Quite frankly, this has been on the shelf for a while, so I thought I'd get it down, dust it off, and finish it, briefly. Not lengthly, in detail, or sexy, but sort of sweet, I hope. Bye xx.

One Night

Her knees shook. So she braced herself more firmly against the wall. Oh dear, what was he doing? Whatever it was - and she knew perfectly well what it was - it had just made her gasp, and cling to the wall for support. She felt Draco's mouth at her ear as his finger did terribly tourturous things inside her.

"Morning Ginny," he said mildly. "Sleep well?"

Dimly, she breathed. "F-fine. I see you've come around a bit?"

"Um-hmm," he agreed, running his lips over her shoulder. "Come here."

"Wha--" but she didn't get a chance to argue because Draco had scooped her out of the shower and was lying her on the floor, a huge scarlet towel spread over the floor. Ginny watched Draco expertly knock her knees so that they fell open before him, and he lent between them.

"Draco, what're you--"

"Shhh..." he said, smirking at her. "Be quiet."

She was about to huff indignently when she felt his fingers return to her centre. It was, more than anything, with anticepation that she felt a sudden rush of molten heat flood her body. She saw Draco's smile grow as he played with her gently, making her shiver.

"Will you just get on with it, Dra-Draco? Please," she gasped. "You're killing me."

He ignored her. Everything was going hazey and hot; she felt herself panting awkwardly. Things were starting to slip into a weird disconnected shimmer, so she only registered the most potent seconds - a heavy gasp there, a hot finger there, a vague sugary, syrupy smell that went straight to her head. Draco's contented laugh and self-assured murmurs. Then all she felt was mad, insane, gloriously horrible anticepation. She was hanging so far over the verge that she either wanted to jump off, or kill herself, her need was that great. Her body's reactions faded into obscurity as she begged towards the ceiling.

Warm, raging, roaring pleasure, every nerve alive, every thing else forgotten, then silence.

She blinked, coming back to herself. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and her skin was filmed with sweat. Her legs were aching from their uncomfortable position.

Draco was sitting above her, his legs parted, her knees hooked over his thighs. He was playing languorously with her inner thigh, trailing his fingers lightly over her skin. Her stomach wobbled wonderfully. Without words, she eased herself into a sitting position opposite him, and brushed her lips over his as lightly as she could.

She felt him react immediately, pushing forwards, attempting to put his mouth over hers aggresively, but she tugged herself back, not allowing him anything other than lips to be in contact with her mouth.

He moaned gently, expressing his disquiet. She chuckled into his mouth, blowing slightly. His lips parted further and his tongue darted out, but she pulled back again. Her hands slid smoothly down his bare back, fiddled lazily with the waistband of his jeans, then slid down, into his pockets.

"Ginny..." he breathed softly, and she felt his chest heave. She smiled, and pulled herself in tighter to his body, so that her chest was pressed so close to him that she could feel the cold metal of his zip up her stomach and her legs were hooked behind his back. Her swollen folds were almost, almost touching his jeans, as his hands swept firmly down her naked sides and came to rest at her hips.

Ginny slowly introduced her tongue into the kiss, and Draco, again, became more desperate, his fingers gripping her flesh, his tongue resurrecting its attack on her mouth. She didn't allow him to continue, of course, but pulled away again, for a short time.

"You tortourous swine," Draco hissed, rubbing his bottom lip across her's and feeling the friction. "Why--"

"Shh..." she grinned, and she moved her hips, rubbing herself against him. She felt Draco's breath leave him into her mouth sharply, and his waist turn.


"I said 'shh'..." she repeated, darting her tongue into Draco's mouth, and returning it before his could join it. Slowly, she leant over and breathed into his ear, grazing his lobe. When she returned her mouth to his, his tongue was there again.

"If you don't stop that," she muttered gently, "I swear I'll bite it off."

Draco's mouth closed instantly, and Ginny slipped his trousers and underwear off, before pressing her body to his again. Her lips continued to caress his, but her hands were otherwise engaged, busy slidding down and wrapping around the flesh currently rubbing inceasantly at her folds. Draco gasped heavily into her mouth.

"Fuck, Ginny," he choked, his mouth on her shoulder suddenly.

"Yes, yes, I'm getting to that," she whispered, smirking.


Draco rolled over, and had to release a long, heavy breath from his lungs to steady himself. It took him a moment to realise that he had been asleep, and that he was currently tucked up snuggly in Ginny's bed, under the watchful smile of an alighting sun. The window was open, pulling both cool, fresh air, and the sound of birdsong, into her room.

"So you broke up with Pansy then?" he heard Ginny say, though the words were muffled. He lifted his head enough to see that Ginny was the other side of a crest of duvet cover. Mustering a certain amount of strength and determination, he shuffled over and pulling Ginny to him, bundling the covers around them.

"Pretty much, yeah," he replied. "Can't exactly call myself distraught, in all honesty."

Ginny chuckled. He felt the sound reverberate through his chest. He fought the urge to sigh. Apparently, Ginny had been fighting her own battle on that front, and had lost. She groaned: a full-throated, completely satisfied groan.

Draco bit his lip. That's it, he thought. I'd had enough. Just fucking ask her.

"Ginny," he began, half way between nervousness and bravado.


He paused.

"D'you want to make this arrangement of ours a bit more permanent?" he asked, eventually.

"Like," she said after a moment's hesitation, "do I want to go with you?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

For a long, painful moment, all that could be heard was the birds and breeze, and his own nervous breathing.

"Yeah, okay, Draco," she said at last.

Draco wanted to dance. He resisted the temptation.

"Fantastic," he grinned.

"You're not so bad yourself," she laughed back.
