A/N: Okay I am totally in love with the new medical drama House and ideas instantly started popping in to my head; I hope every one likes my story.

Disclaimer: I do now own House, or any thing affiliated with it.

Chapter One

Dr. Robert Chase was walking down to the lab to get more information on a specific patients blood when he heard whistling coming from House's office when he walked by. He froze.

Whistling was one thing that you didn't hear in the hospital let alone coming from House's office. He looked around and the door was open. He simply couldn't help himself, he literally couldn't the shades weren't drawn in Houses office.

He saw something that startled him. A girl, she had to be around twenty one, in House's chair with her feet up on his desk. She was wearing a white blouse with a black sweater vest, which was overly tight in Chase's mind, with a short jean skirt on. She had long black hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, with two pieces falling into her face.

What surprised Chase even more was what she was doing. She was on House's private laptop, not his business desk top which meant that she had to have gone through

….. yup, there was House's bag open on the floor by the desk. She couldn't be hacking information because she was calmly just typing away. All the confidential stuff was on the desk top.

Chase went in.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" The girl looked over to Chase. She slowly placed the lap top on the desk, stood up and smiled. She had to be at least 5'6". Chase was quite literally blown away by the smile, it was simply breathe taking, her teeth were perfect, and she was perfect. Could her legs be any longer?

"Um, yes actually, I am, obviously, looking for Gregory House. Do you know where he is?" Her voice was amazing as well. She must be close with House, to use his first name and not Doctor.

"I could probably find him. Are you a patient?" She laughed.

"Oh god no! I am his little sister, Evelyn." They shook hands.

All of a sudden Chase felt very uneasy. So House had a little sister, and what a little sister! Chase figured nothing good or even semi-good could come from liking House's little sister, he already had to be careful what he said around House to stay on his good side. Chase seemed to lose all his ability to speak.

"Are you alright? You look a little pale all of a sudden." Concern instantly filled her face.

"No, I am fine." The concern made Chase's insides go to jelly. All he could think was 'No, just keep thinking this is House's sister, she must be just as bitter as he is deep down.' But for some reason he just couldn't get him self to believe that.

"Still, maybe you should sit down." 'Why do you have to be so nice?'

"Having fun gawking at my sister Chase?" Chase spun around. House was standing in the door way staring as unemotionally as ever, as foreboding as ever.

"Gregory!" Evelyn walked around the desk and through her arms around Houses neck, the open affection left Chase speechless, House was like a human (male) ice queen. He didn't seem the big brother type. Evelyn turned around and Chase couldn't help but notice that she had blushed; it made his knees go weak. She was so amazing! "So this is the famous Dr. Chase. I am so glad I get to finally meet you."

Now it was Chase's turn to blush he leaned against House's desk hiding his face. House mean while looked from Chase to his sister lost. He was losing his patience.

"Look, is there a reason you are in my office, Chase?" Chase looked at him like he was coming out of a trance.

"Um, no actually." Chase looked at House.

"Well!" House couldn't believe it.

"Right, sorry. Nice to meet you." Chase added to Evelyn and quickly left the office. Evelyn ran over to the door and leaned out.

"It was nice meeting you!" Chase looked back and smiled, waving good bye back at Evelyn. House put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back into his office. With a flick of his wrist the blinds were closed. He sat behind his desk and stared at Evelyn.

"Firstly, why are you here and not in school?" He waited for Evelyn to answer.

"Well ya see," Evelyn sat down across from House. "My dorm mate and I have an agreement that we reserve the right to kick the other out for an undetermined amount of time once a year and she used hers and my place to stay fell through." She stared at him matter-of-factly.

"I pay five thousand dollars a year for residence and you end up here for spring break?" Facing her brother was never something Evelyn never liked to do but she wasn't one to back down.

"We had talked about me coming for spring break to visit." She said weakly.

"Yes, and we had agreed that you wouldn't." He stared at her.

"Look, Greg, I am here aren't I? Why do you always have to be so negative all the time?" He stared at her his mouth open.

"I am negative because I am realistic. You've got no where to stay."

"I can crash with you," She stared at him "We're family!" She added quickly. Somehow she didn't think that would mean much to House.

"Fine, you can stay with me. Secondly, what was that with Dr. Chase?"

"Oh doctor, now. A minute ago it was just Chase."

"Yes, but I was talking to him, and don't change the subject, answer the question!"

"Nothing, he came to see if he could help me."

"That's what he would like. Anyway I know you to well."

"Greg, that doesn't even make sense. Look, I am tired; can I get a ride to your place please? I have jet lag." House looked at her.

"Fine, follow me. One of my underlings can take you." Evelyn secretly wished that he was talking about Chase.