A/N: You wanted me to continue, well here it is.

Chapter 2: Back to Hell

(Adam's POV)

"Hello Adam, are you read for round two?" Said a very familiar and raspy voice.

I gasped as I realized who it was. This can't be, I thought. How could he come after me again?

I felt my hands begin to shake as I held the phone. It dropped heavily beside me making a small clatter noise. A small buzzing came out of the phone.

My breathing began to quicken and I searched around my surroundings for a weapon. I spotted a lamp placed on a night table and I quickly rushed over to it. I picked it up and kept it positioned in my hands so I could be ready when there was an attack.

I could not end up in that bathroom again, I couldn't! I thought. I won't let him take me away this time. That son of a bitch won't even get his hands on me.

I began to make my way out of the apartment, taking careful steps as I moved making sure I wouldn't make a sound. But as the door loomed into figure, the lights went out.

I cursed under my breath and grew panicky. What if I couldn't make it out of the door before Jigsaw caught me? I thought.

But I had no time to worry about that. I ran to the door and twisted the knob.

It didn't budge open.

I twisted the knob the other way and still the door wouldn't open. The door wasn't locked, I knew because the knob turned all the way around, just enough for me to know that the door was open. But I tried the lock on the door anyway and found that it was open after all.

I suddenly realized that there was something blocking the door from the outside. But what?

I seemed to just stand against the door for a while, only hearing my ragged breaths. There was no noise except my breathing and the eerie silence made everything even more frightening.

I took a step away from the door, and another. I looked around and found no light portraying inside at all. I slowly and cautiously moved over to the nearest window I could find, which was just across the room.

The curtains were closed, so I reached over to pull it open, but soon stopped myself. What if there was something waiting for me out that window?

I had no time to think about that, I had to take my chances and open that window. If there was something behind it, then I'll have to hit it with the only weapon I was holding: the lamp.

I raised my hand that held the lamp so I could strike whatever was going to attack me. I pulled the curtains apart and found that nothing scary was behind it. Instead I found thick wood nailed onto my windows with little light coming through its cracks.

I shook my head and just stared at what was before me. I didn't remember coming home to find my windows all boarded up. This had to happen at least a few hours ago.

"Shit!" I hissed under my breath. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yelled louder.

This wasn't supposed to happen, I thought. How the fuck is my windows closed?

With the only light coming from those cracks, I moved to another window. That was boarded up too, so I moved to another one, and another one forgetting that I was making a lot of noises and that Jigsaw might catch me from out of nowhere.

None of those things happened, I just moved from window to window. And all of them were boarded up.

I felt fear creep upon my mind. I couldn't seem to move my arms or legs, so I just stood there in the middle of the room watching the last window I had checked to see if it was boarded up. What had Jigsaw planned this time?

I moved backwards as my senses came back. I looked around for a hiding place. Anything was good, behind a chair, under a bed, under some blankets. Just about anything that would keep me hidden from Jigsaw.

There was little light coming into the room, but it was enough for me to see a chair pressed against the wall and a clock just above it. I had never seen that chair before nor the clock, and they seemed to stick out from all of the furniture in the room. But the only thing I could do was hide behind the chair at least.

I quickly made my way over to the chair and pushed it away from the wall so I could hide between it and the chair. The chair was soft and leathery and had a tint of red color on it. But I pushed it away from the wall anyway.

When I was done, I was about to crouch down when I noticed something attached against the back of the chair. I stared at it in puzzlement wondering what it was.

I tried moving the object away from the back of the chair, but then noticed that it was taped against it. I tugged a little harder until it came off.

It seemed to be in a rectangular shape and was gray in color. The surface was smooth and felt rough to some spots. I moved it over to the light and found out that it was a tape recorder with my name written on it.

I felt my eyes go wide and my breathing seemed to stop. This tape recorder, it reminded me of something…

"Oh God." I gasped. It just couldn't be! This already showed that I was placed in Jigsaw's games already, inside my own home! The clock, the chair and this, it all adds up. This was a set up from Jigsaw.

I felt my eyes move over to the play button and I saw that there was a tape placed inside the recorder already. I saw my thumb automatically press the play button as if it had a mind of its own.

The raspy voice of Jigsaw began to speak, "Hello Adam. You once survived one of my games. So are you ready for round two?" He said. A small coughing could be heard as he paused. "You seemed to not learn a lesson the first time I put you in my games; you didn't understand the value of your life. So what happens when you're placed inside your own home to learn the importance of life again? Only this time, you're on your own. Listen carefully if you will. There is a slow acting poison coursing through your veins and only I have the antidote for. The antidote it placed somewhere in your home securely, somewhere that you don't even know of. The clues to finding the antidote are hidden all around you. But I would be careful if I were you, those clues are not as harmless as they seem." I heard a choked laughter. "Keep in mind, the clock above you is there for a reason. You only have two hours before the poison begins to make your body bleed from inside out. So Adam, how much blood will you shed to stay alive? Let the game begin."

The tape stopped and I grew still for a moment. I heard the small ticking noise coming from the clock above me and the eerie silence that followed.

Time seemed to pass by so slowly until I rushed back to my senses. I began to curse out loud and I hit my fists against the walls in anger. There was no Jigsaw in my home; instead he had left his games behind. From the moment I had stepped in here, I was placed in hell.

A/N: Keep in mind if you're confused about some things, the next chapter might help you figure out a few things. But please review just like you did last time!