Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I'm currently in the middle of taking my exams but I thought you guys deserved an update. I was going to have Harry and Ginny getting together in this chapter, but as I originally planned they wouldn't get together until much later and I just thought it was too soon. The plot seems to be dragging a bit so this chapter helps jump into it a bit.
Disclaimer: Never, ever, not even in my dreams mine. But I can still wish. There will be no raining on my parades, or worse blowing up all my floats.
Mysteries Begin
The next morning the Great Hall seemed louder than usual. Apparently news had gotten around that Jake and Jude Montgomery were the new Gryffindor chasers. There was some loud outrage being expressed by those who tried out. Ginny shut them up by saying that if Gryffindor wanted to win the Quidditch Cup then they needed some players with actual talent. Needless to say she was not a very popular person that day.
Harry looked up when the owls came swooping in. A large tawny owl dropped the Daily Prophet in front of him. He had recently renewed his subscription. One article in particular caught his eye. It was a small article on the back page.
Corruption Within
Small amounts of money have seemingly disappeared
since the appointment of current Minister Rufus
Scrimgeour. At first it seemed to be a simple
miscalculation in the books. But I myself have come
To suspect otherwise. Since the election of the current
Minister, approximately 500 galleons have gone missing. That
Would mean between 30-40 galleons have gone missing per month.
The reason no one has really noticed is because there are
only a few galleons missing from various projects. One must
wonder, who is stealing the money and what are they doing with it?
Al L. Knoeing, Daily Prophet Correspondent
"That sounds suspicious. So who's this Knoeing guy? I've never heard of him before."
"I don't know Ginny. But apparently he knows what's going on in the Ministry."
"Talk about doing your homework," said Ron. "You should meet up with him Harry."
"Ron's right," said Hermione. "There are a few questions I wouldn't mind asking him myself."
"Were you all reading over my shoulder?"
"No I was reading over Hermione's," said Ron.
"You mean you can read?"
"Shut up Ginny." She just grinned.
"Write a letter asking for his address why don't you."
"Hermione you must be rubbing off on Ron. He's making mildly intelligent suggestions."
"Ginny, lay off your brother why don't you."
"Oh, I just got told off by big bad Hermione. Looks like I don't need to look after you anymore. Tear, tear." Harry just shook his head and laughed. Hermione shot her an evil glare, which Ginny responded with by sending her one of her own. Ron muttered something under his breath about Ginny being the one who needed looking after.
Harry's mind was far away. Who was stealing the money? What were they planning on doing with it? And how did this Knoeing guy know guy fit into the picture? Where did he get his information? Well if there was one thing he'd learned from Moody it was CONSTANT VIGILANCE. He'd keep his head down and ears open.
That evening Harry was sitting in front of the fireplace lost in thought. Classes had been interesting today. In Potions they'd been brewing a truth potion and Harry for the life of him could not manage to pay attention. The teacher had given him a curious look when he brought his potion up.
Harry's potion hadn't looked like everyone else's. The color had been white, and everyone else's had been blue. Professor Blackwell had asked him to stay after. He hadn't been mean just curious.
"Mr. Potter, please stay after." Ron and Hermione shot him sympathetic looks. The class cleaned up and filed out when the bell rang. Professor Blackwell closed the door. He sat down at his desk and looked Harry straight in the eye. He picked up Harry's potion sample. It was a mostly translucent white.
"This is not the potion I assigned."
"I'm sorry Professor, my mind was else where."
"Do you know what this is?"
"An improperly made potion?"
"That is one thing it can be classified as. As I said I did not assign this particular potion. I assigned 'Monroe's Tongue'. A properly brewed 'Monroe's Tongue' should have similar affects to that off to much alcohol. Minus the slurring, slowed reactions and pounding headache that would follow. It makes it easier to get truthful information out of people. However it is not good for getting information that the individual is highly protective of. If the person becomes suspicious the potion will have no effect."
"I'm not sure where you're going with this Professor." Professor Blackwell held up the flask labeled with Harry's name.
"Do you really have no idea what potion you made Mr. Potter."
"No, like I said I was distracted."
"Would you like to harbor a guess." Harry shook his head.
"I don't know Sir."
"Perhaps if I show you a more complete version of this potion you shall recognize it." The Professor disappeared into his office. Harry heard the opening of doors and the professor returned with a small glass vial with a crystal stopper.
"Could you identify this potion Mr. Potter?"
"Veritaserum. Wait, you mean I made VERITAS rum? How is that possible? Mine's all cloudy."
"The cloudiness is normal. The potion must cool completely before all the particles will settle. Freshly made VERITAS rum is useless. It must sit."
"Doesn't it take a month to brew?"
"Yes Mr. Potter, that's what I find so incredible. You obviously did not mean to consciously make VERITAS rum. It's quite amazing that you did. Not only does it take a month to brew, but the slightest mistake could cause the whole potion to blow up. Have you ever seen the recipe for VERITAS rum?"
"No Professor." He was starting to feel oddly uncomfortable. How had he done this? He wasn't great at potions. He had no idea how his mind even knew what to do. Did Voldemort know how to make VERITAS rum in a matter of hours? He searched his mind. Somehow he had the strongest feeling that Voldemort did not posses this particular skill. It would be devastating for the light if he did.
"You can't tell anyone. Please Professor don't. I don't want to be treated as some specimen to study. If Voldemort found out then we'd be dead." The Professor had sat still; except for a slight movement at the mention of Voldemort's name.
"No I think this had better stay between us."
"Do you have any idea how or why I did this."
"I have many Mr. Potter. Each one more ludicrous then the next, but none are entirely improbable."
"You sounded like Dumbledore just now."
"From what I heard he was an incredible man. That's one of the highest compliments a person can give. Thank you."
"Well what are your theories?"
"Well from what I have heard about your scar you are connected to Voldemort…"
"No, well I am, but Voldemort has… blocked the connection so to speak."
"There's always the idea that you feel people are not being truthful to you so your subconscious took over while your mind was elsewhere. Or it could just be your strong desire to have the truth be known. Perhaps there are people you would like to know their reasons or their motives for doing things."
"The last one probably holds the most weight. I can help but want to ask Snape," he spat the name, "why he killed Dumbledore."
"What does it matter why he did it?"
"Dumbledore trusted him. He would have protected Snape. Why kill that protection?"
"Perhaps Dumbledore knew he was dying. He was very old you know. Maybe this Snape fellow you speak of made him a promise." Harry looked at him incredulously.
"Why would he make a promise to kill him?"
"Well you were there right?" Harry nodded. "Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe Snape knew Dumbledore was taking you with him. And if he knew you were with Dumbledore, then according to what I read in the paper about what happened atop the Astronomy Tower, Snape knew you were there. What if Dumbledore made him swear to protect you no matter what?"
"But how does that involve Snape killing Dumbledore?"
"Maybe there's more to Snape then you know."
"There'll always be more to Snape then anyone knows. It's just, I don't know. Do you think he made a promise similar to the one he made Dumbledore to someone who's fighting for Voldemort?" This time Professor Blackwell didn't move at all at the mention of Voldemort's name.
"I think it's possible."
"Hold on, Draco was the one who was supposed to kill Dumbledore, he let the Death Eaters in. It must have been someone close to him. His Father never gave damn about him, so I highly doubt he was the one who made Snape promise to, I don't know protect him or something. His mother…"
"what about her?"
"My mother died to protect me. Now his mum may not be dead, but maybe she's the one who made Snape promise to protect him. Surely Snape and Narcissa knew each other. They would have been at school around the same time. I just don't get wh-, wait, Unbreakable Vows. Snape must have made one with Dumbledore to protect me and one with Narcissa to protect Draco. So that would mean if he broke either of the vows he'd die. So he did the Slytherin thing and saved himself, but he fulfilled both of the vows. Don't you need a witness though, or someone to perform the spell?"
"Yes Unbreakable Vows do require a witness."
"So now all I have to do is figure out who the witnesses were. The Vow he made with Narcissa must have been made in front of someone close to Narcissa. Someone who would doubt Snape's loyalty. That could be Bellatrix," he spat the name with such venom that Professor Blackwell gave him a strange look. Harry took no notice.
"But who would have witnessed Snape and Dumbledore make the Vow. Surely someone would have said something by now. Snape's innocent. Well not innocent per se, but he had a reason, not a motive. And there's a difference. I have to go tell McGonagall." Harry stood up. The Professor stopped him.
"do you honestly think she's going to believe you?"
"She has to, it's the truth."
"No she doesn't and she won't. Fill in the holes first. Maybe your friends can help you." Harry sank into the chair he'd previously vacated.
"No one ever believes me. I tried to tell them that Malfoy was a Death Eater, but did anyone listen? No, of course not. Why has no one come forth with the information that hey saw Dumbledore and Snape make the Vow?"
"You never know how recently that Vow was made."
"Do you think the person who witnessed it is dead?"
"It's quite possible."
"But then how can I prove his innocence?"
"Why would you want to? He killed Albus Dumbledore, the greatest sorcerer of all time."
"Maybe because
that's all he ever wanted."
"And what's that?"
"Redemption." That sat in silence for a bit, both lost in their thoughts. A bell rang somewhere in the distance to indicate that the new period had begun.
"You'd better go. You're missing a class."
"It's just Transfiguration, Hermione can give me the notes later."
"I also have a class though."
"Then I'd better go."
"Here let me write you a note. There's no point in making Gryffindor suffer for my folly."
"Thanks." Harry took the parchment. He stopped in front of the door and turned back. "Do you think Snape could ever forgive himself?"
"Maybe if he felt everyone else had forgiven him. The blame one lays on them self is often much worse then the blame others lay upon them."
"Yeah," Harry said as he nodded his head. "Sorry about the Potion."
"No harm done. Now you'd better get to class before everyone thinks you and Ginny got caught up 'talking' again." Harry shot him a contemptuous look. The Professor just winked. Harry rolled his eyes. He opened the door and pushed his way through the assembled students. Harry smiled when he spotted Ginny.
"Oi Professor, Ginny's right here. I can't be accused of being late because of her."
"But maybe you were hanging around my classroom because you wanted to get a glimpse of her." Everyone laughed and Harry just stomped off muttering something about annoying Potions Professors.
Harry was woken from his stupor by two owls pecking incessantly at him. He removed the owls of their burdens and the one flew off into the night sky. He opened the first letter which was the heavier of the two. It was on lined paper and it took Harry a moment to identify who it was from.
Dear Harry,
Hey it's Arthur, remember me from Godric's Hollow? I don't think wizards actually use lined paper, but it was all I had.
Do you remember that statue? The one of Godric Gryffindor. Well it's been weird lately. I swear it's been glowing. But not in the normal sense of glowing. It seems to be absorbing the sunlight, yet the stone remains cool.
My friends and I got kind of suspicious, so on the night of the full moon we snuck out. The statue cast a shadow. Where the tip of the wands shadow fell we started digging. We found this key (the one enclosed). The writing makes no sense to us. Hopefully it'll be of some help to you.
Well I hope all's well. This owl seemed trustworthy enough. It was waiting at the base of the statue. It seemed as though it knew we'd be there and that he'd be needed. From Your Muggle Friend,
Harry looked at the owl. It was midnight black with eyes that seemed to change color. Harry picked up the key, but his gaze was still trained on the owl. He felt a surge of power and all the lights flickered in the common room. Harry was glad to be alone.
"Curious," Harry whispered. "Very curious. What's your name dear owl?"
The owl just stared at him. Harry swore that the owl's eyes turned rainbow for a second. "I'll be calling you Rainbow, Bo for short." The owl gave a short hoot and flew out into the night. Actually Harry wasn't entirely sure it was an owl. It had wings that resembled those of an eagle, the eyes of an owl, yet the shape of a phoenix.
Harry shook his head and turned his attention to the key. It was very old looking. It was lighter than normal though and seemed almost hollow. But it didn't sound hollow when Harry hit a galleon against it.
The writing on it was in Parsel Tongue. It seemed strange that a statue of Godric Gryffindor would have a key that must have belonged to Salazar Slytherin hid nearby. Yet another mystery to solve. The key said: 'Contained is the power many desire. Fitted is the key, to a door with all answers behind it. Relinquished to the wrong hands, upon the world shall the apocalypse come.'
"Great, now I have a key that can end the world if it falls into the wrong hands. Was does everything happen to me. I wonder if Voldemort wants this. But how can he, he knows nothing of it. Even Hermione's never mentioned anything about a key that could end the world. Unless no one knew about Gryffindor keeping Slytherins key. It must unlock a door that has something to do with the other Founders. A library. Gryffindor's Statue had the Key, and Slytherin's Key has the power to open the door to Ravenclaw's Library. But how does Hufflepuff fit into all this. Hogwarts would have been Hufflepuff's Home, she was the reigning Headmistress until she dies. So in Hufflepuff's Home, Ravenclaw's Library must be enclosed. That's it. Now all I have to do is find it. Na d it's not on the Marauder's map. And now I'm talking to myself."
Harry decided he'd better keep the necklace and his discoveries to himself. He put the key on a chain and placed it around his neck. The key grew warm and Harry could feel the power radiating from it. It didn't seem like a dark object though. But how could something that had the power to destroy the world be anything but evil. Did Salazar really betray Godric and Hogwarts all those year s ago? Could nothing be just black and white, good and evil?
Harry shifted and he heard the crinkle of parchment. Of course the other letter. He'd been so distracted by everything that he'd learned that he'd forgotten about it. Harry decided that he'd open the second letter tomorrow. He wondered if he'd ever be able to fall asleep. He had so much to think about.
Author's Note: Ok ay so I was going to write what the other letter said but I'm tired of typing. This chapter kind of took a turn of it's own. I skipped the original chapter I had written about Ginny and Harry and went on to type this one. And just for your information it was a reasonably short chapter. It was only 5 pages handwritten. But you know, life never goes as planned. I hoped you liked this chapter. Personally I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the reviews. Review! Review! Review! So I have a couple of Questions.
What power do you think the key holds/unlocks?
Who do you think the other letter is from?
Who do you think is stealing the money from the Ministry and why?