Summary: It's Beast Boy's sweet 16 and BB's wants to play spin the bottle, well what happenes when your friends from Titans East are there too?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Titans cause if I did Terra would never had died and I would be in replaces as Raven.
Quick Side Note: Terra's back for apparent reason at all. Pairing Rob/Rea BB/T Cy/BumB
It was morning time around time give or take and we were waiting for Brest Boy to come down straits, you see today's was his birthday and we prepared a special breakfast meal for him. He was turning 16 today and we wanted make sure that he had the best day he could possible have, this was after all a very important milestone in his life after all.
"Happy Birthday Beast Boy!" We all cheered when Beast Boy finally came down stairs.
"Dudes! You remembered, sweet!"
"Of coarse Beast Boy," Starfire said giving BB a bone cracking hug. "Why would we not remember the anniversary of your birth?"
" Star," he choked out and then being released. "I just figured it wasn't all that important..."
"What? Don't be stupid grass stain!" Cyborg said slapping BB's back "Just because we tell you to go away and shut up all the time doesn't need we don't care about you."
"Your apart of this team, and as a part of this team we treat you as family." I said
"Beside, even you deserve a 'happy' birthday" Raven said hugging BB.
"Uh thanks Raven, I think... So what's for today's plans?"
"Cyborg made you a special breakfast." Terra said leading Beast Boy to the table.
"And we have invited our friends the Titans East to join in the celebration!" Starfire cheered as she grabbed hold of a balloon and squeezed it until it popped
"Great, then what?"
"IT'S PARTY TIME!" Cyborg shouted.
_-T-E-E-N-T-I-T-A-N-S T-E-E-N T-I-T-A-N-S T-E-E-N-T-I-T-A-N-S-_
"An automatic toothbrush cleaner, thanks Speedy." Beast Boy putting his last present on the counter. The Titans East had came over for BB's birthday party and it was a blast, we had all got him cleaning supplies, mostly so he could clean him dirty room, while they got him stuff they thought a vegetarian would like. Bumble Bee got him and new CD player, Aqualad got him a subscription to "Vegi-Monthly" and the twins gave him um...some sort of...thing that does this thing I don't know what the hell it was but I guess Beast Boy liked it. Later after the presents were done it was time to mingle, I was off to find Raven, I knew she'd be over in the darkest smallest corner of the living room. As I was walking to find her I saw BB and Terra over on the couch, making out, over the last few months those two have gotten really close. I guess with age Beast Boy have learned to mature, while Terra has started to forgive herself. Cyborg and Bumble Bee were talking and having drinks, I think they were the ones in the a relationship the longest, as the oldest members of both of our teams it was only fitting that they were drawn to one another. Aqualad talking to Starfire, at first glance I would have picture him a homosexual, a man being that sexy and sooth had to attract anyone he wanted, Starfire didn't seem to mind either way he was great to talk to. Then I saw her, my dark angle...Raven, she was leaning up again the farthest window and looking out of it. She had a tea cup in her hand and was looking upset as usually, I slowly walked to her but before I could approach Speedy got to her before I could. I quickly around so Raven wouldn't notice me, while was behind Speedy I was able to hear what they were about to talk about,
"So Raven, what's up?" He asked
"Nothing just enjoying the view, you?"
"Doing the same thing..." I couldn't believe that bastard was making a move on my girl, well OK she's not MY girlfriend but ARG. I was going to get her but Cyborg made an announcement...
"All right y'all in honor of our little Beast Boy turning 16..."
"Little?" Beast Boy questioned
"...We have all agreed to let him pick a game we all have to play!" Terra finished
"Yes Beast Boy, a game for which we all are involved in!" Starfire cheered.
"Hmm a game huh? I got it!" He said running to the trash can in the kitchen then to the wall where and lights switch was. "You play wanna a game..." turning off the lights "I'll give you a game to play..."
"Um Beast Boy what are you doing?" Raven asked walking away from Speedy then past me.
"It's the game I chose...spin the bottle..."
"Oh hell no! There's no way I'm playing that! No way, out of the question! HELL NO!" Raven shouted.
"Oh come on Rae, it won't be so bad." I put my hand on her shoulder "Besides BB's birthday, and this is what he wants to play..."
"Well..." she said turning her head away
"Yea Rae, Robin's right, besides if might be fun." said Speedy putting his hand on her other shoulder and giving her a smirk. With that he took over her whole shoulders and dragged her over to where the game was being held. If it wasn't Beast Boy's birthday, I swear I'd kick that guys ass.
"Please how is the spinning of the bottle enjoyable?" Starfire asked
"Don't worry, Star well explain it." Cyborg assured.
_-Robin-Raven-Beast Boy-Terra-Starfire-Cyborg-_
"Okay settle down...QUITE!" Terra shouted shutting everybody up. "Thank you. Now in honor of BB's B-day, he will go first, but not before when lay down some rules.
Rule 1: What happens in the tower, stays in the tower.
Rule 2: No girl on girl NOR guy on guy. If a guy gets a guy he has to go again until the bottle lands on a girl.
Rule 3:The last person who got picked is the next one to go. Get it? If I landed on Aqualad then it's his next turn to spin.
Rule 4: And the most important rule, were all adults people, so to speak, so no awk-weird moments okay? Its a quick peak, we all work together, grow up."
"So if I was to get Raven she'd be next to spin?" Speedy asked
"Exactly..." Beast Boy and Terra agreed "Now let's get this party started!"
If the floor was a clock, then titans in the tower were the hours, and here's how it went: Beast Boy was 12, Terra 1, Cyborg 2, Bumble Bee 3, Aqualad 4 Starfire 5, Me 6, Raven 7, Speedy 8, and the twin were 9 and 10. 'There's no way I'm letting this ass make another move on Raven!' I thought as the game started, I counted the boy girl ratio and even with the twins it was still pretty even.
"Round and round she goes, where it stops nobody knows!" Beast Boy said starting the game. "Starfire..."
"I am the winner yes?" she asked
(sweat drop) Um no Star I have to kiss you now..."
(O.O) "Oh! Is this alright with Terra?" All eyes fell on Terra, apart from Raven she was the second in line with the angry problem, and seeing that Beast Boy was now her official boyfriend, Starfire didn't want to disturb the delicate nature of their relationship.
"Yes Starfire, it's the game we're playing right now, so its okay."
"Very well." she said crawling into the middle and pecking Beast Boy real fast. "Now what?"
"It's your turn..."
_-Bumble Bee-Speedy-Aqualad-Mas-Minos-_
It had been an interesting game. Everyone seemed to be kissing who they wanted to kiss, except me and Speedy of coarse, hell Raven got her share to pecks too. "Okay Bird Boy your turn.." Cyborg said after I was done kissing Bumble Bee.
"How long have we've been playing?" Raven asked.
"About 3 hours. Why, lips starting to get tried?" Beast Boy asked raising a brow.
"Shut up. Go Boy Blunder."
'As you wish mistress' I grabbed the bottle, then let it twirl, it seemed like forever before the bottle had decided to come to a halt and I finally got my wish, it was pointing at Raven. We looked at each other with blushed faces, I was more determined then ever now to give her the best kiss of her life. I gulped down and turned to face Raven, they way she was crawling to the middle of the floor was arousing, she looked like she was coming for me to give her body to me. I took to all fours and began to travel to her supple lips, it was like time stopped when our lips met, they were to soft and wonderful, I didn't know how long we were kissing for but I didn't care. I slowly lifted my hand up to cup her chin to ensure she wasn't leaving any time soon, I didn't want this moment to end. I felt my legs fold as I sat down and held on to Raven face, I used my thumbs to stroke her cheeks, then she put her hands on top of mine.
"Woo Hoo Boy Bird?" said someone, the voice slowly entered my brain, and becoming even more louder
"Dude give Raven some air already!" Beast Boy shouted at me. Shooting my eyes open I get a glance at Raven flailing her arms about trying to get lose. Letting go I threw her away and we both collapsed to the floor. "I-i'm sorry Rae! You okay?"
"Yea...just peachy..." rubbing her butt. Before I sat back down I caught a quick glance at Raven...she was blushing.
"Oooooooooooooooooooooooookay um... Raven...?"
Standing up, "Ya know I don't think I want to finish playing this. I'll go-"
"Aw come on Rae. One last time then go? Please?" Speedy begged. Her face was flustered and she probably didn't want to have another encounter like that
"Yes Raven please do not 'poop at the party' "
"Well...fine. At the end on my turn I'm leaving." We all nodded and she sat back down, Raven spun the bottle really fast and when it stopped it landed on... "Speedy".
"Sweet!" he said before crawling to Raven and waited for his kiss. The sight sickened me to no end, if I had eaten anything I would've puked. Raven crawled to Speedy and puckered her lips, he grabbed the sides of her face and smashed his lips on her neck, her eyes widened and her blush came back. I could really tell from my angle but I think he was placed somewhere near her collar bone. Speedy didn't hold her for very long, when he pulled back he gave her a smirk and got up himself.
Raven shook her head and glanced over at me but she rose up off the ground, "There... done. See you all later." she said getting up and leaving.
"All right see you later Rae! Speedy your turn!" Terra shouted.
_-Raven and Robin Forever Raven and Robin Forever_
It was around 11:00 when the Titans East decided to leave, we were standing outside the Tower's door and everyone was saying their goodbye, meaning Cyborg was making out with Bee and the twins were gawking Starfire like she was naked. Aqualad was talking to BB and Terra, but I didn't see Speedy at all. "Hey where's Speedy?"
"I think he's saying goodbye to- oh wait there he is." Bumble Bee explained as she pointed back at the door. Speedy was in the middle of pulling him his belt and fixing what little hair he had. I rushed over and grabbed his arm and brought him to the side. "Hey Robin..what's OW!" he said when I rammed him into the wall. "Dude what your problem?!"
"What the hell do you think you're doing hitting on Raven!"
"I wasn't hitting on her, I was saying good bye dumbass!"
"Starfire told me that Raven was locked up in her room, so I went up there to let her know that we were all leaving. What the frick dude!"
"Oh, so what; you don't like Raven?"
"As a friend, but I think Aqualad might like her like that. She's to dark for me, I kinda got a thing for Starfire though... Hey do you think that maybe you could-"
"She's not dark!"
"Then why don't you date her then?" I was taken back from that last comment, he was right, why didn't I just go for broke and ask her out? I let him go and went back in the Raven's room.
_-In Front Of Raven's Door-_
"Raven! Raven it's Robin can I come in?"
"Well of coarse it's you. No one else would knock on my door like it was a punching bag." She said when the door opened. "What is it, Boy Blunder?"
"I was checking to see if you were okay. You left the circle in a huff earlier"
"Thanks. I'm fine. See you later." she said turning back, before I grabbed her wrist.
"Raven, please tell me what's wrong."
Turning around fast "'What's wrong, what's wrong' You want to know what's wrong?"
(sweat drop) "Yes?"
"YOUR 'what's wrong'!"
"Wh-what the hell did I do?"
"You kissed me!"
"So? We were playing a game! What do you care?"
"It was the way you did it."
"And how was that?"
"Long and a loving way. Like how a guy would kiss his..."
"His what?"
Raven glared at me and turned back to go back into her room, "Nevermind, just go away..." She dipped inside, but I put my foot so the door wouldn't close.
"Raven, dammit answer me! What the hell is your problem?" I pushed the door open and rushed inside before the door finished closing. "Why don't you never want to talk to me about things? All I want to do is help!"
"Girlfriend." Raven dropped her hood and turned back to me, "You kissed me like a boy would kiss his girlfriend. Okay is that what you wanted to know?" I was speechless, I didn't think she was pick up on that, I honestly hoped that she mistook the long kiss as my go getter attitude.
"Forget it, forget I ever said anything about it..." Raven hood up her hood again and started to walk back to her door, she opened it and signaled me to leave
"Wait," I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall next to the door, "Did you think that kiss meant something?"
Under her hood Raven whisper her magic words, she used her powers to push me away and threw me into the opposite wall. When I quickly recovered, she was hovering over me. "No, I know that that kiss didn't mean anything. How could anyone love a demon, I'm the creepy one remember? I'm destined to be alone for the rest of my life, that's just how things are."
I heard as much as I could, I stood up and grabbed her shoulders again and smashed my lips on hers, and pushed her back to far that we were back at the wall were we started. Raven tried to to pull my hands off her her face, but I wasn't letting up, when I wrapped my arms around her waist she began to punch my chest, I grasped her arms and lifted them above her head and thrusted my belt into her pelvis. I managed to hold on to both her tiny wrist with both of my hands as I reached for her butt and felt every crevice. Raven screamed into my mouth as she bucked against my stomach, with her mouth covered she couldn't say her magic words again to toss me aside, although when she did get loose I'm sure I'd be paying for this severely later. Her movements started to die down, so she was either getting tired or given up, I knew that I was risking my health and life by taking my lips off of hers but, I took a chance and kissed her on her neck, she smelt so amazing.
I decided that if I was going to die for touching Raven without her permission then I was going to go out in a blaze of glory. I waited a few moments to see if she was going to send me to Timbuktu, but nothing came, I lifted my head up and watched Raven's reaction, she looked...wanting...