Disclaimer: I only own the characters and the plot which was made up by me, o-dragon. Which means that I do not, and never will own Avatar, published by Nickelodeon, and any and all of the characters... I just use them in this story, designed by me, o-dragon. I also do not own anything else mentioned in this story that I forgot to cover, and likeI said before,I only own my characters and the plot.And if I did own Avatar, I would get Zuko to fall in love with me...hehehe.

This is kind of the story to get to know my personality, but through a character. I'm not into sports, although I would love to be able to Ice Skate, and/or be an Ice Princess. But that dream's only a fantasy. I can only stand up, and even then I can barely! Also, take note that nothing of the family (that happened to the girl) ever happened to me. Just to say now.

Also, if anyone knows anything like terms and/or names for ice-skating, picture phones, and anything about ipods, I know absolutely nothing about them, so please…a little help here? I'll let you know if there are more terms I need.

Also, again, thisbegins onSaturday, September 3, 2005, and I'm writing as if the Hurricane never happened. That'll happen in the sequel, IF I write one.

My second fan fic ya'll, and I'm getting better at this each day, so hang in there!

Also, the POV will switch some. But I'll let you know when that is. It won't be in the first chapter if that's what you're wondering. If it doesn't change, you won't see what POV it is, so it will be Kabira Senghore's (the main character) and when it does switch POV's, it will go to the narrator. It won't be like this forever, just until after the first 10 chapters I think. Maybe more, I haven't decided yet. It is a little confusing, butmy writing is confusing sometimes, but not all the time. But if you're still confused, just read, and you'll get it. If not, just ask, and I'll explain again.

That's all, which means onto the story! Enjoy!

CHAPTER 1- Kabira Senghore

"And up next, Kabira Senghore, representing Alexandria, Louisiana, on the ice." I breathed in and out deeply as the announcer said this. I tried to relax, but it was useless, so I just got out there and did my best. All the twirls, jumps, spins, and the crowd soon got me into action. Iquickly found the rhythmof the music, and i gracefully flowed with it, instead just going through my routine again. The music picked up and I did my final jump/spin. I landed it gracefully, and I nailed it! That was the best part of the competition. The second best part was when I got 2nd; by the way, it was the nationals!

That night, my whole family and all of my friends were at my house to celebrate. The men soon had gotten drunk by 9:00, and the party started at 7:30. I hated it when they did that; they always acted so obnoxious! My brother was soon trying to imitate me on the ice, so I went upstairs with my best friend, Mosho, (real name: Brittaney, but she was ashamed of it because of Brittany Spears, so I renamed her "Mosho"), and we were soon talking about the boys at school. I was in a protest about drinking and being drunk, and it was the loneliest protest ever in the history of history.

Not only did I ice skate, I had a blue belt in my Tai Kwon Do class at school, and I was a dancer. On top of all that was my schoolwork, but I had managed to getA/B Honor roll every month so far in my junior high and high school career…and I was a sophomore. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

All my friends always ask how I did it all, but all I say is, "I just do it". Plus I love to do it. But I do have fun. For instance, I like to go sailing, swimming, and rock climbing, which I was excellent at. I did have muscles in my arms, but I usually wore long sleeved shirts. Why? I don't like showing off, or showing my arms for that matter. But at the beginning of September, with the heat, I couldn't really wear them, so I had no choice but to wear short-sleeves.

The party was soon over by 2:30 am, much to my displeasure. But, thankfully, tomorrow was Sunday, so I could sleep as late as I wanted. Hooray for sleep! But, I didn't get to bed until around 5; I knew I'd sleep until 3 tomorrow. Thankfully, all of my homework was done.

The reason for my late bedtime was the fact that I wrote in my journal until like 4:30 withthe radio, and then I fell asleep. My two saviors: writing and reading. Tonight's story was about Avatar, just like always. I loved that show! It was my favorite, even though I was almost 16. People just have never understood the need for people (me)to be who they were, and not someone else. "Don't live up to other people's expectations, live up to yours" was one of my "famous" and favorite sayings. And that was what I was doing, being myself. "You don't like it, either get over it, or live with it" another one of my "famous" sayings. And I liked Avatar, so I was content. But I did wish I couldhave a better life…

I soon fell asleep.

The next day was Sunday, and since I slept in to my estimated time, I just stayed on the computer for the entire day. The next day was Labor Day, which meant no school, and we also had another day off on Tuesday for some strange reason, but it was an extra day off, so I didn't really care. And so on Monday, we went sailing!

I packed my water-proof backpack, or as I like to call it, my bp, with my ipod, three sets of clothing (we were spending the night on the boat, and so I packed two outfits to wear (and also, both of the first two outfits would get wet within the first day usually, so I would have barely anything to wear for the next day), my journal to write in, a towel, sunscreen, a brush and tooth brush with tooth paste as well, my picture phone, and a bathing suit. I also packed my green-stone necklace to wear later. But of course I was wearing a bathing suit under my clothes as well.

I was already to leave when it came time, except for one thing…

"Kegan! You know I can't take you!" I pleaded with my adopted raccoon. I had "adopted" him when I found him barely alive next to his dead brothers, sisters, and mother. I had taken him to Animal Control, but they asked if I could take care of him from my house. I knew I had everything else to do as well, but I said I would, and so he's been staying with us for almost two months now. "Besides, Mosho will come and check on you later." I hugged the baby close to me, and he struggled, but I kept on. It was tearing me apart, leaving him like this. My family waited in the car, honking the horn. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you." I let him go and put him in his carrier with plenty of food and water. "Bye-bye, K!"

I left him and went and got into our red convertible mustang, throwing my bag between my feet and buckled up. Thankfully I was near the window seat, and the top was down, so my tears could be dried. I wiped those away myself that didn't get blown away, and kept staring. The sad part was, no one even noticed.

If you've gotten this far, please review, and if you don't, I'll pester you until you do! lol Thank you if you do, and if you do not, well, it's your loss, and mine...