning on the charm, I assure you, you will not be able to resist." The woman then proceeded to allow her face to take on a dreamy look.

Videl thought back to Gohan. Sure, he had possibly been the most handsome man she had ever seen, and he was a bit older and very intelligent, which only added to his allure, but she was sure that she could resist the temptation, couldn't she?