Chapter 1- Murder

Raining…Raining again. The setting outside said so as First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, the Gun Alchemist of the State Military was staring outside the glass window.

'Nothing…' the word echoed in her mind. Just by staring out the glass window that was stained and tainted with raindrops, words just come flowing naturally.

'Nothing good ever happens when it rains… only terrible things…' she thought. It was true, wasn't it? Terrible things and events happen when it rains. And what's worse? Bad memories and pasts just play back in your head like it was coming from a projector. Is it the rain's fault? A voice asked her. Is it the rain's fault that unforgettable dark pasts come to you just by the sound of the ringing in your ears, the humid feeling… the sight of the falling down towards both concrete and grass?
'Maybe, maybe not... I'm not sure…' Riza responded the voice in her head. But the voice couldn't reply any longer as rushing footsteps, noises and barks were heard running towards her office.

The door burst open as Black Hayate slid through the open door slot he jumped into his mistress' arms. Colonel Roy Mustang (AN: I know he became the Brigadier General but still… I want Hughes to be here and not that jackass, Archer. Plus… I like Colonel… sounds better… ;;) came in, looking furious, was glaring daggers at the adorably cute animal. His fingers were at snap position, ready to burn while the others seemed to be carrying wet important papers. His mood changed to a straight calm face at the sight of Riza.

"Colonel, may I know why you're chasing my dog?" Riza asked, her tone made grudgingly at the sight of her superior. 'Death' and 'Kill' were the words that were written in her face.

"Your damn dog pissed on the paper work I just received from the Fuhrer!" Roy roared as he raised his wet papers up. Riza however, simply ignored him, stroking Black Hayate's fur gently. Said Colonel gave a heavy sigh and straightened up, giving his serious face.

"Listen… Riza… if it's about last night… it's not what you think!" Roy said, looking somehow desperate in front of his possibly ex-lover. Riza constantly ignored Mustang's excuses.

"Riza damn it! Just listen to what I've got to-" but Roy was cut as Riza placed Black Hayate down and gave Roy a huge slap in the face. Roy's eyes widened as he touched the slap mark with his gloved fingers. Riza however, was trying to hide her face desperately and her inner feelings from Roy. It was difficult, for there were tears threatening to fall down.

"LOOK! Just because I'm one of your subordinates doesn't mean you have to TREAT ME LIKE A DOG! I ANSWERED TO YOUR LITTLE 'DATE' OFFER AND THERE I FOUND YOU WITH ANOTHER WOMAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE I TOOK YOU SERIOUSLY WHEN YOU SAID 'YOU LOVED ME'!' she screamed at the top of her lungs. Roy just stared at her speechless. Riza, who was always calm and had a straight look, was angry and furious at him for a misunderstanding. To make matters worse, Hughes arrived and was there for the whole conversation.

"Ah… so how's my favorite couple?" Riza groaned loudly at Hughes' remark and was already at the edge of killing both military officers. She just approached Hughes and pushed him.

"Hughes, why don't you talk to your 'best friend'? I'm sure he never cheated on you before." Riza's tone was sarcastic as she pushed Hughes and ran away from her own office. Black Hayate was chasing after his mistress, being the loyal and faithful pet he was.

"Is there anything I can do, Roy? Hughes asked.
"Shut the hell up, Hughes." Roy muttered as he dumped the wet paper work in Riza's rubbish bin. He began walking towards his office with Hughes on his side.

"How hurtful! After all, I am your best friend! Do tell; I'm actually pretty good at matchmaking. In fact, I know the perfect girl for-"
"Shut the HELL UP, HUGHES." Roy's temper was raging inside him, bottled in one small glass orb, ready to break.

"All right, All right… another time then. How's about I show you another of my daughter's pictures! Look, Isn't Elysia adorable! She even calls you Uncle Roy-Roy! Once you see her face, you just can't say no to her!" Hughes was shoving what seem to be a million pictures in the front of Roy's face. Roy lost it and began snapping his fingers. There were bursts of flames as Hughes dropped the burning pictures, watching it fall and turn to ashes.

"Roy, you should be ashamed-"
"JUST FUCK OFF, HUGHES!" Roy screamed. Every military officer, who was in the same corridor, just stared at both superiors. Roy, who realized this, stormed off.

Roy locked the door and collapsed in his 'bed' which was actually a sofa. He stuffed his face in the pillow, stopping tears that were threatening to fall. There was too much stress in him.

"I must be a real jackass…" Roy laughed at himself as he rolled over. He hurt Riza after all. She accepted his offer to a date and there she found him with a woman who he saved from some thug, kissing him. He could have pushed her or something like that. But instead, he had to be an ass and just let her. Then he hurt Hughes, who was just trying to help him. Not to mention he burnt his precious pictures.

"I've got a lot to do…" he muttered to himself as he unlocked the door and headed for Hughes' direction.

Riza slammed the door to her apartment and collapsed on her bed in tears.
'Roy… that bastard…' she thoughts over and over…

'Should you really blame him?' a comforting voice asked in her mind.
'Yes, I have the right to.' Riza told the voice, frowning. 'That sorry ass excuse for a colonel…'
'But the man changes lovers every night. You knew that, right? He's a one-night stand.' It said. Riza couldn't answer to that. She KNEW.

They weren't even supposed to be in a relationship. The law stated that a military man or woman aren't encouraged or obligated to marry another military officer or vise-versa. It was an exception to people like Hughes. His wife was never in the military.

'You could be like the rest of them. You can only have it on with him for one night and then he'll throw you away and play with the next one. What makes you different from all the rest?' a darker tone said. Riza ignored this and threw the pillow she placed creases on, on the floor. She stood up. Black Hayate was surprised that her mistress recovered so fast.

"Shut up. I'm heading to Roy-Work… and just deal with everything that bastard has to put me up with..." she said in her mind and headed off. She grabbed her coat with the assistance of Black Hayate and left. Black Hayate wagging his tail cutely as a sign of good luck.

"Listen Hughes…"
"I know, I know… you want to cast inferno in all my beloved pictures again, don't you?" Hughes has his nose on high as the Colonel came in to give his apologies.
"Hughes, I'm sorry. I was an ass. I was just so… upset and things went a bit out of hand. If there's anything I can do…" Roy stopped as Hughes raised a palm.

"Why, Uncle Roy-Roy! There is a way!" Hughes said delighted. He somehow managed to make an imitation copy of Roy's trademark smirk. Roy didn't like the looks of it.

"God Hughes. You've wasted a hell load of film on this."
"Pictures like these are never a waste, Colonel! They're priceless!" Hughes was in a state of glee. Roy's action for atonement was actually sorting millions of pictures of Elysia to separate boxes with Hughes, who was enjoying it. "Isn't this fun!"
"Yeah, it's fun." Roy muttered sarcastically. Suddenly, the door burst open and Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc was storming in, intruding the session.

"Colonel, Hughes, urgent report." Havoc panted for breath. "It's a murder on a state officer."
"It's probably Scar." Said colonel said towards Havoc. Havoc shook his head as he gave the report. Hughes and Roy read it carefully, their eyes widening.

"It's not a normal murder, Colonel. It's about… Riza…" Havoc tried to place the words together. Havoc of course, is one of the few who knew of the secret relationship.
'No please… not Riza…' Roy's thoughts were begging for her safety.
"What the fuck's going on!" Roy grasped Havoc. "What the hell! Where's Riza! What happened!" he shook Havoc. The colonel couldn't even think straight over the situation. Hughes helped Havoc out of Roy's grasp.
'If anyone touches her…' Roy swore in his head.

"No man. Riza's okay. It's just…" Havoc walked off, escorting his superiors towards the car that will drive the three to the scene.

Photographers and news reporters of the Central Times, along with other civilians crowded the scene as Military dogs surrounded the area. The car stopped as Roy, Hughes and Havoc drove to the scene. Roy stepped out, looking around for any murder. And there he saw it. The three officers stared at the dead corpse that was covered in blankets.

"That's not all…" Havoc pointed at the sign in the wall that was written in the victim's blood. Hughes and most especially Roy were in the state of shock as the glanced at the warning demand.