Chapter 12

As Murray drove out of town, The Eds were busy chatting about how they missed Double d. As they reached the forest, Murray parked the van and both gangs went their separate ways, Sly and his gang could hear Double d's story tomorrow. Sly's gang went in and got some rest, while the Eds stayed up and read books and magazines and told scary stories all night.

Meanwhile back at the cul-de-sac, everyone was freaked out. The Eds have been gone for days, and that both freaked out and made everyone there curious.

"Are they coming back? Do you think they're alright out there?" Nazz asked.

"Ah, who cares about them?" Sarah said.

"Yeah, they're just a bunch of dorks." Kevin said.

"Whatever you guys say." Nazz said…

Later on the next day, The Eds agreed that it was about that time to head back home. The 3 went to tell Sly and his gang goodbye. Eddy knocked on the door and Sly and his gang stepped out into the sunlight.

"So, what's up?" sly asked.

"Well, the three of us have decided that it's about time that we headed back home. So we came to say goodbye." Double said.

"Oh. Wow, you're leaving all ready? Well, okay, promise you'll come visit us some time in the future?" Murray said.

"We promise." The Eds said. As the Eds left towards the rocket car, everyone waved goodbye. Double d then turned around towards Sly.

"Sly?" He said.

"Yeah?" Sly said.

"Thank you so much for breaking out of jail, you too Bentley and Murray, thank you very much." He said.

"No problem." Sly said. Double d then left towards the rocket car, hopped in the driver's seat, and then slowly took into the air. And the Eds were out of sight in a matter of minutes. Sly and his gang then went back inside and got changed.

Meanwhile, on the rocket car, Eddy was talking about how they would tell everyone about their experience. Then Double d butted in a moment later. "Eddy, sly is a thief, if we tell how we interacted with him, then not only will he be more vulnerable to law enforcement, but someone might turn us in as well." Double d said. Eddy thought it over a minute and then considered it.

"Yeah, you're right, but I'm still going to tell about how we went to Paris." Eddy said.

"As long as you leave Sly and his friends out of your story," Double d said.

"Fine, I'll leave them out of it." Eddy said. Meanwhile…

Carmelita sat in her office, annoyed as ever. That blasted raccoon not only slipped away from her again, but he broke free that one kid. "DARN THAT STUPID RACCOON!" Carmelita yelled so loud that her coffee mug vibrated. "I'LL GET YOU, AND I'LL GET YOUR NEW PALS AS WELL!" She roared. She then calmed down and started typing furiously on her computer. She was determined to get The Eds and the Cooper gang behind bars once and for all. Soon a sinister smile spread across her face.

"Peach creek, eh? So that's where those 3 rotten kids live; perfect!" She said. "Look out, here I come!" She said as she ran out of the police headquarters and headed past a candy store. "I'll get you… AFTER I GET SOME CHOCOLATE!" She said as she walked in the candy store.

To be continued…