Christine's POV

As I glanced across the seat, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful Meg was. Even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, it suited her well. Her skin had a glow to it and the expression on her sleeping face displayed peace. I'd never realized before how stunning Meg truly was. For me this was peculiar, staring at my friend, but I was just... thinking. I was noticing all of the things in our lives that had changed.

Meg truly was, and is, my best friend. I say that with honesty even despite all that has happened. Who knows, maybe it's for the best that Raoul is gone. Maybe it will strengthen us now that we've finally had some trials in our friendship. After all, relationships aren't meant to be perfect. Since we've known each other we've never even had a real fight until now. So here we are facing a baby, a break up, and who knows what else is to come in these two lives we live. All that I can do is to hope for the best, and hold on to my dear friend.

The sunlight reflecting off the windshield created a glare in Christine's hazel eyes. She squinted and reflexively covered her them with her hand. Glancing out the window she could see that they were nearly home. She began digging through her purse trying to find her wallet; this cab ride would cost a fortune. "Which means," she thought, "that I'd better start going to work."

Since Erik had been hospitalized it'd been almost three weeks since she's been into the office. Not that she was hard up for cash, her father had left a sizeable wealth for her when he'd died, but she felt as if she were missing everything about her life. She'd been reading pure magazine since she was a little child and now it was a big part of her life.

Of course, Erik was too. But she just needed a break from that… from him.

She wanted to work, odd at it was, but she craved the fast pace of the office.

The cab jolted to a stop waking Meg up with a start. "That'll be $87.48 please."

"Good God," Christine exclaimed, but she handed the money to the greasy cab driver. "Meg lets go. We need to call and make an appointment for you."

Opening the door of the apartment building they both inhabited, Meg wanted nothing more than sleep. In contrast, Christine couldn't seem to get Raoul out of her head. It was so typical for her to run back to him, to rely on him for everything. The issue was that her thoughts were not only of Raoul, but Alex and Erik as well.

"Christine," Meg interrupted her thoughts. "Is there a Porsche on the street, or am I crazy?"

"A Porsche? Erik never brought his car home?"

"Erik has… a Porsche? Christine, if you don't marry him, I'm going to."

She laughed, "Meg, I don't need…stuff, I need,"

"It's not juststuff!" Meg interrupted again, "we're talking about cars and mansions and wealth here. Besides that, we both know that Erik is in love with you."

"Oh go home," she said with a scowl but they both understood the teasing. It was promising to see that they could be comfortable joking around with each other again.

Meg began digging for her keys as she made her way to the small apartment she called home. "Christine," she began, "I really need to take a shower. I'll give you a call when I'm ready to go. We can just head over to the Clinic on 3rd and Martin."

"Okay, don't be too long though." Christine began the ascent to her floor all the while trying to clear her head of men. She had just opened the door when the phone began to ring. "Meg can't have showered that fast," she thought to herself and it was with great anticipation that she answered the phone. Had it been any one of the three significant men in her life she would have been contented but the voice on the other end was distinctly that of Erik.

"Christine, hi."

"Hey Erik, we just got back. I'm sure you know this, but your car is still outside my building."

"Yes, that's actually the reason for my call. I'm going to have to come into the city to pick it up anyway so I was thinking that perhaps you and I could have dinner." He emphasized both you and I in hopes that Christine would understand he wanted only her to be with him tonight.

She considered it for a lengthy moment before deciding to decline. "It's a nice idea Erik but I'm totally wiped. I think I'm just going to relax tonight. Can I take a rain check?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Give me a call sometime." The glamour in Erik's distinct style of speaking was always lost when he was disappointed, irate, or intoxicated. His elegance had a tendency to escape him.

"I will Erik, I promise."

"Christine I lo..." he paused, he was unsure of whether a conclusion to that statement was merited.

"Yes Erik?" came the voice on the other end.

He thought he heard expectance in her voice. Maybe this was the natural next-step for both of them. Hesitation, however, is the greatest eradicator of all beautiful moments and he felt that his moment had slipped away. "I must go, we'll speak again soon. Good-bye."

A soft click disconnected the call.

Without remorse Christine returned her translucent blue phone to its home on the cradle. Today she needed an escape from Erik. Today she would accompany her friend to the clinic, she would be supportive and she would have a good time.

Tonight, she saw an evening spent with Meg and their best friends; Ben & Jerry and of course Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She pulled on the sturdy brass knob to and found Meg standing in the doorway.

"I called ahead," she said, "They're expecting us at the clinic in an hour."

"Well good," said Christine. "We have time to make a couple stops."

"Stops?" asked Meg oblivious to Christine's intentions. "What are we doing tonight?"

"We've got to stop at 7-11 to pick up some necessities."


"Yes, for our girls night."

"Ooh," Meg smiled, "I like the sound of that. I'm thinking, Sex and the City marathon."

Christine smirked, it was amazing how similar the two really were. "My thoughts exactly Meg, my thoughts exactly."