The Tejina Chronicles: The Black Book

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: Friend or Foe?

It was a typical day on the island of Kauai, the sun was shining and the warm tropical breeze swept across the land. Lilo and Stitch were walking towards the city hospital to pay a visit to Maria. It had been about a week since Yin was defeated; Lilo was hoping that Maria wasn't mad at her. They had always been good friends and she hoped that this did not sever the last few remaining bonds that they had.

"So they say she's doing a lot better." Blurted Stitch as he looked up at his partner, who was caring some flowers.

"Yeah, she's wide awake and eating well. But I just hope that seeing you won't upset her."

"Well, if you're not sure; I can just wait outside while you go talk to her?"

Lilo stopped right where she was, causing Stitch to stumble a little. "Oh no, your coming in. I don't want another experiment seeing you and causing trouble. After all, you seem to attract the worst experiments." Said Lilo in a raised voice.

Stitch just folded his arms over his chest. "We've only fought two experiments, and that's only because they knew each other. I think were done with the really dangerous experiments for awhile."

"I hope your right…" Lilo places her hand on her back and gives a painful groan. "I still ache from that tentacle spell thing that Yin used."

At that moment the two of them reached the hospital, they walked in through the automatic doors and were immediately greeted by a cool gust of air. Stitch held his breathe as they crossed the waiting room, filled with coughing and sneezing people. They finally reached the front desk and quickly got Maria's room number. They walked into the back and made their way down the sterile white hallways. They came to a door with the number 352 on it; they slowly walked into the dark room. Lilo walked over to the bad as Stitch shut the door behind them; Maria was laying there watching T.V. She had an IV in her arm and multiple bandages all over her arms.

The young woman looked over at Lilo with a big smile. "Hey there Lilo, how's it going?" greeted the girl.

Lilo smiled. "It's been great, just a little sore. Glad to see your feeling better."

"Depends on what your definition of the word better is, these doctors are doing all of these weird tests on me. I mean my god, I only had a few scraps." Said Maria in a confident tone.

Lilo gave a weak laugh. "You had more then just a few scraps. Oh these are for you." Lilo handed her the flowers, which she gladly accepted.

"Thank you so much Lilo… so why did you come and visit me?"

"Well, we wanted to see how you were feeling and I wanted to apologize for burning Yin's book." Said Lilo.

Maria raised her eyebrow. "Who's we?"

Stitch leaps up onto the chair next to the bed. "Me and Stitch of course." Said Lilo. Maria just turns her head and looks towards the window. "I hope you're not mad at us… you miss her don't you?"

Maria laughs and turns back towards them. "You know, not really. Sure I miss her a little, but I'm also glad that she is back with Yang. She was really in love with him." Said Maria with a smile.

"Yeah, it's good to be in love." Said Lilo.

"So, what else are you two going to do today?" asked Maria.

"Me and Lilo were going to go to our secret training ground and do a little training." Said Stitch as he held up the blue book.

"Good, you'll need to get stronger if you plan on winning this tournament." Said Maria.

"Yeah, Maria I wanted to ask you something." asked Lilo.

Maria looked up at her with a curious look. "Ask me about what?"

Lilo took a deep breathe. "Do you know anything about this powerful experiment that is defeating everybody? Yin said that you were attacked by it."

A solemn look came over Maria's face. "I don't know much, all I know is that the experiment is about the size of Stitch and carry's a black book."

"Well, do you know what kind of powers it has?"

"No, the only thing that I can remember is that it fired a black beam from its paw. I'm not exactly sure what kind of power it was, but I do know that is was very powerful. If you and Stitch plan on fighting it, you need to train very hard." Explained Maria.

At that moment the nurse came into the room carrying a tray of medications. "Alright Ms. Taylor it's time for your meds." Said the nurse in a cheerful voice.

"Well, we best get going Stitch. Get well soon Maria." Said Lilo as she turned and headed for the door.

"Bye Lilo!" yelled Maria.

Lilo and Stitch quickly left the hospital and started to head towards their secret training ground. They were outside of the town before either one of them said a word.

"So let me guess; now we are going to train harder? I don't know why you're so worried about this experiment, I'm sure that it's not as powerful as everyone says."

"I'm surprised that you're not more worried about this, after all this experiment is threatening your chances at becoming the top experiment."

Stitch shrugged. "I find it best not to worry; you lose your focus when you do."

"Really, you seem to worry a lot when it comes to how much we train?"

"Training is a different matter." Said Stitch.

After a few more minutes the two of them arrived at their training ground. It was the same field that they had used to try out Stitch's spells when they first meet. Shattered trees littered the field, along with many small pieces of boulders. They had left one tree standing; it was on top of a small hill in the middle of the field. Its luscious green foliage gave them shade when they were exhausted from the training.

They slowly made their way up the hill, but as they reached the top of the hill something caught their eyes. Laying there under the tree was a small pink furred creature, its paws were behind its head and its knees were raised. It seemed to be enjoying the shade, its eyes were closed and its chest slowly rose and fell. Stitch became entranced by the creature's beauty; it had light pink fur on its stomach, running from its lower jaw down to its waist. It had a white 'v' shape on its chest and had two long antennas on its head.

The two of them slowly walk up towards the creature. "Hello there?" called Lilo as she looked at the creature curiously.

The creature slowly opened its large black eyes; it looked over at Lilo and Stitch and quickly leapt to its feet. It took a few causes steps backwards. "Wh… who are you?" asked the creature in a soft voice.

"I'm Stitch and this is Lilo, don't be frightened we won't hurt you." Said Stitch in a slightly nervous voice.

The creatures' eyes widened a little. 'That's Stitch? That's Jumba's latest creation; I was expecting something a little more… tough looking.' Thought the creature as it looked Stitch up and down. 'And he has a partner, a young girl? This is definitely weird.'

"You're an experiment aren't you?" asked Lilo.

"Yeah, I am." Answered the creature.

"What's your name?" asked Stitch in a nervous tone.

"My names Angel."

"So you're a girl?" asked Lilo.

A dumb founded look came over the experiments face. "Of course I am do I look like a male?"

Stitch gave a nervous laugh. "You sure don't."

Lilo looked around for a moment before looking back at Angel. "Where's your spell book?" asked Lilo.

Angel gave her a suspicious look. "I'm not going to tell you." Said Angel as she turned her back to them.

"It's ok, you can tell us. We won't try anything." Said Stitch as he took a step forward.

Angel looked back over her shoulder at them. "It's with my partner."

"And where's your partner?" asked Lilo.

Angel gave a sigh and she let her shoulders drop. "That's what I would like to know, we got separated and I haven't been able to find him since. I'm starting to get worried."

"How did you two get separated?" asked Stitch.

Angel took another deep sigh. "It happened when we were fighting an experiment that could control tornadoes. We were winning, but in a last ditch effort they used their strongest spell and me and my partner got sucked up into a swirling vortex and were flung apart. I woke up a little while later in the forest, but my partner was no where to be found." Explained Angel as the events played out in her mind.

"That's awful, but don't worry. Me and Lilo will help you find your partner, and until we do you can stay with us." Cheered Stitch.

A smile formed on Angel's face. "Really, you mean it?"

"Sure, you'll have a nice warm bed and plenty of food!" said Stitch happily.

"Now wait just a second Stitch, I don't know if Nani will let her stay?" said Lilo as she kneeled down next to him.

"Who's Nani?" asked Angel curiously.

"She's Lilo's older sister. But I'm sure she will let you stay, after all she doesn't have her spell book. So what trouble could she cause?" explained Stitch as he placed his paw on Angel's shoulder.

Lilo gave a sigh. "Well, I guess we could talk Nani into it." Said Lilo with a smile.

"That's great! I'm sure you'll really like it1" cheered Stitch as he hopped up and down while still holding the experiments shoulders.

Lilo gave a small smile as she looked at the strange look that Angel was giving Stitch. 'Stitch is obviously excited, I wonder why?' thought Lilo with a small laugh. 'She is rather cute, but something is wrong. Something about her looks familiar.' Suddenly Lilo realized what it was. 'She looks like Stitch! Yin and Maria said that the experiment that nearly defeated them looked like Stitch.' Thought Lilo as she shook her head slowly.

'It couldn't possibly be her, she doesn't look that powerful. But it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on her.' Thought Lilo as she stood up. "Well, it's obvious that we won't be doing any training today, so why don't we head home?" suggested Lilo.

Stitch looked up at her with a big smile. "Yeah, let's go! You'll love it Angel, it's a nice big house." Cheered Stitch.

Angel gave a small laugh. "I can't wait."

With that the three of them started on their way home.

Well that's the end of the first chapter. This might end up being the last story in this series; this series is just not getting the kind of reviews that I was hoping for. But if more of you review I will keep it up a little longer. Please review, Later.