I own nothing

Chapter 22: I Lied

Hermione had finally met up with Ginny in the Great Hall after what she had believed was the longest potions period ever.

'Ginny hey I have been looking all over for you what took you so long'

'Sorry, I was talking to Blaise. Why don't we just grab something from the kitchen and go back to your common room and talk maybe it might help with some memories'

The two then stopped by the kitchen grabbing something to eat and walked to the heads common room. All the way Ginny telling Hermione about their past years in Hogwarts and all the times that Hermione had visited the Burrow. Once they arrived at the common room both girls took a seat on the couches to talk.

'So Hermione what exactly do you remember' Ginny asked throwing one of Draco's books that was left on the couch on the table

'Well I remembered a couple of things and some other things just seem very familiar to me. The first memory I had was of Draco and I kissing right here in this room with everyone here watching us. The second on was just of Ron and I in potions and he got into some argument with Draco and Blaise.'

'Hmm well I'm not sure about the second memory, but I guess that is it time to fill you in about Draco and Ron. I guess I'll start with Ron. The two of you this past summer had started to date one another. For as long as you both have know each other you have fancied each other. This is past summer Ron finally asked you out and you said yes.'

'So Ron and I were dating each other when we got back to Hogwarts, but why was I kissing Draco then?'

'Well, I'm getting to that. You see Ron um well' Ginny began to procrastinate tell Hermione what he had done

'Ginny, please just tell me what he did'

'Well, he slept with some girl in Ravenclaw while you were going out'

Hermione was silent for a moment

'So Ron cheated on me and then I cheated on him in front of him?'

'No no, you see Draco and Blaise somehow found out what Ron had done and well to make a long story short we all got detention together here in the heads common room and we played a game of truth or dare. When it was Draco's turn he had been dared to kiss you so that is what that memory was from. Right after that happened Draco managed to trick Ron into telling everyone that she had slept with someone else.'

'So that is why I'm not going out with Ron then' Hermione had a black expression on her face.

'Yeah, well after the two of you broke up you got close with Draco and the two of you began to go out. I have to say you were really happy too with Draco. But, Ron being Ron is crazy about you so of course he couldn't stand the two of you together. I don't know if you have had the pleasure of meeting Pansy Parkinson yet or if you remember her, but she has this very unhealthy obsession with Draco and well somehow she was able to get some of your hair to make a polyjuice potion. My guess is that Ron had something to do with this as well. Anyhow Pansy used the potion to turn into you. Well after she turned herself into you she had gone to find Draco and once she found him well she managed to seduce him. Keep in mind that he had believed that Pansy was you. Well, they began going at it right here and then that is when you walked in and saw them together. The polyjuice had worn off just as you came in and you saw him having sex with Pansy.' Ginny hesitated about going on but Hermione just nodded her head for her to continue. 'After you say him with Pansy the two of you broke up and well now here we are'

'So let me get this straight I walked in on him having sex with Pansy who he believed to be was me which led us to break up'


'How do you know all of this Ginny?'

'Draco told Blaise who told me'

Hermione sat there for a few minutes just puzzled and soaking in all the new information that she learned

'Maybe it is better that I don't remember anything Ginny. It seems like there is too much drama that is going on in my life'

'Hermione don't say that it just outside forces that are making you life crazy. I have seen you and Draco together. You guys were so happy together. Even when you were going out with Ron I have never seen you so happy.'

Ginny had just checked her watch seeing what time it is.

'I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you all of this I know it must be hard to hear all this, but it better that you knew what happened. Anyway I'm sorry to cut this short but I still have one more class to go to so I have to go'

'Ginny I just have one more question before you go'

'Of course, what is it?'

'Did I love Draco?'

Ginny's mouth opened slightly with her question not know how to respond at first

'I honestly don't know, but if you would like my opinion then yes I do believe that you loved him'

Hermione just nodded her head and Ginny left. Hermione sat back on the couch and closed her eyes thinking about what Ginny just said. She thought she loved him. The portrait then opened up again.

'Did you forget something Ginny?' Hermione laughed and turned to the door

'Hey' the person softly greeted her

Hermione gave them a warm smile 'Hey Draco…'

Draco slowly walked in to the room and sat on the couch. 'So how was your day today?'

Hermione looked at Draco for a few seconds studying his face. His face was so familiar to her. She could see how she had fallen for him. He was looking at her with such longing and sadness. She smiled at him again. 'It was an interesting day. I could have done without potions though'

Draco gave a small laugh 'Yeah well potions was always not the best class for you Gryffindor's to go to.'

The two sat there silent for a few seconds before Hermione spoke up

'Draco, I um, I lied to you to you yesterday.'

Draco had a confused face 'What do you mean you lied?'

'Last night when we got back here to the common room you asked me if I had remembered anything and I said no. I lied. I did remember something, but I got scared so I lied and said I didn't remember anything.'

'That's great that you remembered something Hermione, what was it?'

'Oh well' Hermione stood up from the couch fidgeting and pacing a bit

'You can tell me Hermione its all right'

Hermione stood still and looked at Draco who was still sitting on the couch as composed as ever. She wondered if he was always like this, but not being able to remember she just took a deep breath and told him.

'It was actually about you'

Draco stood up and walked closer to Hermione with a little smirk on his face

'Really and what is it that you remembered about me?'

'Well we were here in the common room together' she paused for a moment and looked him in the eyes 'It was our first kiss.'

Draco had a full smile on his face now and was less then a foot away from her face. He slowly lifted his hand and placed it on her cheek with his thumb lightly rubbing it.

'You remembered our first kiss' there was this great wave of emotion that hit him hearing those words from her mouth. The first memory that she had was of them together sharing their first kiss. Though it was just a simple memory flashback it meant a lot to him. It showed that indeed she had deep feelings for him even if she didn't remember him at that moment. He had missed her so much the past few weeks since she had caught him with Pansy.

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but Draco's soft lips covered them before anything came out. The kiss was soft and gentle causing Hermione to feel a rush of blood flow to her head. Draco brought his other hand up to her and stroked her cheek with the back of his finger tips. This cause a soft moan to escape from Hermione. Draco slowly pulled away from her lips touching their foreheads together.

'I've missed you so much Hermione I thought that I was going to go mad'

The hand that was stroking her face slow slide down to her lower back as he leaned his face in again to kiss her, but she placed her hand on his chest to stop him.

He looked up into her eye showing a mixture of confusion and hurt from her stopping him. Before he could ask her what was wrong she spoke.

'I know you thought that Pansy was me that night'

Draco's face turned to utter confusion he never had a chance to talk to her about it.

'I don't actually remember any of it still, but Ginny told me everything that happened and how you thought she was me. I'm sorry I wish I could remember everything.'

'There is no need for you to be sorry if anything I am sorry for what happened. Please, if you will let me I want to make it up to you. There is a Hogsmeade trip this week will you go with me?'

Hermione nodded her head yes with a smile on her face.

Draco stared at her for a few seconds and smiled 'You have no clue how beautiful you are, I've fallen in love with you Hermione.'

It was now Hermione who had a shocked look on her face, but again before she could answer Draco brought his lips to hers. Draco's lips nibbled on her bottom one before he slipped his tough into her mouth. After a few minutes Hermione pulled away.

'I'm going to go lay down in my room for a bit before dinner, but do you want to meet me after dinner to talk some more' She asked

'That sounds perfect' Draco gave her a small kiss again before Hermione went up to her room.

Once in her room Hermione laid down on her bed smiling about what just happened 'He loves me'.