The Tejina Chronicles: The Black Book

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 4: Betrayal

Angel just stood there with an expression of shock on her face as she starred down at Lilo and Stitch. The two of them were now laughing for some reason. 'I can't believe that they did it. They beat Twister… but Stitch is far too weak, they should have never have been able to do it.' Thought Angel.

Stitch walked up to her and sat down. "What's a matter Angel, we just won you should be happy." Said Stitch as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Yeah, you could at least smile." Added Lilo as she sat down on the other side of Stitch.

Angel gave a small laugh. "Sorry, it's just that I can't believe that you two beat him. That was amazing."

Both of them gave an embarrassed smile. "It wasn't that amazing." Said Stitch.

"No, it was amazing. I've never seen an experiment fight so hard, or a human be so determined." Said Angel as she smiled at the two of them.

"Yeah well, all in a days work." Said Lilo as she rubbed the back of her head. "Well, I think we should be leaving. It's getting late and our picnic areas been shredded." Continued Lilo as she looks around the ravaged battle field.

Stitch gave a sigh. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Come on Angel." Said Stitch as he begins to walk away with Lilo walking next to him.

"I'm coming." Replied Angel as she started to follow after them.

Suddenly, all of them heard a voice call out. A voice that made Angels face light up. All of them stopped where they were and turned around. "Well, here you are… I was beginning to get worried." Said a tall black haired boy.

He was wearing dark blue cargo shorts and a black t-shirt; he also had a black backpack on. He was pretty muscular and his jet black hair came down to just above his shoulders.

"Kioko!" yelled Angel as she sprinted over to her partner. The boy kneels down and is immediately tackled by the overjoyed experiment; she nearly knocks him over. "I'm so glad to see you again, I thought you were gone forever." Cried Angel as she wraps her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

He hugs her back, holding his pink friend close. "I missed you." Said Kioko quietly.

"I missed you too." Replied Angel.

Meanwhile Lilo and Stitch were just standing there; both of them had big smiles on their faces. "I'm guessing that's her partner." Blurted Lilo.

"You think?" said Stitch almost laughing. "He looks nice."

"See I told you that she was most likely paired with a kind, caring person." Said Lilo as she gave Stitch an 'I told you so' look.

Back with Angel and Kioko the two of them release each other from the hug. Their faces were bright and happy. Kioko looks up towards Lilo and Stitch; he then looks back at Angel.

"Who are they?" asked Kioko.

Angel looked back over her shoulder at her friends, who waved. "They took me in and protected me from Twister."

"Ok well, whose they?"

"The girls name is Lilo and the experiments name is… Stitch."

Kioko eyes widened as he looked back up at the tiny blue creature. "That's Stitch? That's the experiment that you've been looking for this whole time? He doesn't look like a super powerful experiment."

Angel sighed. "He may not look like the power house that me and you both envisioned, but he is surprisingly strong. And he's incredibly kind, the girl is equally kind." Said Angel as a solemn tone started to fill her voice.

"So does that mean you don't want to fight him?" asked Kioko in an equally solemn voice.

"What makes you think I don't?"

"Well, they did take you in and gave you a warm place to sleep. They also, like you said, protected you from Twister. If it hadn't been for them you would have been a sitting duck."

Angel stopped and starred up into her partners eyes. "You promised me that you would help me win this tournament no matter what. And as hard as it may be, we must fight them. Eventually we would have to fight each other, so why not just get it over with now." Said Angel as she looked up at Lilo and Stitch.

Kioko gave a sigh. "If that's what you want, it's your choice."

Kioko stands up and looks up at Lilo and Stitch, Angel turns towards them as well. "You must be her partner?" yelled Lilo.

Kioko nodded. "Yes, I am her partner. My name is Kioko." Yelled Kioko.

"Nice to meet you Kioko. Angels really brave, you must be very proud of her?" yelled Stitch.

A big smile formed on Kioko's face. "I am proud of her, and I must thank you for taking such good care of her while I was not around."

"It was no problem, we're just glad that you two are back together." Yelled Lilo.

The smile faded from Kioko's face. "And that's why this is so hard to do." Said Kioko as he reached back into the main pocket of his backpack.

A confused look came over Lilo and Stitch's face. "What does he mean?" asked Stitch as he glanced over at Lilo.

Kioko's hand lifted from the pocket, revealing the black spell book. Lilo's eyes shot open and her mouth dropped when she saw the book. "It's her… she's the experiment with the black spell book. The one that Yin and Yang were speaking of."

"What!" yells Stitch as he looks down at the two. He sees Kioko holding the black spell book and his heart sinks. "I don't believe it, how can she be the experiment that everyone fears?"

Kioko lowers the black book down to his side as Angel takes a few steps towards Lilo and Stitch. She raises her right paw towards them, lining them up in her sight. "Angel, what are you doing?" yelled Lilo as she starred at the pink experiment.

"Stop this, we don't need to fight!" added Stitch.

"I'm sorry about this Stitch, I really am. But I must destroy you, if I do I will most certainly gain respect from Jumba." Said Angel in a solemn voice.

"But why? I thought me and you were friends… I thought we had something." Said Stitch in a sad voice.

Angel's eyes narrowed and she began to growl. "You fool; there is no room in this tournament for such relationships! Please understand Stitch? The only bond that is needed is the bond between the experiment and the spell caster. Nothing else matters, and your never going to make it through this tournament if you keep thinking that way." Angel clenches her left fist as tears begin to build in her eyes. "I'm not going to lose this tournament; I don't care what it takes... I'm going to be the top experiment. Kioko, do it."

Kioko gives a sigh as he looks up at Lilo and Stitch. "I'm sorry about this too, you took good care of her… and for that I'm eternally grateful." The black book begins to glow with an eerie black light. "Darko!" yells Kioko.

A black orb of energy appears in front of Angels paw. It grows to the size of a baseball as sparks of purple shoot across its surface. "I'm sorry… Stitch" says Angel as the dark orb blasts towards Lilo and Stitch.

In a flash the orb slams into the ground between Lilo and Stitch, causing a large explosion that sends Lilo and Stitch flying through the air. Lilo and Stitch hit the ground hard and rolled a few feet. Lilo quickly got to her knees, as did Stitch.

'How could he cast the spell, he didn't even have the book open!' thought Lilo as she starred at the two new opponents.

The blast took a lot out of Lilo and Stitch; they still had not regained their strength from their last fight. Angel shifts her paw towards Stitch, who was breathing heavily.

"Darko!" yelled Kioko.

The same black orb blasted from Angel's paw and straight towards Stitch. Stitch did not react fast enough and the small orb slams into his gut. The blast carry's him through the air and slams him into the tree. A wave of incredible pain sweeps through his body as he falls to the ground, clenching his teeth; he hits the ground with a thud.

"Stitch no!" yells Lilo as she stares at her downed partner.

Angel gave a sad sigh. "Now Lilo, please… just hand over the book. So that this can end quickly?"

Lilo gave a growl as she tightened her grip on the blue book. "You know that I can't do that Angel. You know how close me and Stitch are, I'm not just going to let you take him away from me."

Angel gave another sad sigh as she aimed her paw towards the girl. "Then I'm sorry that I have to do this." Said Angel.

The black book once again began to glow. "Darkoten!" yelled Kioko.

The same black orb appears in front of Angels paw, but this time it continued to grow until it was the size of Angel herself. The massive orb launches towards Lilo, kicking up a small cloud of dust as it went. Lilo found her legs paralyzed as she watched the orb of energy speed towards her. She closes her eyes tight, expecting the impact of the powerful attack. She suddenly feels a blast of air hit her face; she opens her eyes to a startling sight. Stitch was standing in front of her; he had stopped the blast right in its tracks.

The dark orb flattened out as Stitch pushed back on it, keeping it from blowing Lilo to pieces. "He stopped the Darkoten spell!" said Angel in shock.

"But no ones ever done that before!" added Kioko.

Stitch growled and clenched his teeth as he strained against the blast. "I had you wrong Angel; I thought you were one of the few good experiments. But I guess I was wrong, you're just another evil experiment who doesn't have any loyalties. You don't care about anyone other then yourself, your just using Kioko there as a tool for winning this tournament. If he wasn't your partner you wouldn't give a care about him." Yelled Stitch as the orb pushed him back a little.

Tears were beginning to flow from Angels eyes; Kioko sees this and clenches his fist. "No, you're the one who's wrong Stitch. Angel is not evil and she is not using me, just like I'm not using her. Me and her are friends and I promised her that I would make her the top experiment… and your not going to stand in our way!" the black book grew brighter and at the same time causing the black orb to push harder.

Stitch was pushed back a few inches. "Your not going to stand in our way either, I won't let an evil experiment like her win this tournament! So take this!" Stitch suddenly pushed back on the orb, sending it hurdling back towards Angel and Kioko.

Kioko quickly grabbed Angel by the arm and leapt to the side. The blast slams into the ground, creating a massive explosion that sends Kioko and Angel flying through the air and sliding across the ground. The two of them quickly get up to their knees as Lilo opens the blue book.

The book begins to glow as Lilo tightens her grip on it. "Now it's our turn, Punchito!" yells Lilo.

Stitch's fist becomes surrounded in the familiar blue energy as he charges full speed towards their opponents. Angel quickly gets to her feet as the black spell book begins to glow. She raises her paw towards Stitch.

"Darkoshield!" yells Kioko.

Angels paw becomes surrounded in dark energy and in the next instant a wall of dark energy appears in front of her. Stitch's fist slams into the shield, the energy around his arm and fist disperses across the surface of the shield.

"They have a shield?" said Lilo with a gasp.

Stitch continued to strain against the shield as he and Angel locked gazes. Stitch's eyes were filled with anger and pain, like a child who had been hurt. Angel's eyes were filled with sadness and regret, the two of them stared at each other for a full minute before a pulse of energy sent Stitch flying back towards Lilo. Stitch flips over in the air and lands on his feet, sliding to a stop just a few feet in front of Lilo.

Angels shield fades away as she lowers her paw. "Why did you use that spell, you know I can only use it once in battle? Now we have to wait until tomorrow before I can use it again." Asked Angel as she looked back at her partner.

"I used it because we were sitting ducks for that attack." Said Kioko as he got to his feet.

Lilo and Stitch were both breathing heavily. "Their really tough, he hasn't even opened his book yet to cast a spell." Said Lilo.

Stitch growled. "It doesn't matter how strong they are… we still have to fight them." Said Stitch angrily.

Lilo nodded. "Right, then lets do it." The book once again begins to glow. "Fisten!" yelled Lilo as she placed her fingers on the spell.

Stitch's fists begin to glow and a moment later he launches the massive stream of energy. Kioko once again grabs Angel by the arm and pulls her to the side as the blasts hit the spot where they had been.

'Actually, I probably should have saved that spell.' Thought Kioko as he continued to run from the assault with Angel in his arms.

Stitch continued to fire as Kioko and Angel circled them, tearing up almost the entire field. Soon Stitch had gone in a complete 360 degrees and now was surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke. Stitch stops and begins to look around; Lilo also starts to look into the thick clouds of dust.

"Do you think we got them?" asked Lilo as she continued to look around.

Stitch's eyes narrowed as he scanned the impenetrable cloud of dust. "I wouldn't count on it." Growled Stitch.

The two of them stood there for a few minutes watching as the smoke slowly cleared. "I wouldn't count on beating us at all!" came a voice from the dust. Lilo and Stitch look over in the direction of the voice. The dust settled, revealing Kioko and Angel, Kioko had the spell book open and it was glowing brightly. Angel had her paw aimed right at them. "I told you that I'm not going to let her lose this fight, and you are not going to stand in our way! This ends now! Toruk!" yelled Kioko as he pointed at Lilo and Stitch.

Angels faced emptied of expression as she grabbed on to her right arm. A swirling vortex of dark energy appears in front of her paw. In the center of it forms a small black orb, the orb grows slightly and then shrinks to the size of a ping-pong ball. Angel clenches her teeth and braces her right arm as the small orb pulses, releasing a massive beam of dark energy. The beam speeds towards Lilo and Stitch, tearing up the ground as it went. Lilo and Stitch had no time to react before the massive black and purple beam slams into the top of the hill where they were.

The massive explosion sends Lilo and Stitch flying through air, meanwhile Kioko closes the spell book and Angel lowers her paw. The two of them stare up at the large cloud of smoke that replaced the hill top. As the smoke begins to clear, Kioko slides the spell book back in his back pack. He then slowly walks towards the hill. By the time he reaches the top the smoke had cleared revealing the motionless bodies of Lilo and Stitch.

Lilo was barley hanging onto consciousness as she opened up her eyes. Her entire body hurt, it was a feeling like being burned by cold fire.

She then saw the blue spell book just a few inches away from her hand. She slowly began to reach for it but it was just out of reach. Her vision began to get cloudy, she then saw Kioko walking towards her.

"No… the spell book." Said Lilo weakly.

Her eyes close as she falls into unconsciousness. Kioko comes to a stop in front of Lilo scrapped and burned body, if it weren't for her slowly rising chest he would have thought she was dead. He kneels down and picks up the blue spell book; he stands back up and holds the book in front of him.

"Good, we have their book. Now lets go burn it and get this over with." Called Angel from the bottom of the hill.

Kioko did not answer; he just stood there starring at the book. He then looked passed the book and down at Lilo. 'There's something different about them.' Thought Kioko as he looked between Lilo and Stitch, who was also unconscious. 'They have a bond that I have never seen in our opponents before. A bond not unlike Angel and I have, both are determined to help the other no matter what. Very few experiments would jump in the way of an attack for their partners' safety, to save their book yes, but not their partners' safety.'

Kioko kneels down in front of Lilo. 'It would be a shame to split up such a strong relationship. It would also be a shame to get ride of such a worthy opponent. Eventually we will have to destroy them…' Kioko lifts up Lilo's limp arm and slides the blue book under it. 'But for right now, we'll let them stay together.'

Kioko stands up and places his hands in his pockets; he walks down the hill to were Angel was waiting. She notices that he does not have the blue book. "What did you do with their book?" asked Angel curiously.

Kioko gave a sigh. "I decided to let them keep it." Said Kioko as he kept on walking towards the woods.

"You did what? Why are you letting them keep it, we won, it's our duty to burn their book." Said Angel in a shocked tone as she ran after her partner.

"Look at it this way Angel, by letting them keep their book we are allowing ourselves to have a worthy opponent. Eventually, yes we will burn their book but for now we let them stay together. After all you know how close they were."

Angel gave a sigh. "I don't know if I'll ever understand you humans, but I guess your right. We should let them have just a little more time together, and let them be separated after a noble fight. When their at full strength." Said Angel as she smiled.

"Now that's the Angel I know." Said Kioko as he smiled at her.

Angel just smiled back while blushing a little. The two of them disappear into the woods. A couple of hours pass by before Lilo finally begins to wake, the sun was now setting. Her eyes slowly opening and coming into focus. She shifted painfully, lifting her self up to a sitting position. She rubs her sore head for a few moments before her eyes shot open, suddenly realizing what had happened. She quickly looked to her left, where she knew Stitch had landed. She was expecting to see him gone, but to her surprise he was right where he had landed.

"Stitch… he's still here! But how?" said Lilo in shock. She suddenly feels something under her hand. She looks down to see the blue book under her hand. "The book… its still here! Kioko and Angel didn't burn it, but why? I thought for sure that they would."

Lilo suddenly heard Stitch groan, she looked over at him to see him slowly getting up. He was rubbing his head as he slowly opened his eyes. "I'm… still here?" said Stitch in a shocked town.

"Yeah, for some reason they didn't burn our book." Said Lilo. "Why do you think they did it?"

Stitch gives a sad sigh and shakes his head. "I don't know. I still can't believe that Angel turned on us. I thought we were friends." Said Stitch in a solemn voice.

Lilo crawls over to him and wraps her arms around him in a loving hug. "I don't think she wanted to attack us, but she is determined to win this tournament. And for her that means doing things she doesn't want to do. Maybe after this fight is over, you and her could be friends." Said Lilo comfortingly.

Stitch gave a sad sigh as he hugged Lilo back. "I guess your right Lilo. Maybe when this is all over we can all live happily." Said Stitch as he smiled.

"Yeah, maybe. Well, we should get going. Nani won't be happy when she sees us like this." Said Lilo as she stood up with Stitch and the spell book in her arms.

"Oh boy, I forgot all about her. She'll make this battle seem like a little tussle." Said Stitch with a moan.

The two of them finally made their way home, where they could finally rest after such a hectic day.

Well, that's the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please review, I'll have my next story up as soon as possible. Later.