Warning: Very crappy lime-ish thing in chapters.Slight OOCness. Language maybe.

Disclaimer: I don't own it!

So anyway, I edited the firs 2 chapters to my best advantage. Notice anything that bothers ya? Tell me!

Chapter one: the tape

Shuichi Shindou, famous lead singer of his band, Bad Luck, happily entered the airport next to his boyfriend, Eiri Yuki. Behind him, he dragged his gigantic, over stuffed, suitcase.

He and Eiri were going on a vacation, where? Shuichi had forgotten, but it didn't matter, the fact he got Eiri to come with him was the best part to Shuichi.

Eiri Yuki, famous romance novelist, was not happy. He was pulled away from his precious laptop to go to Florida, America on a "relaxing vacation" with Shuichi. How the hell do you have a "relaxing" moment with the pink-haired punk? Only god knew. But the blonde's biggest question was how he was even dragged into this?

Flash back

"Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuki! I'm home!" Shuichi yelled in a singsong voice. He quickly kicked off his shoes, closed the door, and ran into Yuki's study. And in a flash of a second, Shuichi, ran, turned Yuki's chair, and pounced him.

Yuki, finally coming out of being stunned, pushed the pink-haired baka off of him, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Go away, I need absolute silence!" Yuki yelled, aggravated. Standing up, he grabbed Shuichi by his red sweatshirt, and dragged him out of the room.

Before Yuki could close the door, Shuichi was back in, in yet another flash, and looking at Yuki shyly.

"Yuki, I have something to ask you..." Shuichi said, averting his eyes to the ground, finding great interest in his shoes.

Yuki stood impatiently, becoming more annoyed by the second. His brain was in writing mood; all he wanted to do was write, ideas swarming in his head, waiting to be released, but yet are being trapped by the absence of a keyboard under his fingers.

When Shuichi made no attempt to continue, Yuki spoke up.

"Well? What is it? What's so damn important?" Yuki snapped, folding his arms.

"Well...I was wondering...if, maybe..." Shuichi's hands fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt as he thought of a way to state his sentence.

"What is it?" Yuki yelled, his patience running thin.

"Yuki, I was thinking, maybe, how about we, go onavacationtogethertoAmericanextweek!" Shuichi said as fast as he could.

Yuki looked at Shuichi puzzled for a second, deciphering Shuichi's words. And even without a blink, Yuki turned back towards his computer, and simply stated:


Shuichi's eyes became big, filling with tears. He reached out and grabbed Yuki's right hand, like a five year old.

"B-but Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuki! Noriko-san said it would be really good for us! She even gave me this booklet thingy, and everything! Oh please, please, please, PLEASE YUKI!" Shuichi cried, pulling out the brochure and held it in front of Yuki. The novelist pulled his arm free of the grasp and continued to walk towards his computer.

"I said no. Besides, trips like that take time of planning, and getting passports and things like that, it would certainly take more then a week-" Shuichi threw the brochure that had written on it "Florida" in fancy lettering, at Yuki's, stopping him mid-sentence.

"No need Yuki!" Shuichi said happily. Yuki only glared.

"What do you mean, "no need"?" Shuichi grinned from ear-to-ear.

"Seguchi-san, and Noriko-san have already done that for us, they did it a while ago. In fact they have the whole trip planned out for us-"

"They WHAT!" questions were running through Yuki's mind, instantly replacing all writing ideas. WHY was Seguchi, and his band-mate planning a vacation for the two, and WHY hadn't he been informed, and- Yuki sighed. When it came to Seguchi you never really do know his reasoning.

"My answer is still no, brat. I have a deadline coming up anyway." Yuki said, finally sitting down at his computer, trying to pull back his lost train of thought.

If possible, Shuichi grin grew. He jumped in Yuki's lap yet again.

"That's already taken care of Yuki! Noriko called your editor and had the deadline postponed for 3 months!" Shuichi chirped, hugging Yuki tightly. Yuki was in utter shock; what was the meaning of this!

With a growl, Yuki's arms reached past Shuichi's form, so he could type.

"My answers still no, brat. Now get off me so I can type." with that, Shuichi smacked Yuki's arms away from the laptop. He then hoisted himself onto the desk, and glared at his lover. Shuichi's right hand reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Thumbs ready to dial.

"Yuki Eiri, you will go on this trip." Shuichi said with all seriousness the hyperactive singer could muster…which wasn't very much.

Yuki made a glare to match his lover.

"And what makes you so sure about that, brat?" Shuichi smirked evilly, closing his eyes.

"Because…I have back up. If you say no, then I'll invite Tohma over for dinner, for every night of the week when we're supposed to be vacationing." Shuichi said in a sadistic voice, opening his eyes.

Yuki's eyes widened at the mention of "Tohma" and "week" slapping him in the face. He could only imagine the horror.

"You…you wouldn't." Yuki replied, daring Shuichi, who intern, pressed down on the cell phone numbers.

"Oh…I would. As much as I hate him, if I suffer, so do you. Now its your choice; either you go on this trip with me, with absolutely no complaints, or I can just, you know, let my finger slip and press "dial" on this here phone and ask Tohma over for dinner." Shuichi smirk grew. He was winning and he knew it. Having power like this was oh so great.

Yuki whimpered; the pink haired punk had down it; he had backed him into a corner with absolutely no escape. He had, for once, outwitted Yuki. Either way, he was going to suffer. The horrifying image of Tohma's optimistic smile lingered in Yuki's mind…with a whimper, Yuki relied:

"Fine…we'll go on this stupid trip."

End flashback

Ah yes, that's how it happened. He had been threatened by the disturbing presence of Seguchi Tohma at their apartment for a WHOLE WEEK. So now the poor blond novelist was on a plain, to a little (large) place in Florida called "Disney world"… damn Seguchi.

Yuki waved over the flight attendant, asking for another drink. Little did he know, it was only one of many more that would come of this trip…


Yuki swiped the key card through the door lock, and pushed open the hotel room door. He only bothered to look around for the bed, upon finding it, he instantly fell on it. It was 9:30 pm American time, and it had been HELL getting here from the airport.

After exiting off their plain, Yuki and Shuichi went to baggage claim to do the obvious, but after 30 minutes of waiting, they were unable to find any of their luggages. THEN after dealing with to equally frustrated and rude staff members, the couple was able to find their suitcases. But obviously not in a timely enough manner; they had just missed the shuttle that was supposed to take them to the rental car place. After waiting another 15 minutes, they caught the next one and went. If you thought things couldn't get worse, you are terribly wrong.

After many loud shouts and unneeded obscenities Yuki had finally got it through his head that the people at the "rent-a-car!" had "accidentally" handed out Yuki and Shuichi's car to the wrong person. So NOW they were stuck with a ratty old mini-van. After finally getting out of "rent-a-car!" Shuichi had, out of all the stupid things he could do, read the map upside down.

After finally arriving at the hotel, Yuki had learned to his horror, that the hotel Seguchi had planned for them, was a No-Smoking zone. Great.

SO after 5 and a half hours of pure hell, lack of alcohol, and not one cigarette, Yuki had every right to be tired, irritated, and on the verge of killing.

Yuki could hear Shuichi shuffling around the room. Sounds of bags unzipping, draws opening and closing, and Shuichi's faint tiptoeing filled Yuki's ears as he was starting to doze off.

Shuichi undid the knot in Yuki's shoes, and slipped them off. He considered undressing the tall blonde, but erased the thought. He pulled the sheet covers out from under Yuki, and gently placed them up to his shoulders.

"Yuki?" Shuichi whispered quietly, kneeling down to the floor by Yuki's side of the bed.

"Hmm?" Yuki cracked open one eye to look at Shuichi, only to be greeted by a video camera in his face. Closing is his eyes again, Yuki sighed.

"Shuichi, why did you bring the video camera?" he asked tiredly.

Shuichi smiled brightly as he continued to film his sleepy lover.

"Because, Hiro said it would be fun to film the vacation. Every little bit." Yuki sighed once more.

"Yuki…. umm, I'm really sorry that our vacation started out so badly."

"Hmmph." Yuki stated like a 5 year old. Sorry wasn't good enough.

"And if there's anything I can do to make things better, I will!" Shuichi said in panic. He really wanted them BOTH to enjoy this trip.

An evil smirk crept across Yuki's face.

"Anything, you say?" Yuki asked, emptying himself of all sleepiness, no matter HOW tired he was always awake enough for fun with his little Shu-chan.

"Yah! Anything! I'll give you a massage…or, or I'll let you go on whatever rides you want to go on first tomorrow! Or I could-" Yuki grabbed the collar of Shuichi's shirt, silencing the boy by pulling him into a kiss. Shuichi's eyes widen in realization. He set the video camera on the bed stand next to the lamp, and climbed into bed next to Yuki.

Next morning

Shuichi whistled happily as he tied his shoes the next morning. Things today could only go good. In fact, Shuichi had a feeling the rest of this week would be great.

Looking next to him, he noticed the video camera on the bed stand…the red light still flashing, signaling it as still recording.

Out of pure curiosity, Shuichi grabbed the camera, pushed "Stop Rec." and then hit "replay". Shuichi watched through the screen, as Yuki's tired face from last night popped up, and it continued into the conversation, and then…Shuichi immediately blushed. He had forgotten to turn it off! The whole thing, EVERYTHING he and Yuki had done last night, was caught on tape.

"Now was taping our sex part of Hiroshi's brilliant camera idea too?" Shuichi jumped and turned to find Yuki had been looking over his shoulder.

"I-I-I-I thought you were in the shower!" Shuichi stammered, blushing like mad.

"Well I'm not right now, am I?" Yuki said, drying his hair with a towel. He wore nothing but a pair of black boxers.

Turning away, Yuki started to walk back towards the bathroom.

"So was it Nakano-sans idea?" Yuki asked, about ready to step on the cold white tile of the bathroom.

"NO!" Shuichi shouted nervously.

Yuki looked back at Shuichi with his famous smirk.

"You're idea then? Very kinky of you Shu-chan." Shuichi's face went beat red.

"No! It wasn't my idea either! I just, well forgot to turn it off, before, well, you know…" Shuichi looked down, shuffling his feat. Yuki laughed, closing the bathroom door behind him.

Later the next night-video camera on-

Video camera's POV

Shuichi held the video camera to white sheets as he moaned under Yuki's wondering hands.

"Yu-Yuki…" Shuichi panted out as his lover entered him slowly.

The video camera saw the sheets ruffled, and heard the pants and moans of the two lovers, who were still hidden from its sight. But the recording device did see Shuichi's right leg bent, knee pointing to the ceiling, in the middle of Shuichi's legs were Yuki's long legs moved slowly with the rest of his body.

Suddenly Shuichi brought the camera to the pillow, giving the lens a side view of Shuichi's sweating face, and Yuki's blond head, which was hidden, at the bottom of Shuichi's neck.

The moonlight landed poetically on the two, making the whole situation more beautiful for Shuichi. This wasn't hard, fast sex, this was…well nice. Love almost…almost.

Yuki brought his head up from Shuichi's neck, and kissed him lovingly on the lips. In return, the singer's left hand tangled itself in Yuki's hair. Pulling back Yuki looked into Shuichi's violet blue eyes. He smiled at his smaller companion, one of those rare smiles that Shuichi loved so much.

"Yuki…oh…gods…Yuki I love you…" Shuichi panted as Yuki began to speed up is pace.

Yuki brought his left hand up to Shuichi's, pulling it off of his head. He entwined their fingers and continued to gaze in his lover's eyes.

The video camera was pulled from the pillow, to in-between the two, getting a good shot of Yuki. Yuki's once calm smiling face turned into a frown, his eyes narrowing.

"G-get that…out of my face…" Yuki stuttered in-between pants.

Shuichi's moans began to increase as he neared the highest stage of pleasure. Yuki's eyes closed, as he allowed his body to move faster, trying to fulfill his and Shuichi's need.

"Yu-ki…I love you…so much…" Shuichi cried out. So close…

Yuki opened his eyes, looking in the camera …or was it Shuichi? Yuki's golden eyes looked at either of the two, full of something Shuichi never saw a lot. Full of the love Yuki always forgot to show, full of the love Yuki didn't believe he had.

"I know…" with that Shuichi's hand brought the camera to his side, dropping it, leaving the camera with yet another side view/

"Yuki!" Shuichi cried out, reaching his climax, both arms grasped tight around Yuki's shoulders.

Yuki moaned, as he joined Shuichi in level of pleasure.

Collapsing on top of the small boy beneath him, Yuki's hand traveled through the tangle of sheets to find the camera. Grabbing it, he hit the "Off" button without giving it a single look.

Earlier that day

Shuichi sat across from Yuki in the dimmed light restaurant. He looked at his lover worriedly. Yuki just continued to read the menu.

"Yuki?" Shuichi called out for the billionth time that day.

"Hmm?" Yuki replied without even looking up from his menu.

Shuichi looked down at his lap. Yuki was mad, very mad.

Shuichi thought that day would be a good one. He had thought nothing would go wrong, but oh, how wrong HE was. Things just seemed to be getting worse! Yuki losing his wallet, crazy obsessed fan girls stalking Shuichi, watching his every move, an all to obvious homophobic police officer pulling them over, and the list just got worse! Shuichi had no doubt in his mind that Yuki was mad at him for dragging him on –in the words of Yuki- "stupid vacation". When Shuichi heard that his heart broke. All he wanted was for a happy, fun, romantic week. But no, it was hell.

After ordering and eating dinner and driving back to the hotel, Shuichi had persistently insisted they go on a quick walk along the beach. Finally after many tears and pouts from Shuichi, Yuki agreed.

So the two walked along the water.

Shuichi looked up at Yuki, and made another attempt to receive forgiveness.

"Yuki…?" Yuki continued to look ahead, smoking his cigarette, ignoring Shuichi. Shuichi stopped and grabbed Yuki's coated arm to pull him to a halt. Eyes filling with tears Shuichi continued.

"Yuki, I'm sorry, I really truly am!" Yuki finally turned to look down at the tear filled eyes of Shuichi.

"I didn't mean for this vacation to turn out so badly! I know these last three days have been going badly! I know it's my entire fault! But then again it isn't!" Shuichi collapsed into Yuki's arms crying.

"I just wanted a romantic week with you…but I guess that's a bit out of reach. I'll call tomorrow and see if we can get an earlier flight home, okay? I'm so sorry for dragging you in to this…" Shuichi cried into Yuki's chest. With a sigh, Yuki threw the cigarette to the sand, and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

"No. We'll stay here for the rest of the week like planned. Now stop crying and lets go back to the hotel room brat."

-Day before they go home-

Shuichi finally was able to zip his suitcase shut, considering all the stuff he had packed. After double-checking he had stuffed the camera and the videotape it held within it, was in the front pocket of the suitcase, Shuichi stood in front if the large black bag, proudly.

"You idiot. WHY did you bring all that stuff with you? You're worse then a woman."

"Yuuuki!" Shuichi pouted, and threw one of the bed pillows at his boyfriend.

Catching the pillow Yuki threw it back to the bed. Smirking he added:

"Scratch that, you ARE a woman."

Shuichi was about to reply, just as his cell phone rang. Pulling it out of his pocket he answered.


"Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuichi-kuuuun!" the voice on the other end screeched.

Shuichi's eyes went wide in utter shock.


After a long conversation about kumagoro, pocky, and other random things, Shuichi hung up and stuffed the phone back into his shorts pocket.

Turning, Shuichi smiled brightly at his lover who was sitting in a chair.

"Yuki, guess what! Sakuma-san and K-san are here in Florida too! Sakuma invited us to go to a coffee shop in town with them!" Shuichi said happily.

Yuki sighed, great, three baka's all at once. How will he live?

-Meanwhile, as Yuki and Shuichi are visiting Ryuichi and K, two very suspicious housekeeping workers slipped into the hotel room of Shindou Shuichi and Yuki Eiri, unnoticed. Grabbing the tape, the two left as swiftly as they had entered.

The next day, after arriving home, the two started to unpack. Shuichi frantically searched his suitcase, throwing his belongings everywhere, making a mess.

Yuki looked at his lover with amusement.

"What's wrong with you Shuichi?"

Shuichi turned his head and looked at Yuki with tears in his eyes.


Hmmm watcha guys think? Forgive me if the lime/lemon thing was terrible. I don't normally write them. Actually I normally NEVER write humor/ happy romance stuff.

Also do forgive me if my Florida descriptions were craaaaaaaaaap.