Disclaimer: as much as I would love to own anything from "Blackadder II," I don't.

A/N: this just came to me because it was soemthing weird that they would have in the show. Also, I love "Blackadder II". One of the best shows ever. and I love Queenie! she is my favorite!

Edmund Blackadder the Second strutted into his kitchen to see Baldrick quickly stuff something small and silver in his mouth, leaving a small string hanging limply out of the corner of his mouth.

Edmund sat down and ordered, "Baldrick, get me some tea."

"Mesh, fur," Baldrick mumbled, refusing to open his mouth.

As Baldrick poured the tea, Edmund disgustedly tugged at the string. "What is this Baldrick?"

"Mutt es mutt fur?" Baldrick asked as he tried to pull away.

"This," Edmund said as he forcefully jerked at the string.

Edmund held up the string, which was attacked to a small silver object that was now covered in Baldrick's spit.

"Is this what I think it is?"

Baldrick looked guiltily down at the ground and Edmund began to scold him.

"This better not be what I think it is, especially after I forbidden it. Not even a rock would be stupid enough to disobey a direct order like that."

"Aw, but sir," Baldrick protested as he took hold of the object, "it's such a nice whistle."

"Be that as it may, you can't keep it," Edmund told him as he took a sip of tea.

"But sir, I promise I'll take care of it," Baldrick pleaded. "You won't even know it's here. I'll feed it, wash it, and let it outside when it needs it."

"Let me think about it." Edmund paused and then said curtly, "No."

"But sir," Baldrick began, but stopped. He put the whistle up to Edmund's lip, and when Edmund exhaled angrily, a sharp screech came from the whistle. Baldrick smiled and said, "See, she likes you."

Edmund pulled the whistle out of his mouth and said, "You can't keep it."

"But sir!" Baldrick whined.

"Baldrick, it's a whistle, get over it you sorry excuse for a rock," Edmund muttered.

"Milord, I promise I will take very good care of it!"

"For once Baldrick, it's not you I'm worried about. It's Lord Percy," Edmund told him. "If he was ever to find out you got a whistle, he would want one and he'd be a blubbering idiot with it and keep the castle up half the night."

"Sir, I promise I will hide it from Lord Percy. He or you will never know it's here," Baldrick pleaded. He held it up under Edmund's nose and said, "It's such a nice, pretty whistle. Don't you think so?"

Edmund looked at it and said, "Well yes, it is a nice looking whist- What the bloody hell am I saying? I'm talking about a whistle." He turned to Baldrick with a glare and said, "You! You've brought me down to your imbecilic intelligent level. Give me the bleeding whistle."

Edmund grabbed the whistle out of Baldrick's dirty hands and threw it across the kitchen. "There, no more talk of the bloody whistle."

"All right sir," Baldrick said. He shuffled his way across the kitchen, pretending to put the tea pot away, and swiftly pocketed the whistle. He turned back to Edmund Blackadder the Second and said, "Yes, milord, no more talk of the whistle."