Chapter 1- Ginny's Decision

"Ginny you know it's the only way"

Lucius Malfoy's cold grey eyes seemed to mock the frightened looking redhead he had under his control.

"The most powerul wizard that ever lived agrees with me"

Lucius ran his cold pale fingers along the fine contours of Ginny's face. The small thin woman shuddered at his gentle suggestive touch.

Lucius Malfoy repulsed her.

" Ginny, Ginny, Ginny you are a foolish child there are only three options for you. You can have it my masters way, or you can let those you love suffer and die or of course you can have it my way."

His hands slid down to her slim supple arms which were tied rather crudely along with her legs to the chair on which she was sat.

He eyed her breasts and inched his hands up the bare flesh of her tanned arms, and over her smooth shoulders.

Ginny Weasley still said nothing to her kiddnapper's mocking remarks.

For a moment frustration and fury coarsed through his veins, why wouldn't she rise to his taunting and mockery?

Lucius Malfoy paused with his strong hands encircling the trembling girl's slender neck.

The moment passed Lucius Malfoy was again calm.

Instead of throttling the annoying girl he resolved to crouching in front of the startled redhead to try a different tactic.

"So my dear do you choose myself or my son to be your future groom"

He paused

"at least my son is not thirty years older than you, I suppose that is to your advantage."

"Why me?"

The girl spoke for the first time in the four hours she had been imprisoned.

"Why you? Ha well Dumbledore will not permit the death of the children of nice little Ginny Weasley.

My son or, if you should wish it, myself, would be most pleased to have heirs with the power and motives of the dark Lord yet the protection of Dumbledore himself. a most clever idea of my master's"

Ginny Weasley let out a small sob as tears of indignation and injustice slid down her beautiful face.

" Oh don't cry weaslette. You'll only have to produce two heir's before you're eighteen that gives you two whole years and if you choose me too assist you in that business well we can get started right now lovie, well I can't promise I'll wait very long I am a man and I can't wait to have full access to your young virgin body."

At this point Lucius checked again that the dark prison cell was empty, he didn't think the dark lord would approve of what he was about to do.

Lucius reached up to Ginny's long, sleek, fiery, red hair he stroked it and then proceeded to lean forward so that his mouth brushed Ginny's neck, his hot breath played with the loose locks of her hair that had fallen around her neck.

He lowered his mouth onto her neck and sucked her flesh gently.

Ginny's silent tears came thicker and faster.

He raised his head and made his tongue dance over the delicate sworls of her ear.

"Mr Malfoy you are married"

"Dear me you are innocent, Narcissa fulfilled her duty, to produce me an heir, the Dark lord agreed with me, her body resides in Malfoy Manor, the bin in the salt cellar a perfect place for that whore's body. I think there are precisely seven axe blows on her body a crude but effective method. Ahhh a tragic way to end a life but in truth she was becoming tiresome"

Lucius Malfoy Whispered into the defenceless girl's ear

"Anyway enough about me, decision time. It's your choice. Draco, Me or your family dead"

With one word Ginny sealed her fate going back was no longer an option the war of good and evil was over her only true love didn't love her back, Harry didn't love her, he had left and no one had seen him for over a year. Voldemort reigned Ginny had nothing to lose.
