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Fandom: Gundam Wing
Title: The Agent - Epilogue
Pairings: 1x2x1, and other pairings inbetween
Warnings: AU, fluff, angst, post-apocalyptic, violence.

Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst
Rating: R (for language and graphic descriptions)
Disclaimers: Main characters are properties of Bandai and Studio Sunrise. I make no money off them.

Final Notes: My sincere thanks to everyone who has read and left a comment on this story. This was a pet project I never thought I'd get completed, but your kind words of encouragement made this possible and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thanks so much again for reading and enjoy the final installment.


On a clear, blue, crystalline Saturday morning, the huge bells of the Cathedral tolled its mournful dirge signaling the official end of an era.

They had to bury an empty coffin in her place.

The funeral ceremony was attended by every dignitary, or high powered political and military personnel from Earth and the Colonies. The casket was draped in white silk from Persia, with the gold Peacecraft crest adorning both sides and the top. Ten thousand red, yellow and white roses surrounded it, her crown placed on top as homage to her reign. Eight pall bearers, dressed in the royal colors of purple and red, led the procession down the grand staircase of the castle to the pavilion. Many estimated that over a million civilians filled the main courtyards and lined the boulevard that led up to the palace. There was not a dry eye in the house, and as the bells tolled for the final time, the air was not one of jubilation at a war ended, but at the cruel fate of a Queen who would never have the fortune of seeing her dream come to pass.

Duo had barely been able to sit through the ceremony, let alone attend. But he had felt it was the honorable thing to do despite the guilt and Relena's last words which haunted him whenever he closed his eyes. The State Room – although ostentatious and quite spacious – seemed claustrophobic to him, and his tailored black suit felt constricting and uncomfortable. He got to his feet and paced to the large window, looking out to the people still milling about the streets below. They looked like tiny ants from his vantage point, like toy soldiers tuned to move at a single command. Peace had finally come to them, and they could walk about freely with no fear of a sudden attack. It was a miracle how many could take that word 'peace' for granted. It brought a rueful smile came to his face.

"All of that can be yours and more," came the low voice which had Duo turning around quickly. He tried to remember the name of the white bearded man dressed in military attire and failed. He had been introduced to so many people lately, it was a miracle he could even remember his own name.

"Major General Adley McKeen," the man said as he extended a gloved hand to Duo for a handshake. Duo returned the gesture, gaze darting towards the door as four other men walked into the room. "Please allow me to introduce Colonel Tom Allison and Lieutenant Briggs of the Earth's Forces. On my right, Colonel Masataka Yanagi of the L1 Colony Cluster and Chancellor Jean-Pierre of the L3 Colony Cluster. Gentlemen, this is Duo Maxwell – the man responsible for the end of that terrible war."

Duo gave a polite bow at the applause he received, wondering what they'd say if he blurted out that he was the one responsible for their Queen's death. He sat as McKeen motioned for him to do so, trying not to look too uncomfortable at the intense scrutiny he was receiving from the older men. He did have a reputation to uphold, and despite his vehement refusals to attend this meeting, Sheldon, Po and Heero had somehow bullied him into it. Damn it all to hell.

"I will not beat around the bush, Maxwell," McKeen began quietly. He placed his hands on the polished table and leaned forward, dark brown eyes glinting with eagerness. "You know why you have been called here. Earth needs a new leader and with the passing of Queen Relena, we feel it is right that you take over the role."

"The people trust you," Yanagi piped in. "Stories of your exploits as the leader of the Opposition have traveled far and wide. Your fights for good and the restoration of power to the right hands have been well documented and you are almost seen as a hero to many."

"We only ask that you lead us to the next millennium," Jean-Pierre added. "With your guidance, we are assured that the Earth and Colonies will maintain a peaceful alliance that will last for many generations to come."

"We know of your concerns for L2, L4, and L5," McKeen said quietly. "L4 has gone through tremendous progress so far, and as you know, Quatre Winner is in the running to become the new leader of that colony cluster. I have no doubt he will win many votes, since he is pouring the most money and infrastructure into its redevelopment. L5 has already kicked off rebuilding as well with help from the several volunteers and former Organization units recruited. I also hear that you have managed to convince the Chang head family to take over once construction is over. Quite an admirable job considering how reluctant they have been with their involvement in world affairs. L2 has been under your supervision for the past few months, and it goes without saying that you have done a fantastic job so far. I have no doubt they'd want you to rule as their leader, but I believe you gave the role to Officer Sheldon."

Duo nodded slowly.

"Excellent. It then leaves you with Earth," McKeen said with a smile. "You can also help us here. There are many programs that we wish to have reviewed or re-instated. Take for instance the shipment of gundanium. If we can have access to that, we can begin work on creating an army that will be at the ready in the case of another uprising. What we need is a--"

"Puppet," Duo finally replied with a small smile.

The officers looked stumped. It was finally Yanagi who broke the silence. "I'm afraid we do not understand, Maxwell. What do you mean…?"

Duo lifted his gaze from the table to pin cool violet depths on his rapt audience. "What I mean is that I have no interest in becoming anyone's puppet. Even if I were to agree to this, what would stop you from imposing your will upon me to satisfy your various demands? That's the way it is with power amongst you elite, isn't it?" His lips curled into a small sneer, his gaze now flints of irritation. "I wasn't just fighting Treize Khushrenada and his ideals, gentlemen. I was fighting something so much bigger. I was fighting against the prejudice and corruption that goes on behind closed doors, against the favoritism that seemed to leak through your cabinets and officials as you all sought for your own greed and--"

"Enough!" Allison roared as he rose to his feet, pounding his fist hard upon the table. "We do not have to listen to his bullshit!"

"Colonel!" McKeen barked curtly. "Please sit down! Remember we called him here for help. We should at least listen to what he has to say."

The Colonel did as he was told reluctantly, still glaring at Duo who had a smirk on his visage. The younger man leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, a gloved hand cupping his chin as he eyed the military might before him. It could be so easy to say yes and have it all at his fingertips, but when he thought of the smiling faces of children he had met in the past few months all excited to begin new schools and live in new homes on L2, or the sight of Hilde smiling again as she joined Noin and Sally in the rebuilding of their homes, or of Sheldon laughing heartily over a game of cards, or Antonio looking sheepish as he introduced his new girlfriend, or of simply staring at a beautiful sunset with Heero by his side, Duo knew he couldn't trade that for anything else in the world. His rebellious days were over. All he wanted was a peaceful life with the man he was beginning to love more and more with each passing day.

"Do what you have to do," Heero had muttered to him earlier. "I know you'll make the right choice."

"Well, Maxwell?" McKeen asked, even though there was a tone of resignation in his voice. It was as if he knew that the young man would refuse his offer anyway. "What will it be?"

/Go…build a better world for everyone…with…my brother…/

Duo closed his eyes for a moment, wishing he could tell Relena that he was so sorry for not finding Zechs yet. Although he had sent his best detectives to search for the elusive man, it seemed as if the blond soldier had simply vanished off the face of the earth.

I'm so sorry, Relena. I really, really am, but I'm going to do things my way. The only way I know how.

He opened his eyes to look at the officials again, a small smile on his lips as he tried to frame his words just well enough to get his point across.

"I will decline the offer, gentlemen," he began slowly. "As tempting an offer as it is. Perhaps I'm doing this for purely selfish reasons. That is something I'm yet to find out. I didn't grow up wanting to become a rebel leader, believe it or not. All I wanted was a peaceful colony, with food and water for myself, my friends and my future family. To me Earth was a beautiful place that I felt should not be tarnished in any way. I held on to my naïve dreams despite never knowing the love of a real father or a mother. However, things changed – our leaders changed. They became so enticed by the promise of wealth and power that they forgot about the people who elected them to office. Now, tell me, is that fair, gentlemen? Is it fair to live in a luxurious castle while a kid walks in front of your building every day begging for food? Is it fair that many are dying from lack of medical attention, good water or proper supply of oxygen just because the prices were rising higher and higher to beef up our so called leaders' pockets? Tell me how fair it becomes when brothers attack brothers just to survive, when children steal and sell their bodies for money just to get by. Tell me how men and women and children begin to get sold to an Organization, or kidnapped never to be heard from again, only to hear that they've become fucking robots for some goddamn program!"

By this time, Duo's cool demeanor had long been forgotten. He was leaning closer to the table now, angry eyes meeting and challenging each leader as they lowered their gazes as if in shame. Even Allison couldn't bear to stare at Duo's face for too long. The power the younger man exuded at this very moment was almost choking. He could see why many had feared him in the past.

"I had to watch this everyday, gentlemen," Duo continued in a dangerously low tone. "I had to watch my colony reduced to a shadow of its former self, and at the ripe old age of fifteen, I became a 'rebel' – going underground, risking my life every day and night to find like minded individuals who wanted freedom. You see, we were in hell, gentlemen, and I wanted out of it. Or better yet, I wanted to drag those assholes we called leaders into the pits of filth, decay and death and rub their noses in it!"

He laughed – a short, almost barking sound of derision - and sat back in his chair. He closed his eyes and rubbed a hand across his forehead. When he opened them again, it was to stare longingly at the window, watching the golden hues of sunset bathe through the thick curtains.

"I just want to live a normal life for once, gentlemen. A life free from obligations and the weight of others on my shoulders. For ten years I carried this burden and it was becoming way too heavy for me. Perhaps a part of me was even grateful I became a unit." He smiled bitterly. "I was 'free' for a while at least. I could remember nothing and didn't want to at some point. Perhaps a part of me still knew what awaited out there and didn't want to go back. It wanted to remain in that sterile environment where it was treated like a thing and liable to be exterminated if it fucked up just one time. But then…" His smile became wistful. "I met someone who made me re-think my priorities again. The more I lived, the more I knew I was doing so for him. He was trapped in his own world and needed someone like me to break him free from those chains. I guess we both helped each other in that regard. I thought I knew what real strength was until I met him. For you see, gentlemen, true strength isn't running around and waving weapons, or flashing a military badge here and there. True strength isn't just being the leader of thousands, no millions all over the solar system. True strength comes from the heart. It comes from knowing that you are willing to accept your mistakes and to change, to become better for it. It's facing hopelessness and death and beating it with your will to survive. True strength comes in giving another a second chance to live and to love, and with him, I finally found what I have been lacking for so long. "

If the officers were shocked at Duo's admission of being in a relationship with another man, they did their best to hide it with polite masks of interest.

"The bottom line, gentlemen, is that I cannot be the leader you want me to be anymore," Duo said, folding his hands. "I will work on L2 and do my best until the colony is back to what it was before the bullshit began. After that, I will be retiring to an undisclosed location with my significant other. If you feel it's absolutely necessary to contact me, then you can speak to Officer Sheldon. Otherwise, I'd appreciate you all pretending I do not even exist once my job is done."

He smiled and rose to his feet in a move that was nothing short of graceful. Bowing politely to the stunned men, he left the room, closed the door behind him and sagged wearily against it. Phew. That had taken away five years of his life.

"How did it go?" came the soft question from the dark-haired man waiting for him outside the building. Duo eyed Heero in appreciation, the doctor no longer limping thanks to a leg that was now made out of gundanium like his partner's. Heero's new hospital on L1 was booming thanks to this new development and talks of creating another one on L2 was in the works. Doctors J and G had been found, and now worked (reluctantly) under Heero's supervision. They had been captured by the Earth's Forces, but were released after a sworn deposition from Heero and Duo in court. Patini, on the other hand, hadn't been so lucky. He had died during the raid.

"They'll live without me," Duo replied with a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Heero's waist, nuzzling him gently. "I told them they could take their position and shove it up their asses."

Heero blinked in surprise, although flushing at the public display of affection. "You didn't."

"Well, I could have," Duo replied with a wink.

He stopped and turned back to look at the Peacecraft crest upon the grand building. With its marble columns, designed to look like the Pantheon, as well as the hundreds of flags from different nations that hung from its rooftops, it really was an impressive piece of architecture.

"Regret?" Heero asked, sinking hands into the pockets of the brown tailored pants of his suit.

"Nah, just thinking this might be the last time I see this place. Might as well enjoy it while I can."

They began to walk down the remaining flight of stairs, neither saying anything as thoughts and words they so longed to say seemed trapped within their minds. Heero stole a quick glance at Duo's profile, savoring the man he had had to himself for the past few weeks. Every day with Duo was a pleasure in itself, and it just wasn't because of the great sex they had every now and then. With Duo he was exposed to things he had never known before. He made more friends than his twenty-five years on earth combined. The beauty of Earth…no, of life in general had been revealed with Duo, and Heero realized just how shrouded and closed his world had been from birth to his stint with the Organization. With Duo he felt he was alive again. Duo's kindness, gentleness and determination reminded Heero of just how much he—

"…love you, you know," came the low mumble that had Heero freezing in his tracks. Duo's face was a bright red as he continued to walk down the rest of the steps quickly, perhaps embarrassed at his moment of weakness.

Heero's lips formed a small but beautiful smile at the confession, feeling his heart leap with an emotion he was no longer going to try to hide. He knew without a doubt that he was ready for his new life with Duo Maxwell, and no matter where it led him, the young doctor was willing to follow until his dying day.


The construction and rebuilding of Colonies L2, L4, and L5 were completed a year later. There was an 'Interplanetary Day of Celebration' where all Colonies and Earth honored the beginning of a new era. Many refugees who had fled the Colonies during the war, returned to begin new communities, towns and cities. Tourism now also makes up about eighty percent of the Colonies' revenue.

Quatre Winner became the new Chancellor for the L4 Colony Cluster. He still maintains close relationships with members of the former Opposition and has dedicated a pavilion in his city to Duo Maxwell.

Trowa Barton got accepted in the Earth's Forces and as of today, he has been promoted to the rank of Colonel. Every now and then, he returns to L3 to oversee the military situation. Rumor has it that he plans to run for Chancellor in the upcoming elections.

L5 is being run by Chancellor Lee Chang, one of the head family members and relative to the late Wufei Chang. A school of higher learning has been renamed in Wufei's honor, and (although not verified) many believe that they have seen Duo Maxwell visit the colony to place flowers on the dead warrior's grave.

Chancellor Paul Sheldon will be giving up his seat in a few months, and many believe he will select Sally Po as the new leader of the L2 Colony Cluster. This would make her the first female Chancellor in history, something many look forward to.

Lucrezia Noin and Hilde Scheibeker have started a school for children in L2. Both are very happy in relationships that could blossom into marriages in the near future. Antonio Velasquez returned to Earth, where he now lives with his wife and six-month old son.

Major General Adley McKeen is still the current leader of the Earth's Alliance, but many believe his successor would be General Tom Allison in the upcoming elections. No one could be happier with that development than Allison himself.

The whereabouts of Zechs Merquise (Milliardo Peacecraft) is still unknown, although some say they have seen and heard of the 'Phantom Renegade' who wanders through space.

The current whereabouts of Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy are also not known at this time. Both men seem to have vanished without a trace, but if the last excited phone call received by Paul Sheldon about a little baby boy is any indication, we can rest assured that the couple is doing just fine.

The End