Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei, only the human version of 003.

Well, I thought of this fic idea while I was on vacation in Poland, I wrote it on paper and then I forgot about it but luckily I told one of my author friends, Harada Risa, and she reminded me about it so I decided to write it and post it up. And it's also a birthday fic for her too! So Happy birthday!

Yes, I know I have a lot of fics up already but I shall update them all… eventually….

And in this fic, 003 is female for reasons that are completely obvious. Also I drew a picture of how 003-chan would look as a human and if I get access to a scanner, I'll scan and show you people.

Summary: While annoyed by how blind her master could be, 003 didn't realize that she drank some of her master's latest potion. When she wakes up she finds herself human.. And naked.

Pairings: TaTari, TsuSoka.

Warnings: Shonen Ai, Human 003

A loud, early morning explosion shook the building after some sort of potion blew up in Watari's lab.

003 emerged from her hiding place where she had hid when Watari's latest potion exploded. The tiny owl sighed mentally after finding her master lying on the ground covered in black ash from head to toe, the tips of his golden hair were burnt, most of the lab equipment was destroyed, and there was a gaping hole in the wall the size of Byakko in his tiger form. Yup. Watari was going to be murdered by that secretary.

What was left of the metal door fell to the ground and an extremely angered brunette stepped inside the newly desolated laboratory, his azure orbs blazing with anger, "Watari-san..."

The blond, who was still sprawled out on the ground, lifted his head and gulped lightly once he saw the secretary before standing up and smiling sheepishly at Tatsumi, "Hiya, Tatsumi.. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" The brunette started in a cold, angered tone of voice as he glared at the lab before glaring murderously at it's human inhabitant, "What's wrong is that you destroyed over half your laboratory not to mention blew a gigantic hole in the wall! This is coming out of your salary, Watari Yutaka! I've had just about enough of these explosions and useless spending on new equipment!"

Watari glanced around the room that had once been his laboratory. Yup. Most of his equipment was damaged or completely destroyed other then several potions, flasks, his laptop, and electron microscope. At least his latest sex-changing potion attempt wasn't destroyed and neither was 003's water bowl.

He turned back to look at the brunette's furious face, hurt lightly by the way he was screaming at him but nonetheless the blond forced a fake smile, "I'll clean everything up, I promise. And I'll pay for everything out of my paycheck."

Tatsumi adjusted his glasses in order to prevent Watari from seeing the expression in his sapphire eyes change from anger to regret for having screamed at him like that, before he turned to leave the room, "Good. Because I am not about to give you another cent to spend on buying brand new equipment."

Watari watched the man exit the room before his happy expression vanished and he slid down the wall and leaned against. Silence reigned for several minutes until the scientist finally said, "He really hates me, doesn't he 003?"

003 rolled her eyes at her master as she landed on his shoulder, hooting several things at him that meant 'No, he doesn't.'. Honestly, how could her master be so blind? It was obvious that the two had feelings for each other since Day 1. The way they speak to each other, the way they sneak glances at each other when they think the other isn't looking. Gods, humans are so blind.

The blond beauty smiled lightly at the bird as he patted her gently, "Thanks 003 but I know he doesn't like me. He only has eyes for his work and Tsuzuki." A soft sigh escaped his delicate lips as he stood up, "Might as well start cleaning up."

003 flew off Watari's shoulder once he began cleaning, and landed on the edge of what she thought was her water bowl. Why was her master so blind when it came to mating? It isn't hard to see that that secretary looks at him differently then anyone else. Even Tsuzuki doesn't get those special looks from him. The owl drank some of her water not noticing the peculiar taste it had nor that the water was a vibrant shade of blue and had bits of purple within it.

The tiny bird looked at where her favorite perch once had been and found it had been burned to a crisp. Joy. Well, sleeping on the ground isn't that bad decided 003 and she flew down to the ground and went underneath the table that was amazingly intact. Humans are too blind. She'd never understand them, that was for certain.

003's eyes opened once she heard birds chirping outside. Something was strange. She couldn't understand what they were saying for one thing. Oh well. Maybe she was just tried. She lifted her head and forcefully hit the table.

"Itai.." She muttered while clutching her throbbing head wondering when had the table gotten so tiny before realizing something. She brought down what she assumed were her wings but instead saw slim arms and hands, and skinny, long, feminine fingers attached to them, human fingers. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she studied her hand.

No. It wasn't possible.

003 quickly crawled out from underneath the table before sitting up and looking down at her own body. She had two, medium sized breasts, a lean figure, long, slender legs, long skinny arms and fingers and that was all the former owl could see but she knew one thing, "I'm.. human.."

The now human girl attempted to stand up, attempted being the key word. She instantly fell back down, on her butt which wasn't very pleasant. Hell, it really hurt.

A sigh escaped red lips before the girl looked around, not being used to have to turn her body while looking around. She spotted her master, leaning against one of the remaining cabinets that hadn't been blown up, sleeping like a baby with a broom lying beside him.

Well, the lab was cleaner now. All the ashes, broken glass, and other destroyed things from yesterday's explosion had been cleaned up.

The girl decided to learn how to walk later and just crawled over to her master. Once she was right in front of him, she reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him gently, "Yutaka... Wake up.. Come on..."

A soft moan left Watari's lips as his eyes slowly opened, trying to focus on the figure that was shaking him slightly. It was a girl.. a naked girl to be precise. She had bright, grey eyes and long silvery, white hair that reached below her waist as well as a very beautiful body.

Amber eyes widened as he realized that the girl was no dream. He was about to ask who she was but he was at a loss for words.

The woman stopped shaking him before smiling weakly, "It's me. 003."

Down the hallway, Tatsumi Seiichiro was already in his office, preparing everything for the busy work day ahead, starting on his large pile of forms and documents that needed to be filled out when...


And Tatsumi fell off his chair onto the floor along with several dozens papers as Watari's panicked scream echoed throughout the building. The secretary instantly picked himself off the ground and bolted towards the lab, concerned about the scientist and what had happened to him, "Watari-san! What's the--"

Azure eyes widened and their owner stopped talking mid-sentence as Tatsumi took in the scene before him. Watari was on the ground, backed up against a cabinet with a beautiful naked girl on top of him.

He almost screamed and wanted to know what the hell was going on but stopped himself. Yup. He was jealous of that girl being on top of the scientist. He wanted to just pry that girl off him and jump the blond after screaming at him about strippers and how they are not allowed unless Watari was the one stripping for him. But that was his irrational side talking.

The two people on the ground looked at the shocked secretary before Watari finally said, "Tatsumi.. this is 003.."


So, how was that for a first chapter? Good, Crappy, just plain-old bad? And I hope you like your b-day fanfic, Harada Risa-chan : ) Now, if you could, please review!

Japanese words

Itai- ouch