Hey all! i am soooooooo effing sorry for the long awaited update! i had a HUGE writers block for a couple of months..then, i started skewl, and my teachers gave me a shitload of homework.. THEN... when i finally got a good idea.. i couldn't type it, or write it down, because my bro was using it at the time.. and I wasted ALL of my notebook paper on drawing..and they weren't even very good... --; well, here i am, and still incredibly sorry for not updating for so long!

Sasuke's Heart..Ch. 5: New Found Love

Kami broke the kiss, stood up, and started walking back and frth, mumbling to herself. Sasuke also stood up. "Kami, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you...its just that...i've wanted to for so long, and--" Sasuke said, but was cut off by a pair of lips on his own.

It took him a while to realize that it was Kami who has kissed him. When they broke apart, Kami started to talk. "No, don't be sorry. I also wanted to kiss you for so long. I just never had the guts." As she was saying this, she made her way to Sasuke and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He smiled, and wrapped his arms around her. But his smile turned into a confused frown. "Then how come after we kissed, you stood up, and started mumbling like it was a bad thing," Sasuke asked. Kami started to giggle, which evolved to chuckling, which evolved to laughing, which evolved into Kami rolling on the floor laughing her ass off. Sasuke jus stood ther, dumbfounded as to why she was on the floor laughing her ass off.

"Sasuke," Kami said as she started to calm down, "the only thing iw a mumbling was how lucky, and happy i am that out of all your fan girls, some of them being prettier, you picked me. ME." She gave Sasuke a kiss and smiled."Kami, in my eyes, no one can be prettier than you." Sasuke replied, smiling at the beautiful girl laying her head on his chest. Fora awhile, they just stood there, enjoying each others warmth.

"We should be heading back, we need to get out stuff ready for tomorrow," Kami suggested. Sasuke nodded, and they swam from their secret hidout behind the waterfall. They resurrfaced in the clearing, and swam to shore.

"How long were we here?" Kami asked. It was dusk and the sun was setting, with a beatufil magenta sky surrounding its dissapearing, yellow body...that sounds pretty overdramatic. When they arrived the clearing, however, the sun was up high, and it was about 3:00 p.m.

"I don't know. Lets just head backhome before dark" Sasuke said as he was putting his shirt on. Kami nodded and put on her shirt and pants. (remember, when they arrived, they were wearing they're swimsuits under they're clothes!) They gathered all of their things and walked home.

When they got home, the sun had almost set. "Whaaaa! i'm beat!" Kami said as she collapsed on the couch. She was starting to close her eyes, but was once again awaken by a pillow hitting her head.

"Wake up! you have to take a bath! And we still need to get our stuff ready for tomorrow!" Sasuke said, and Kami groaned. "Since when were YOU the responsible one!" She exclaimed, throwing the pillow at Sasuke. She went to the bathroom, and took a bath...duh...

Sasuke, while waiting for Kami to finish, got his stuff ready. H gut his shuriken, kunai, and other things packed neatly in his holster pack. Right when he finished, Kami stepped out in her lavendar silk pajamas. "Your turn," She said and went to her room. She started acking her stuff. When she was done, she laid down on her bed, and almost immediatley fell asleep.

Sasuke got out of the bathroom, and went to check on Kami. He found her fast asleep on her bed, and her stuff neatly packed next to her bed.He went to his own bedroom and fell asleep, thinking of a certain someone.

Next day...

Kami woke up to the annoying, beeping sound of the digital clock on the nightstand nest to her bed. She slammed her fist on the snooze button, and glanced at her clock. (it read 6:00 a.m.) She went to her bathroom, and took a shower. After she was done, she combed her brownhair until it was tangle-free. She put her undergarments on, a plain white t-shirt, and dark blue pants. She also slipped on 2 black fingerless gloves. She pute on her ninja slippers, and strapped her holster pack on her right thigh. She dried her hair a bit,decideing (sp?)to let it down, and stepped out of the bathroom.

She glanced at her clock. '6:30, alright. Well, better wake Sasuke up," Kami thought. She went in his bedroom and saw his head pop out from tangled sheets. Then, an evil idea popped into her evil little head. She walked up to Sasuke. "Sasuke," she whispered tenderly into his hear. "Hmmm?" He "asked" groggly (sp?) and shifted his head towards Kami's head. She climbed on Sasuke's bed, stood up, and started jumping around, careful not to jump on Sasuke. "WAKE UP! SASUKE, GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT OF BED AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" Kami yelled, still jumping around his bed.

Sasuke was just sitting there, eyes wide, and lips parted a bit. When Kami was sure that Sasuke was copletely awake, she stopped jumping, and got off his bed, an in innocent smile on her face. Sasuke was just sitting there, trying to comprehend what just happened. Then it hit him. Literelly, a pillow hit him. "Hllo! You sleeping with your eyes open or something? Get your ass out of bed and get ready for school!" Kami yelled at him.

"Kami, what the hell!" Sasuke yelled. "What?" she replied with a confused look on her face. "Couldn't you have woken m up a little bit nicer!"


"Why not!"

"Cause I felt like being evil. Now take a shower, and get dressed, and you better not take your freakin' time, or you can forget about breakfast." Kami said as she walked out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen. Sasuke just sighed, and went to take a shower. He stepped out in his usula clothing, in his usual hair, ninjia sandals, and his holster pack strapped to his thigh. When he got into the kitchen, there was a smell. The Kind of smelly smell that smells...smelly (a/n: lol, i got that from 'we met in home ec' by HazelEyed Freak)

"Wacha' cookin'?" Sasuke asked as he sat down.

"Bacon, eggs, and juice," Kami said. "How can you cook juice?"

"Shut up and eat, dumbass" Kami said and threw a spoon and fork at Sasuke. After eating, they went to the bathroom, and brushed their teeth. Now they went on their merry way to school...naw just playing..but they did go to school.

On the way...

Sasuke and Kami were walking down the street, arms linked, and talking about nothing, and everything.

"Hey Sasuke"


"I got a riddle for you"

"Shoot..i bet i can figure it out"

"How many animals of each kind did moses take on the ark with him?"

"Thats freaking easy..2"

"Baka, the answer is 0!"

"What the hell? No it isn't!"

"yes it is!"

"prove it!"

"Moses didn't build the ark! Noah did!"


"Hahahahahaha, i am soo smart...

"Shut up, that was tricky!" as Sasuke said this, they arrived at school. They entered in the classroom, and all eyes were on them. Then.. -blink- "SSSSSSAAAAAAAAAASSSSSUUUUUUUUKKKKKEEEEEEEE-KKKKKKKUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!"





"blabber blabber blabber" Sasuke and Kami ignored these blabbering fangirls and went deeper into class. then..-blink- "KKKKKAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIII-CCCCCHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNNN!"





"blabber blabber blabber" Sasuke and kami ignored these blabbering fanboys and went even deeper in class, and the only people sitting was Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuuga Hinata, Aburame Shino, and Uzumaki Naruto. Shikamaru and Chouji were in their own world, Hinata, Kiba, and Shino were talking amongst themselves, but Naruto was just sitting there, by himself.

"Sasuke, lets sit with him," Kami said walking towards Naruto. "The dead-last!" Sasuke said. Kami just glared at him, which made him shut up, and walked towards Naruto.

"Ohayou! I'm Kami," Kami greeted, "And I'm sure you know Sasuke." Naruto was just sitting there, surprised that they were talking to him, but soon regained his composture as the happy-go-lucky 12-year-old we all know and love. "Ohayou! I'm Uzumaki Naruto! Future hokage!" Naruto said. Kami just smiled and sweatdropped. Kami and Sasuke sat down, and started talking with Naruto. (a/n: ok, i'm gonna do something different rite now, ok?)

K: So, why do you want to be Hokage?

N: I want everyone to Notice me!

S: Why? it's gonna be annoying, and your gonna have all these people following you, and asking for your autograph

K: Sasuke, i'm sure he has a good reason why he wants everyone to notice him

N: Yeah, i do! Thanks, Mimi-chan!

K and S: Mimi-chan?

N: Yeh, i thought it sounds Kinda cute.

K: Heh, yeh, it does sounds pretty cute.

S: umm...I think I'll stick to calling you Kami

K: hmph..fine

(a/n: ok, back to normal story mode)

"HEY! THEY'RE GONE!" a fanboy yelled. "THEY'RE OVER THERE!"


"I don't think so, Ino-chan" A voice cut them. "Iruka-Sensei!" the whole class yelled. -blink- "WELCOME BACK IRUKA-SENSEI!" came from Naruto and Kami. "Yeah, welcom back" Sasuke said after. "Thank you. Now, just because I just came back from the hospital, doesn't mean that i won't be giving you a full lesson today!" Iruka stated, and the whole class groaned. "Suck it up!"

And that..is a day in the life of Sasuke and Kami

Hey guys! I am, once again, so sorry for not updating for such a long tim!i'll try updating this story faster!

K, yeh, you should, i was tired of waiting for you!

S: Yeah! what took so long, anyway!

Me: Some technical diffculties

N: How come it took so long for me to show up!

Me: Shut up, at least ur int it! ok, well, hope you guys update! until next time!