"Don't touch that!" Sessomaru woke up to Jaken's screeching. He heard feet running past his door along with the giggles of a young girl. "Get back here, don't go in there!" Sessomaru got out of his bed to go and see what was causing such a ruckus this morning. He opened his door and saw Jaken run around the corner after young Kagome. "Get back here you!" Sessomaru rounded the corner. "Where did she go now?"

"What is going on?" Sessomaru questioned.

"Mi Lord! You're up! Uh, well it's that girl!"

"Where is she?"

"I don't know." Jaken grumbled. Both demons then heard giggling coming from behind a large vase, she wasn't trying to be subtle. She peaked out and saw Sessomaru, she came running out and latched onto his leg.

"Hewo! Mornin!" She smiled then remembered that she didn't know what to call him. "Uh, what you name?" She looked at him innocently.

"Sessomaru," he stated.

"Sess…o…ru…" She tried pronouncing his name. "Uh, Sessy!" She said at last. His name was too long and hard for a four year old to pronounce so she shortened it. Sessomaru fought back a sigh. "Me pway in gawrden?" She asked.

"Fine, as long as Jaken accompanies you." He said and turned to go into his study.

"Okay! Come Daken!" She ran quickly out into the gardens.

Sessomaru sat in his chair behind his desk thinking. Why was he taking care of this young girl? Certainly she would be better off with Inuyasha, that way he could deal with her and Sessomaru didn't have to. The moment Sessomaru got up from his desk he heard Kagome scream shrilly. He went outside to find his half brother and the dead Miko looking at Kagome who was on the ground crying. She was backed up against the castle wall. When she spotted Sessomaru she ran to him and hid behind his legs.

"What are you doing here little brother?" Sessomaru questioned.

"I just came to get Kagome, so let me get her and I'll go." Inuyasha spat. He stepped closer but Kagome just whimpered.

"You should go with him." Sessomaru said to Kagome. Her eyes flashed for a moment as true fear was seen in them. Sessomaru faltered, why did this woman do this to him?

"Please, please, no." She begged. It was as if she was herself for a moment.

"Leave Inuyasha, it is clear that she doesn't want to go with you." Sessomaru didn't know why he said this but he did.

"How do I know if you're not going to kill her?" Inuyasha growled.

"LEAVE INUYASHA!" They heard her small voice loud and clear from behind Sessomaru's legs. Kikyo notched an arrow as Inuyasha drew the tetsiuga.

"Fine then, we will take care of her right now." Kikyo stated and let the arrow fly through the air. Sessomaru grabbed Kagome and dodged the arrow. He moved again when Inuyasha released the wind scar. Kagome's head was buried in his chest, he could feel her tears soaking his kimono shirt but at that moment he didn't mind. He drew Tokijin from it's sheath.

"Leave now or I will kill you." Inuyasha growled but left with Kikyo by his side all the same. Sessomaru sheathed his sword and looked at Kagome who had a death grip on his kimono.


Tijiya: Next chapter up! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Inuyasha: Why am I the bad guy?

Tijiya: It's needed for the plot idiot.

Inuyasha: You NEVER pair me up with her!

Tijiya: Cause, alternate pairings are more fun. sticks tongue out

Sango: Tijiya doesn't own Inuyasha.

Miroku: Please review when you leave.

Tijiya: Flame if you must, I will take it all in stride!