Hello there Everyone,
I'm sooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated for about two years now. I feel really bad for leaving you guys all of the sudden with no word of what happened. To be frank, my computer kinda pulled a fast one on me and shut down. My dad tried to figure out what was wrong with it and then realized that he had to put a new compy together for me. And that went just "dandy". Okay not really. I was stuck with going to the library for these past two years just to read up on some fics that I liked and to look at some of my reviews. Anyways my big bro FINALLY came to the rescue a couple of days ago with his amazing computer-savyness and saved my computer.
I must admit I have also been a bit discouraged because writers block got the best of me and I had faced a couple flamers. But I just have to get something off my chest: I REALLY appreciate all of your comments very, very much. Its because of your reviews that I was able to finish up this fanfic at long last and start a few others as well. While I was off of my compy I started writing ANOTHER LOTR fic, a Harry Potter fic, two Naruto fics (because in case you haven't noticed, I'm a little bit of a Narutard), and a Rurouni Kenshin fic. Look forward to those fanfics soon because some of them are close to to being done.
Again I apologize sincerely for not being able to update in forever-and-a-half. I'll be sure to get back into the swing of this fic hopefully by this weekend. I look forward to seeing your reviews for the rest of this fic and the ones soon to come.