Hello again, Folks! I AM BACK! Although it wasn't all that long of a wait. LOL.

This is the sequel to The Second Generation of Marauders. The S-G Marauders are back and more mischievous then ever before. An interesting summer spent chasing crazy traitors leaves the quartet eager to go back to school. But what's this? There is someone opposing The Rulers of the School. But the question is: who? (H/Hr)(H/D/Hr)

The first chapter is a little dark and someone dies, but it is still comedy. I Promise!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last Chapter of S-G Marauders, you're all fab!



Now on with the first chappie…

Chapter 1 – Secret, Boxes, and Marks

The first month of the holidays had just flown by. Harry was surprised and delighted to find the Durselys had yet to discover his secret, although they were suspicious of him when he arrived with, not only Hedwig, but another owl, a ferret, and a wild African dog. They had, however, let him keep them on insistence from Remus Lupin, Present Ancient Runes teacher at Hogwarts, and Mad-Eye Moody, resident Auror.

Now, the raven-haired teen walked up the stairs to his room, marveling at his luck. He had managed to keep the fact that three of his classmates were currently living in his room…well, kind of. Upon arriving at Privet Drive with Harry, Remus went directly to Harry's room to set up the in house equivalent of a Wizard Tent. A box, just big enough to crawl into, hade been placed in the corner of Harry's small bedroom. Inside, appeared to be nothing. However, when you actually crawled into it, it was a nice little three-bedroom apartment/house. A small kitchen, Library/study room, and living room accompanied the bedrooms and bathrooms inside the box.

Draco Malfoy, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger were currently living in the box and had been for the past month. The refrigerator had a never ending supply of food, thanks to Sirius Black, Harry's godfather and present DADA at Hogwarts.

Harry grinned to himself. Oh yes, this had been a very good summer so far. Not only had he spent it with his three best friends, who included his girlfriend, but he had complete access to the Floo Network, etc. He loved it!

Harry made his way into the room and quickly grabbed some clothes to take a shower. On his return to the room after the shower, he climbed nimbly into the box and dropped right onto Draco Malfoy's lap.

"Oh, Potter, eager aren't we?" the blonde said with a grin.

Harry wrinkled his nose. "No, Dray. I was looking for Hermione."

A throat cleared in the direction of the doorway and they both turned to see Ron standing there, with an eyebrow raised. Harry grinned. "Hey, Ron!" He said, climbing of the Slytherin. "Seen Hermione? I wanna see if I can sneak her passed the Gate-Keepers and go see a movie."

Ron and Draco both chuckled at Harry's nickname for his family. Ever since they had arrived, He'd taken to calling them the Gatekeepers, even to their faces. The look on Uncle Vernon's face had been priceless the first time this occurred. He looked like he was about to keel over.

"Yeah, I think she's in the study."

Harry nodded and crept up the hall hoping to surprise her. He opened the door quietly and peeked in. Indeed she was there, sitting at the desk, head bent over a book, writing furiously. Harry slipped in, unnoticed, and walked up behind her. He knelt down so his face was even with her shoulder and breathed, "You need a break, love."

Hermione shrieked and dropped her quill. Harry laughed. Quickly putting her things away for her and ignoring her evil glare, he tugged her to her feet. "Where are we going, Harry?"

He laughed. "The movies, Windy. I wanna take you to the cinema. I hear it's a great make-out spot."

She grinned at him and left herself be pulled away from her study. In the living room, Draco and Ron were having a heated argument about Quidditch. Harry shook his head. "You two need to quit talking sports. You will never agree. Anyway, Herm and I are going out. See you later, and No Screaming this time! I had a hell of a time coming up with an excuse as to why there were two people hollering at each other in my room and neither of them was me."

The two arguing ignored the couple as they continued to squabble. Hermione chuckled softly. The couple left as quietly as they could, luckily avoiding the Gatekeepers.


Laughing and joking, Harry and Hermione made their way slowly toward Privet Drive, which was just a few streets over. Hermione had her arms rapped around on of Harry's. As they walked, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Harry, this was perfect. I loved it."

Harry smiled softly. "I'm glad, 'Mione. I…I wanted to have some time with just you, not you and Draco."

Hermione grinned. "Are you getting tired of our resident Slytherin?"

Harry laughed. "No, never. Just jealous. I swear he spends more time with you then I do."

"Well, Claws, that only makes sense, since you have to at least make some appearances of living outside of your bedroom to the Gatekeepers."

As they turned to corner onto his street, Harry sighed. "I know I just—" Harry froze. He had looked up as he was talking and the sight before him made his inside turned to ice.

Hermione stopped with him and looked at him in question. Noticing his gaze, she looked up the street and had to swallow a scream.

On the Durselys immaculate front lawn, a…a festering heap of something lay smoldering. Hovering in the air above it, a small green skull grinned manically at them as a snake slithered forth from its mouth. The Mark seemed to be laughing at the young couple, who just moments before had been having a romantic night, which in the past minutes had turned into a horrific nightmare. Such is life during war.

Harry stalked forward, letting his anger overtake his fear. Pulling his ever-present wand out of his pocket, He muttered, "Fama Aeris! Dumbledore!"

A ghostly projection of the headmaster's visage appeared in the air above the wand. The old man looked extremely anxious. "Harry, you know this spell is only for extreme circu—"

"Headmaster, there's been an attack. The Mark is hovering in my front yard over what looks like a corpse. Please send someone."

He quickly terminated the connection. By this time, he arrived at the heap. Kneeling down next to it be examined the features of the dead man. Harry sucked in a sharp breath. Amos Diggory. Poor Mrs. Diggory, she lost a son and now a husband as well. He sighed and looked away for a moment. Regaining his composure, he call for Hermione to keep away and make sure no one came near. He stood and strode into the house. At his bedroom door, he called loudly to Draco and Ron. He then proceeded to rouse the rest of the family.

The Durselys stumbled out of their respective rooms, looking bleary. "What do you want, boy! And who the hell are these freaks?" Uncle Vernon bellowed, obviously angry at being awoken and finding two strange boys in his house.

"Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, you need to go down to the living room, immediately. The-There's been and attack." He glanced at his two friends.

Draco took in a sharp breath, looking pained. Ron was obviously shocked. Draco finally managed to gasped out, "Who?"

Harry took a deep breath and sighed. "Amos Diggory. Cedric's father. Follow me. Dumbledore is sending someone."

The other two nodded, numbly, and followed Harry back out into the front yard. Hermione was standing a little way down the street, checking for muggles. Ron took one look at the body and turned green. Excusing himself, he went and vomited into the bushes. Harry smiled sadly at him. "Ron, why don't you go and help Hermione? She checking to make sure no muggles come stumbling by. And, Ron? Please keep her away form here. I don't want her to see this."

Ron nodded and went to Hermione. Draco knelt, as Harry had done, by the body. Harry knelt by his side and gazed down at the man who had accused him of the death of his son. Harry knew that Mr. Diggory blamed him for everything, for Cedric's death, for Hufflepuff's loses at Quidditch, and probably anything else that went wrong in his son's life. Yet, Harry could not bring himself to hate the man or even be angry with him. The only emotion the raven-haired Gryffindor could muster was pity.

"Can you tell what he was hit with?" Draco asked glancing up at Harry.

Harry bit his lip. Ever since he had killed Snape, he seemed to be a human Magic-Meter. He somehow could tell exactly what spells were used, if it was Dark Magic and especially if it was Death Eater Magic. It had been waning, like the extra magic of Snape's, but Harry did not know if it was gone completely gone, yet, or if he would always would have that special ability.

He cautiously raised a hand to the dead man's forehead. Touching the flesh lightly, Harry's senses were assaulted. His muscles seized with the pain of a thousand white-hot knives. Amos Diggory had been Crucio'd before he'd been killed. Harry gasped at the intensity of the pain, yet he didn't, couldn't scream. Why couldn't he scream? Then it hit him. Diggory had been under a Silencing Charm. Harry knew of only one silencer that was strong enough to keep that much pain quiet; The Universitas Quies, The Total Silence. A silencer born from the blackness and hatred in the caster's soul. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, he searched deeper. What had caused the blackness and rot of the flesh the barely clung to chard bone? He couldn't fathom what could cause type of wound. A Latin phrase suddenly popped unbidden into his head: Edo Edi Essum Animum.

Finally, Harry was able to cry out. He gasped softly and swayed. Draco quickly pulled Harry was from the mangled remains. Harry was shaking uncontrollably. Draco murmured softly into the other boy's ear, "It's okay. Potter, Harry, you're fine. Harry it's alright you're perfectly fine. Come, Potter. Talk to me!"

"H-H-H" Harry gasped out. "Hurt! Pain. Crucio'd." He stumbled over his words. "Cru-Crucio'd under…Universitas Qu-quies." Draco winced. Harry looked up into the worried silver eyes of his friend, finally regaining some control of his body. "Dray, I know how they killed him. No they destroyed him!"

"Surely he wasn't important enough to do something more painful then AK him?" Draco asked, confused written in his features.

Harry shook his head slightly. "I don't know why he was so important, but they…" He faltered. "They used Edo Edi Essum Animum."

Draco's jaw dropped. "No" He breathed, horrified.

Suddenly there was a series of loud 'pop's and three Aurors appeared, along with Sirius Black. Sirius took one look at the body and yelped. He enveloped Harry in a great bear hug. "Harry! You're okay!"

Harry nodded into his godfather's chest, then pulled away. He turned to the Aurors, who were examining the body and disposing of the mark. "I can tell you exactly what they did to him. It's Amos Diggory, by the way." Harry said flatly. One of the wizards turned sharply, an eyebrow raised. They all stopped to look at him. "If you don't' believe I have the ability to tell exactly what spells were performed on a person or by a wand by touching it, try me!"

The skeptical wizard stepped forward. "I performed a complex spell that someone your age shouldn't be able to recognize, never mind name. If you can, I'll believe you."

Harry took the proffered wand. As soon as his fingers touched the wood, he felt the magic course through him. He snorted at the 'complexity' of the spell and handed the wand back. "You think that's complex? A Patronus? Please! I could conjure a corporeal Patronus when I was thirteen."

"And you expect me to believe that? Who are you anyway?" The annoying Auror asked condescendingly.

Harry smirked. "I'm Harry Potter. It's a pleasure." He sneered. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, for effect. Draco snorted. Sirius smirked.

The Auror's mouth dropped open and his colleagues stood and stepped away from the body. The shorter of the other two, a portly man with a graying beard, bowed slightly, and asked, "What happened to him, Mr. Potter? It would save a lot of time, with examinations and all."

Harry's smirked dropped away immediately. His, usually sparkling, emerald eyes looked haunted. "He…He was Crucio'd, which in itself is an unbearable experience,--"

"How would you know? What do you know about That Unforgivable?" The Annoying Auror asked sarcastically.

Harry rounded on the arrogant man. "Well, excuse me! I'm sure being tortured with the Crusiatus Curse by Lord Voldemort himself is no basis for comparison or knowledge. I'm sorry, you must know so much more about the Unforgivables then I do. Have you experienced any of them?"

The man looked flustered and annoyed. "Well, obviously no, but—"

"Ah. So you think you know more about them then I do? I survived the Killing Curse and have had it flung at me more times then I care to count. I've had two different…no wait, three different people attempt to place me under the Imperius Curse, which I could successfully throw off at the age of fourteen. I have been Crucio'd by Voldemort himself, as I said. It was one of the worst experiences of my life! Have you ever felt as if every single inch of your skin was being pierced with white-hot knives? I seriously doubt it! Of course, the fact that it was Voldemort doing the Cursing increased the pain ten-fold, thanks to this!' Harry roughly pulled his hair from his forehead to bare the scar there. "So don't fucking presume to be an authority about something just because you're an Auror. That fucking status doesn't mean a thing to me! So don't fucking talk to me about the Unforgivables!"

Harry was angry. He was fuming and he knew it. The air around him was crackling as he slowly lost his control. He took a deep breath. The Auror in question looked terrified, which only served to make him worse. He glared at the man, his eye blazing with fury. "You think I'm frightening? You find me terrifying when I lose control! You haven't seen a thing. Try facing down an enraged, blood-thirsty Dark Lord!" He whirled on the other two. And snarled, "get this bumbling idiot out of my sight!"

The portly man nodded and gestured to the annoying man, who quickly Apparated away. Harry took several deep breaths. Finally, after a few long moments, he regained the lost magical control. His shoulders sagged, "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have done that. I have no right to order and Auror around like that. I am sorry."

He looked up to see the two remaining Aurors grinning at him. "Thanks, actually!" The younger one said. He was tall and gangly. "Jack was a complete git and I have been waiting for someone to put him in his place. I just didn't expect it to be a, what? Fifteen year old? Very funny actually."

Harry sighed and glanced at Sirius. "It wouldn't have been funny if I had lost all control. The first time I did, I was twelve or thirteen and I blew up my aunt. Anyway, you wanted to know what happened to Mr. Diggory. After the round of torture, which either last for quite some time or he had a very low tolerance for pain, they…they killed him." Harry halted and stared at the chard remains.

"How?' The older Auror said gently.

"Edo Edi Essum Animum." Both Auror looked horrified as Draco had been. "What I don't understand is why. Why kill him so cruelly? He wasn't, couldn't have been any kind of threat, could he? I mean he was probably still morning the murder, by Voldemort, (everyone winced) of his son, Cedric."

The portly man sighed. "We will look into it, Mr. Potter. Rest assured."

Harry's laugh had a bitter edge. "I doubt I'll every rest assured about anything. I may not even rest at all."

Hermione cam up beside him, and keeping her eyes averted from the corpse. She hugged him gently, comfortingly. He laid his head on her the top of her head, as she pressed against him comfortingly.

"Well, you can go back to your homes. Thank you for contacting us so promptly. We'll be in touch for formal interviews, which are an annoying formality."

As the five of them made their way into the house, Harry was frowning deeply. He chewed his lip thoughtfully. Finally, he stopped as they walked into the living room to explain to the Durselys. "It's really disturbing to think that I could have actually done that and I would get away with it, simply because I'm Harry Potter."

"Why would that matter to anyone, boy? What is going on?" Uncle Vernon snarled.

Harry sighed. "It does matter to everyone. I'm the Boy-Who-Lived, Savior-of-the-Wizarding-World, and I am sick of being treated differently because of it! Although, it does help sometimes. Like just now with the git of an Auror. No, but I'm completely serious and if you even try to pun that I'll kick you, Sirius!"

The black-haired wizard grinned. Uncle Vernon yelped loudly and looked at him in horror. "You're a mass murder! What the bloody hell are you doing in my living room!"

Sirius sneered. "I'm Harry's godfather. Of course, I'm here. And would you lay off the whole mass-murder thing, it's really beginning to grate on my nerves."

Uncle Vernon, who was now an interesting shade of purple, cringed away. Harry laughed softly, then sobered. "I really could have gotten away with it, if I had done that. And neither of them mentioned my use of Under-Aged Wizardry. Either, the Ministry is getting lacks or the have decided to over look anything I do wrong."

For the next half hour, the five friends discussed the repercussions of this event. Finally, Sirius sighed. "I have to get back to the castle." He glanced out the open window. It was almost moon rise. "Without Snape, there has been no one to brew the Wolfsbane Potion, so I have been spending my full moons Marauder-Style."

Harry gave him a sad smile. "The transformations must be hard for him."

Sirius nodded and glanced out the window again. "We are checking into getting the new Potions Master to brew a batch for the next moon cycle. Well, I really have to go." He stood and the rest followed suit (except the Durselys, who were terrified of the long-haired, handsome man). He hugged them all in turn, even Draco, and was gone with a pop.

Harry gave his family a brief account of what had transpired and why he'd awakened them, then the four of the trouped upstairs, ignoring Uncle Vernon's raging about having more Freaks in his house.

Climbing down to the apartment once the reached Harry's room, the four flopped down into the two armchairs and on the couch. Harry sat, his back pressed against the arm of the couch, his legs stretched out. Hermione sat in the V of his legs, her back against his chest. She sighed and leaned back. "I love you guys." She murmured, sleepily.

Draco looked up sharply, but smiled softly, a rare occurrence. "We love you too, Hermione."

Ron seemed surprised but actually grinned at Draco, who had bowed his head and faint brush coloring his cheeks. Harry smiled at the antics of his friends. Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day, so he leaned back. Tonight, he was going to rest if he could.

So does it met everyone expectations so far? Hope you like it! It's gonna lighten up when they go back to school, but until then…

Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see!
