(A/N: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, J.K Rowling. I own nothing

This is my first FanFic and it is a Hermione/Draco. The beginning starts off different, but relax and be patient it will change Promise.) Enjoy

Chapter One: The Train Ride

The final whistle of the Hogwarts Express blew and as it began to move three eager 7th years moved about looking for a sassy red-head. Ginny had gotten to the station before them and had gone ahead to look for a compartment to sit in.

After traveling a few compartments they were greeted with an inviting smile from Ginny and the three entered into the compartment.

Ginny immediately ran up to Hermione and Harry giving them the biggest hugs. Ginny had spent the summer with her brother in Romania.

"Ginny you look really good" replied a beaming Harry.

Indeed Ginny did look different she no longer looked like the first year Gryffindor that they had all remembered. She had grown a couple of inches during the summer and lost all the baby fat that she had. Her hair was now longer and wavy and she also wore a bit of makeup to make her look older.

Ginny then looked at her brother Ron and gave him a hug as well and asked how his summer was with their parents.

Ron replied with saying it was "good". Ron then began to tell her that he had Harry to keep him company the whole summer and that he was now going out with Hermione. They had now been going out for almost three months. They started dating right at the end of the sixth year when they left school. Saying this he put his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

Ginny's mouth had dropped wide open with shock. "So you finally grew some balls and told her that you fancied her I see. Well it is about time".

They all began to laugh except Ron whole face became a dark shade if red.

Ginny then stood back from the three just staring at them. "Wow you guys have also changed so much this summer as well".

Ron and Harry had both grown a couple of inches as well both towering over the two girls, but they had also bulked up as well. They had spent the entire summer working out and practicing for their final year of Quidditch. They had smiled at Ginny proudly that they had both worked so hard for their final year especially to kick Slytherin ass as usual.

Ginny hadn't even noticed how different Hermione had even looked when she first came into the compartment. It was mainly due to the fact that she had seen Harry and her and pretty much just pounced on them without a second thought. Ginny's mouth dropped to the floor now looking at Hermione. She was definitely not the same looking girl that she had left the year before. Hermione had as well grown a couple of inches and was about the same height as Ginny maybe even an inch or two taller. She too looked as if she had lost the rest of her baby fat and had grown some very flattering curves on her body. Her body looked toned as her tube top was a little short and showed a bit of her flat stomach because of her low ride jeans. Her hair was no longer big and bushy and pulled into a pony tail, but it was now straight and long. She wore a tiny bit of make up too that just seemed to make her glow.

"WOW, Hermione you look amazing! Ginny was still just staring at her. Look out Ron, Hermione is going to be having a lot of mouths drooling over her this year. Ginny said with a smile.

Ron gave his sister a wary look telling her to shut her mouth

Hermione feeling a bit uncomfortable then began to speak. "Oh stop Ginny I look and feel the same way as I did from the end of last year. Hermione's face was a bit red now.

Harry then looked at Hermione and told her that she really did look different, but definitely in a good way.

Hermione shook off the last comment and quickly changed the subject. So Ginny guess what I made Head Girl.

Oh that is so cool Hermione congratulations I knew that you would. Lets face it there wasn't really too much competition for you now was there Ginny said half laughing. So do you know who Head Boy is?

Hermione looked at Ginny with a straight face and replied the unfortunate name of Draco Malfoy.

WHAT! Ginny said a bit loud "How on earth did that asshole make Head Boy?"

My guess is that daddy dearest got him the position Ron blurted.

I don't know but I'm supposed to meet the prefects and him in about five minutes to give direction about the first years so I'll talk to you guys in a little bit. With that Hermione left the compartment with her friends in it and went to the heads compartment.

As Hermione walked into the compartment she had noticed that it was about double the size of the regular compartment that she had just been in. No one was in the compartment yet so she began to walk around looking at all the pictures on the wall and seeing that there was a private bathroom for the heads.

The prefects then began to walk in and Hermione smiled at them. She just told them to take a seat that they would be starting for a few minutes they had to wait for everyone to get here.


On the other side of the train Malfoy was talking to Blaise as they made there way to the heads compartment.

Seriously Blaise, you have no idea how hellish this meeting is going to be with Granger as Head Girl. Thank god they made you a prefect I don't think that I would be able to handle this meeting other wise.

Yeah, well let's just hope that there is some nice ass that made prefects this year Blaise said with a smirk on his face.

As the two boys entered the compartment they looked around the room as to who made prefects. Blaise's eyes scanned the room quickly and said bingo. He then elbowed Malfoy and gave him a nod in the direction of a girl standing on the other side of the room. She had her back to them she had been looking at one of the pictures that was hanging on the wall.

The two boys grinned at each other as they stood there trying to figure out who the girl was.

Damn that girl has a nice ass. I am so going to fuck the shit out of that girl by the end of this year. Malfoy said with a big grin.

You, why do you get her I saw her first.

Because asshole, I'm the Slytherin king and I always get what I want.

Ha, alright mate well then I won't stand in your way go get her.

Malfoy strutted over to the girl debating on how to approach her. Not being able to really come up with any smooth ideas he figured he would just rely on the hopes that this girl knew his reputation as the desirable sex goddess. As he approached her he could smell her perfume and he began to get a bit aroused. A smirk formed on his face.

He stepped up to the back of the girl that was still facing towards the wall still looking at the picture. She was standing pretty close to the wall which made it easy for him to smoothly place his right hand on the wall while he placed his left hand on her hip pressed the bulge in his pant against her ass. In a very slow motion he began to rub his pants against her ass. He then brought he face to her right ear and began to whisper. As he began to whisper the smell of her perfume again made him even harder then he was and pressed into her ass a bit more.

"I have to tell you that you have a very nice ass and if you let me when we get to school I would love to show you just how much pleasure I would be able to show you" Malfoy said

Hermione's eye widen with the shock of what just happened and with who was pressed against her. All types of thoughts began to run through her head. Why is Malfoy standing behind me and oh my god I can actually feel him on my ass. He must not realize that its me and must think that I am someone else. Wow, did I really change that much in one summer that even Malfoy wouldn't recognized me.

A small smile formed on Hermione's face. She had an idea that would really get to Malfoy.

Hermione kept her back to him and then place her left hand on top of his which was still on her hip. She then raised her right arm above her head and wrapped it behind his head so her fingers were now running from the bottom of his head to the top playing with his hair. Malfoy groaned a little bit and began to nibble on her right ear lobe. She then slightly tilted her head to allow him more room for him to suck oh her ear lobe.

She then began to speak to him. "So you like the way that my ass feels against you?"

He replied huskily with a "yes". Your ass looks so tight I want to fuck you so bad.

Hermione smiled her plan was working. "How bad do you want me?"

With a small groan he replied by saying "can't your ass tell how bad I want you right now".

Hermione was barely able to keep a straight face from laughing at this whole thing, but she had to, Malfoy needed to be taught a lesson.

"What do you say after this lame meeting is over that you and me find an empty compartment and I can personal demonstrate how badly I want your ass." Malfoy asked

She was going to go on with this little game of his a little bit longer, but with his last comment she had had enough and figured she should begin the meeting instead. At that point she quickly turned around to face him. She hastily grabbed his groin with her hand squeezing it a bit to the point where Malfoy became uncomfortable with pain and not pleasure. She then looked into his bright grey-blue eyes and began to speak. "First of all Malfoy I have a boyfriend and if I needed a booty call you would definitely not be the person that I would go to. Second, if you ever rub yourself against me like that ever again I will personally see to it that this little thing that I am grabbing right now won't be there anymore. Do I make myself clear Malfoy."

Malfoy still a bit shocked that it had been Granger the hold time he was trying to seduce could not do much in the current situation and in a low squeaky voice Malfoy was able to reply "crystal clear".

Good and with that Hermione let him go and pushed him out of the way to begin the meeting.