Disclaimer: As you all know, I don't own Xiaolin Showdown. None of it. I only own the things I created, such as Mercurius.

Chapter 11: A Final Fall.

Chase watched Omi carefully, looking for slight changes in mood and attitudes. After his little out break of Omi's good side, Wuya snickered. Something that Chase found odd, "Oh but you will." She said, and Chase was reminded what they had against him. Chase looked at his soon to be apprentice, and said, "Omi," evil dripping from his voice, "join me or Diamond will be terminated." Omi was shocked by such an offer. This was something that Omi didn't want to face, and Chase could tell this from his face. Omi's eyes darted from side to side as he was deep in thought. I need to get Diamond back, and keep her safe. Said one side of Omi, but to there was another side of him, but you can't let Chase take over the world. You have to save the World from evil. This choice seemed to take entity to decide, but in reality it took only a few moments. Omi raised his head to look into the eyes of the great evil of the world, and he opened his mouth. His answer was delayed, as the fight was still being waged within him, but he soon found some of his voice. "I….I…" stumbled Omi as his mind was in disarray. "Yes, Omi?" asked Chase in a sinister voice, knowing he had won. He knew that Omi was going to be his. "I…..Erm….." continued Omi, the answer forming in his mouth. "Come on, Omi. What will it be?" said Wuya in a low voice, just enough for the yellow skin boy to hear. She gave the chain another little tug, and made the limp body of Diamond move slightly in to Omi's view. Omi shut his eyes and started to cry softly at first, then harder. He had lost to Chase and Wuya. "I will…. Join you." He said in a saddened voice. "Good." Came Chase's voice. "Now, Omi. Shake Chase's hand to finalise it." Said Wuya as Omi struggled to get off the floor. Omi staggered to wards Chase and stood about an inch from him. Chase put one hand behind his back, and held the other forward. Omi looked at the out stretched hand, then finally took the hand with his own and shook it. "Then it is done." Said Chase, when a laughing started. This laugh was full of evil as Chase felt its chill go down his spine. The two turned to see a glowing Wuya as she laughed evilly and a wave of pure darkness spread out from her. From Chase's cave, the evil spread out into the world. When this happened both chase and Omi were in shock, as the room settled down from the bright green glow. When the light went, darkness came in. the room was completely black until Wuya's evil glow light the room. Chase looked around and saw that next to Wuya were two huge rock guards, their eyes were alight with green fire. "What is this?" said Chase, staring at the woman in between the rock monstrosities. "Oh nothing, just completing a deal." Said Wuya, giving an innocent voice, or at least trying. "I haven't given you your powers back!" exclaimed an outraged Chase. "Oh but you didn't have to." Sneered Wuya looking straight into her partner's eyes. Omi was frozen with terror. "Remember Chase," started Wuya shaking her finger at the evil man, "A deal's a deal. I gave you what you wanted, and so I got what I wanted." The two just stared at each other.

"What did you say?" said Sapphire as she got off the ground, and standing next to Clay. "I said," started Mercurius, his gaze never leaving the sky, "a deal's a deal." He sighed and looked straight at Master Fung. "What are you on about?" asked Raimundo, waving his arms in the air. He was completely confused. What was going on? "What I mean by that is that Wuya has now got her Full power back." Every one looked down, not wanting to look into each other's eyes and see their fear. "But how? She didn't before." Said Kimiko to anyone who would answer. Master Fung looked to Mercurius and got a nod. He sighed and looked at Kimiko. "This happened because Wuya and Chase Young made a deal. Wuya's Full Power for…" Stated Master Fung when Kimiko cut in. "For OMI!" Every looked around… "But why take Diamond?" Asked Clay looking at Sapphire. "For the same reason you hang around with Sapphire, or why Raimundo spends his time with Silver." Responded Mercurius, getting confused looks from ever one, even Master Fung. He frown at them all and yelled, "THEIR IN LOVE!" He continued frowning as the others got back up. "With Diamond, they could insure Omi's cooperation, and his continued loyalty." Finished Mercurius as every one gasped. "He would never endanger the world!" said Clay in Omi's defence. "Oh but he would. Love is a strong emotion, strong enough to over ride logic." Said Mercurius in a sad voice. "Besides, he could always think that we will save them and the world." "What should we do then?" asked Silver, concerned for her friends. "Hey I have an idea." Said Raimundo. "We could get Omi away from Chase, that way Chase wouldn't have him. That would means that the deal was broken, and Wuya would lose her powers." When Raimundo finished, every one was smiling, well apart form Mercurius and Master Fung. "That could work." Said Master Fung, rubbing his chin. "Then lets try it." Said Dojo, getting his strength back, and changing into his full sized form. The six remaining monks mounted Dojo, five of them happy. Mercurius was deep in thought, he was in his own personal battle. He had to chose, one that would end the world for him either way. What was a monk to do? Mercurius was unaware as Dojo lunged, beginning the long journey to Chase Young's lair, where they would find the two monks that they were to rescue.

Chase looked at his ex partner, thinking about the best way to kill her. Would he torture Wuya, or let Hell do that for him? "So," said Wuya, looking at Chase, half smiling, "will you swear you loyalty to me?" She blinked a few times innocently, eye lash fluttering. Chase glared at her with all his rage, keeping his inner dragon under control, and calmly responded, "No, I have what I want." Chase turned away and took one step forward. "Oh, really?" came Wuya's voice, it sent a chill down his spine. "Yes," he said turning his head slightly, "you should know. You gave him to me." Chase looked at the door opposite him. "Lets leave now, Omi." And Chase started to walk forward. "Omi. Stay." Said Wuya, nicely. Chase was outraged, and almost exploded there and then. He turned around quickly, wanting to charge the hag. "Omi, we are leavi…" started Chase, as his anger rose to boiling point. Then it shrunk and froze. There was Omi, head hung low and standing next to one of the rock guards, all the while; Wuya was still holding a chain. Chase followed the chain down to where to was connected to a girl, Diamond. He felt cold in his always warm lair. "So, Chase." Said Wuya as she sat in the golden throne, chain still in hand. "Have you reconsidered my generous offer?" She asked as he two stone guards flanked the throne. Note to self, thought Chase, don't let evil partners hold the leverage. He glared to the evil hag once again as the thought of the deal entered his head. He smiled a little, just enough to go unnoticed. Chase stood up from his once crouching forward position, closed his eyes and spoke calmly. "It would not be wise to take Omi away from me." Wuya acted interested. "Oh, really?" Chase opened his closed eyes and finished, "The deal, remember. If I don't get what I want, neither do you." Part of the way through, Chase gestured to Omi with a hand. Wuya looked over to Omi, then back to Chase. He thought he had her, until she burst out laughing. "HAHAHA! That deal was finalised." She said as she calmed down, leaning forward a bit. "As soon as we both had fulfilled our part of the bargain, the deal was done and dusted, as some would say." She smiled looking at Chase's shocked face. The reason she had really kidnapped Diamond was to use her to manipulate Omi, and use him against Chase. Diamond was the key to a lot of her plans, allowing Wuya to get everything she wanted. Chase's anger rose again looking at what had happened, and he was tempted go on a full out attack. Wuya saw this and giggled a little. "Oh Chase, you must know that a full out attack will not work, even with you little pets." She said shaking her hand lazily in the air as the tigers, lions and jaguars edged into the light. Chase had to rethink his choices. On one hand was the fact that he would have Omi to train as his apprentice, but he would be under Wuya's control, or he could go to kill her, and be beaten. Both choices didn't look…. Better then the other one. Chase sighed heavily and looked in the deep purple eyes of Wuya.

The world passed Dojo and the monks as they flew across the sky, each planning an attack. The objective was too get Omi and Diamond back from evil's clutches. "So how are we going to do this?" asked Clay, looking back at the others. Each of them looked slightly worried about that. Mercurius was the only one not showing any emotion. Of course the others wouldn't see it any way, he was at the front. "Well, all we have to do is get Omi, right?" asked Sapphire turning to Kimiko. "I think so." Answered Raimundo, who sat last. The monks were still wearing their temple uniforms as they went to Chase's lair. "We could always go for an all out attack." Suggested Silver, holding her Shen Gong Wu in one hand. The original monks looked away for a moment and answered. "Shen Gong Wu don't have much of an effect against Wuya. Her Heylin powers are much strong then our Xiaolin. Even with the Shen Gong Wu." Said Clay in a low voice, his voice full of sadness. "How long Dojo?" asked Mercurius, reminding every one he was there. "I'm not sure. I can't seem to fly as fast, nor see all that well for that matter." Responded Dojo, focusing on his destination. The monks sat silently as Dojo flew on, minutes passed as minds wondered about the fight up ahead. Mercurius was purely focused on getting the monks back. He listened to the others, but didn't look behind him at all. He heard some movement, but didn't look as he didn't care. The battle inside of him was still being waged; he had to do something, but what? He was returned to the real world by a hug from behind. He turned his head just enough that he could see who was hugging him. Kimiko's head rested on his shoulder blades, as her arms gripped him tightly. He placed one hand on her hands where they met. With his head hung low, he cried a single tear that fell from his face and down on to the world blow. "We will get Diamond back, Merc. I promise." She whispered lightly to him, and cried softly. He had to tell her, he had to make sure. "Kimiko." He said in a plain tone, holding back the emotions. He heard her crying and continued. "No matter what happens at Chase's lair," Said Mercurius as Kimiko opened he eyes wide, "I want you to go on." He finished, but didn't turn. Not wanting to make this harder. "Merc?" she asked as she moved back slightly. Mercurius just sat there, looking at Dojo's back. "Mercurius?" plead Kimiko to his back He huffed, and turned his head slightly. "Please Kimiko." He said as she felt the tears flow silently down her face. "Merc…" she whispered as she listened. "I want you to continue, no matter what happens." He repeated as she whispered the rest of his name, "…urius." All of a sudden, a chill descended. A feeling of darkness, cold as ice, descend on the world. The monks looked around, trying to find the source. Soon, Kimiko, Clay, Raimundo, Silver and Sapphire were watching Mercurius as Dojo flew to wards a large mountain. He watched the sky, his face darkened by the light. "No." he said in a low whisper to the wind. Dojo landed at the door to the Lair of the Evil doer that is Chase Young. The monks got off Dojo's back, and walked forward, with Dojo in his large form behind them, in to the wide open door to the evil lair.

Chase walked forward slowly, closing the gap between him and the woman in front of him, if that's what you could call Wuya. As he approached, the rock guards watched him, waiting for the chance to strike him down. He stopped about a foot from the golden throne upon Wuya sat. Chase had chosen the least painful of the options that he had been presented with. He would just have to put up with Wuya for a while, until the chance arises for him to overthrow her. "So, Chase." Said Wuya leaning for her face was close to Chase's, her voice covering a small noise. Chase narrowed his eyes, rage filling his head. He wanted to say, "DIE HAG!" and then strike her down, but that was not going to happen. So instead he decided to go with something else. "Fine I swear my loyalty to you, witch." He said clearly. There was a little click of some kind, as Wuya smiled. "Then shake my hand, you know. It makes it official." She extended a hand to wards her first loyal subject. Chase looked at the hand in front of him. He huffed and then grabbed it. As the two shook each other's hand, there was a flash and loud click. Chase Blinked a few times and walked back a bit. When he could see again, he snapped his head to the side and saw Jack Spicer standing there. In his hand was a camera, a rather large one at that. "Jack!" shouted Chase, while Wuya just smiled. "Well, this should get me some where." Said Jack as he took the instant photo from the camera. "Right Wuya?" he said to the witch. Wuya nod slightly to him, "Correct Jack, you will rule with me. As long as you keep that evidence." She turned to Chase, who looked calm. "A photo is useless. That hand shake could be about anything." Stated Chase in complete confidence, his eyes closed. "It should go well with this." Came Jack's voice, just before his own. It was swearing its loyalty to Wuya. Chase turned and saw a "Jackbot" hovering next to it's master. He narrowed his eyes, he was cornered. "Fine, I did swear my allegiance to Wuya." He said as he glared at his new mistress. Then a feeling come over him. I was a dark feeling, a cold evilness that floated down on the room. The room became colder as breathe was revealed. "Omi, go to Chase's side." Ordered Wuya, as Omi obeyed. When he stood at where he was ordered, Wuya pointed a finger at him. From her hand flew a green flame. It spiralled forward toward the monk, and when it stuck, and it's light dimmed, Omi was standing in a new outfit. The colours were reversed, for he now wore a black top, a purple belt and red trousers. Omi looked down at the new clothes, and sighed. Chase turned to his side and watched the small monk, thinking about his tutoring of the young one. Chase returned his attention to Wuya, who sat looking up to the ceiling. "It seems we will be having company soon." She said. She returned her gaze to the others. "We must prepare for the arrival of these guests. Jack. Have you robots patrolling the hallways, only one though. We want them to get here." Jack nodded at this and walked over to one of the robots, who would then relay the orders. "We will wait here." Finished Wuya as she heard a groan. She looked over the arm of her new throne and saw as the little girl woke up. She smiled as the girl looked up, following her shiny and rather large chain, to Wuya's face. Diamond had he mouth open in shock as Wuya pointed away from her. Diamond's head turned and saw before her Omi standing next to Chase. "Oh," said Wuya in her ear, "try to escape and Omi gets hurt." Only Diamond heard this and she mouthed to Omi, "Why?" Omi just looked sad, and soon they both started to cry lightly. Chase frowned while Wuya smiled, Jack was indifferent, at this little scene. They soon pulled it together when they heard a large crash. Wuya turned to the door watching, Chase and Omi walked to her side and turned to the large doors. "Here they come." She said out loud. Omi and Diamond tensed. Omi because he might have to fight his friends, but Diamond did because she wouldn't be able to do anything.

It was only one robot. The dragons and Dojo stood in the large entrance hall to Chase's lair. As single robot floated into their view, it never saw them, as it floated by. "Maybe we should take it." Said Silver, edging forward slightly. She was stopped by Mercurius's hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at his face, as he watched the robot hover about. His hand went and picked up a small stone. "They look different some how." Whispered Dojo, as Mercurius launched the stone into the robot's view. As soon as the "Jack-bot" registered the movement of the stone, two lasers came out of its eyes as blasted the stone in to nothingness. Almost all the monks had their mouths hanging open, Dojo was the same, amazed at the fact that a Jack-bot had done something right. "Ok, so their upgraded." Said Raimundo as they all moved back a bit. "So, Jack must have given them better weapons." Stated Sapphire looking at the others. "So new plan of attack then?" asked Clay as they all started to think. Dojo circled them with his body as the robot came a bit closer. "Well if it is shooting lasers from its eyes, why not attack it from behind?" suggested Kimiko. They all looked at her and knew she was right. "Alright. What should we do Mer…. Where's Merc?" Asked Dojo, scanning the group that he had surrounded with his body. Suddenly there was a loud crash. They all moved to see what had caused it, and there was Mercurius, standing on the head of a Jack-bot as the rest of it lay around him. He turned and met the stunned gazes of his fellow dragons. They walked over and looked down at the poor little robot that was they at the wrong time. There was silence for a while, till Dojo spoke. "Why just one?" He asked a good question. "Maybe it was just a patrolling. You know, checking the area." Replied Raimundo as they moved on to the closest Door. They opened the door, seeing that it led to a long hallway, floating away from them was another Jack-bot, this one had a square body instead. "Ok. That is the stupidest design I think I have ever seen Jack come up with." Said Kimiko, watching the robot move farther away. A second later she just saw a stone rush past and fly past the robot. When the stone went by, the Jack-bot turned to face it and locked on. As the stone approached the floor, a missile was fired from the robot's body and blasted the stone. As the dust settled, the Jack-bot continued onwards. "Ok, so its not a stupid design." Whispered Kimiko looking at the others above her. Mercurius reached down and grabbed another stone, silent all the way. "But its still the has the same weakness as the other one. It can't hit something it can't see." Said Raimundo, smiling as he looked at the robot. Soon he heard the sound of a stone rushing past. As the stone got within about a few feet of its back, another missile was launched and stuck the stone. Raimundo's jaw hit the floor. "Must have some sort of sensor on the back that detects movement, and it was just activated." Said Kimiko, narrowing her eyes. Got to hand it to Jack, she thought, when he upgrades, he certainly upgrades them. They all moved it to the room they were in. in a little circled they planned an attack. "So, could we distract it with something?" asked Sapphire, but got a "no" signal from Kimiko. "That thing is properly loaded with missiles, enough to as many targets as it needs." AS the grouped thought about it, there came a strange noise, on of some sort of metal rolling along the floor. They all turned to the open door way, expecting the robot to fly into view. Instead there rolled the Jack-bot's head, which then was smashed by Mercurius's foot. An explosion then came as smoke surrounded the boy. When the smoke cleared enough for the Dragons to see, there was no Mercurius. They ran into the hall and looked both ways. At the farthest end stood Mercurius, along with a door to the next room. When the Dragons caught up with him, he turned and placed a hand on the door handle. Before he could turn it he heard Dojo. "But Why just One? That one couldn't of been a patrol as well." And he used his hand to point at the smashed robot. "There's only one," started Mercurius as the others looked at him, "because they want us to get through." And with that he opened the door.

Room after room the Dragons travelled through numberless robots, one at a time. Each taken out swiftly, and then they moved on. Soon, they came to a large, neigh huge, set of doors. They were a black background, with the writing, borders and all the detail done with Golden. They gave the feeling of Darkness, even though they shone in the lair's light. Mercurius walked up to the doors, while the others were in awe, and laid a hand on them. He turned and looked at the others. "Ready?" he asked plainly, and the others gazed around. "The Plan is too free Diamond and Omi at all costs." Said Dojo and Kimiko looked down. The other monks around her joined Mercurius as she cried softly to herself. As she stood there, Mercurius watched her and cried a single tear for her. He pushed the doors open to reveal the room inside. Opposite them was a golden throne which Wuya sat on. To her right were Chase and Omi, while on her left there was Jack and a little girl. The monks gasped, when Mercurius growled, at the sight of Diamond chained like a dog. The two factions stood staring at each other for a few minutes each sizing each other up. Raimundo and Clay edged forward a bit, just enough to be noticed, and caused Wuya to smile broadly. "Omi. Defeat them." She ordered as the Dragon of Water walked forward. He stared at them as Raimundo, followed by Silver, got closer. "I am sorry my friends." Said Omi in a sad voice. "Omi, you have nothing…" started Kimiko until Omi lunged and kicked Raimundo into the wall behind. Omi back flipped a bit, and got ready once again. All the while, he cried. "Tangle Web Comb." Said Silver, pointing it at Omi, who jumped the ropes. He landed behind her and forced her forward and down to the floor. As this happened, Clay and Sapphire made a brake for it. They ran straight for Diamond, aiming to get her away from the evil doers. "Jack, if you please." Said Wuya as they got closer. Jack looked slightly sad but still attacked. Several Jack-bots came and attacked the two Xiaolin Monks. They started to fight off the robots. Wuya and Mercurius were having a stare off in the middle of the chaos. "Chase." Ordered Wuya, no longer smirking. Chase obeyed and charged forward, he was met by Dojo in his largest form. They two took it sky borne, and was soon joined by Kimiko. The three fights were happening separately, all with different results. Raimundo and Silver weren't doing to well against Omi, while trying to convince him to join the good side again. Clay and Sapphire were beating the steady stream of robots that Jack was producing, and yet he looked indifferent. Dojo and Kimiko were holding Chase off, just though. Wuya and Mercurius were still doing nothing. Raimundo tried to use the sword of the storm to trap Omi, but he happened to have the Two Ton Tunic and so wasn't going any where. Silver went for a head shot, try and knock Omi out, but missed as he ducked into the armour. Omi then knocked them both to the floor. Clay was almost at Diamond, but soon got swamped by more Jack-bots, but he was able to get back into the fight when he used the Third Arm Sash. Kimiko was just hanging in with her fight Chase Young, thanks to the fact she could fly with the help of the Jet Boot Su. Dojo was a great help in the fight, as he was unable to hit Chase, who was to agile. Wuya and Mercurius continued to stare, as the fell of the room changed. The room cooled, the temperature was falling at a fast rate, as the coldness between these two grew, and affected the room around them. Ice formed on the floor near the feet of Mercurius and the throne of Wuya, there was a minor crack, as Mercurius frowned and Wuya opened her eyes wide. Then all of hell broke loose.

Wuya and Mercurius both jumped forward to attack. Wuya formed a green fireball and threw it at Mercurius, who dodged to the side. The fireball went behind him and hit Omi, sending him to the floor. Mercurius jumped and went for a flying kick, but Wuya flew into the air, higher he had jumped, and dodged the kick. The boy continued till he hit Dojo in the back. He then lunged back in to the action. In the air, Wuya created a huge fire ball, and threw it at Him. Mercurius was to fast, and got underneath it. Instead it hit quiet a few of Jack's robots, making Clay's and Sapphire's that little bit easier. Mercurius got the within about an inch of her, went to for a punch. Wuya dodged again, making him punch Raimundo in the face, just before Omi got the chance to. "Hey Merc!" shouted Raimundo, getting up off the floor. "What was tha…." But he never finished the sentence, as he was dazed slightly at the battle the two were having. The two were going all out, Wuya was firing blast every where while Mercurius was getting near her and going for close combat. "RAI!" Shouted Silver in Raimundo's ear, reminding him what he was doing. AS Wuya flew higher, Mercurius followed, both trying to get a hit in. Mercurius landed on Dojo's back, avoiding another blast. Dojo turned to see what hit him and saw Mercurius jumping higher to get at Wuya, who was getting ready to strike at him again. Dojo was then knocked to the floor by Chase Young as he continued to battle with Kimiko. Wuya and Mercurius disappeared from View as the other three fights stayed on the ground, all they attention on their objective. Omi was still beating both Raimundo and Silver with his better skills, and Chase was doing the same to Kimiko and Dojo. Clay and Sapphire had reached Diamond, but where only just holding off the Jack-bots. The battles waged fiercely until. Something hit the floor in the middle of the three fights. The force caused by such a crash caused the fighters to be forced back and a lot of them falling over. Chase looked over to the place where the newly formed smoke was coming from. As the smoke settled and floated away a bit, two figures were seen. They stood a foot from each other, and as the smoke left the room, they were revealed to be Mercurius and Wuya. The stood unmoving, just staring. As silence descended on the group, watching this scene unfold, Wuya flinched. Mercurius took this chance and brought out the Eye of Daishi. Wuya saw this and got prepared to block the incoming attack. Well her eyes closed she braced her self for the blast. "Eye of Daishi." Was said and Wuya stood there, waiting. The lightning sounded, but she never felt it hit her. There was a loud sound of metal being hit. Wuya opened her eyes to see what had happened. They stood Mercurius holding the Shen Gong Wu he had used, but it was pointing away from her. She followed the path the lightning would of taken, and saw it. Now kneeing beside the golden throne was Diamond, who was in shock, but there was no metal collar around her neck. It lay a few feet away from her with a huge chunk missing. Wuya was stunned; she walked back slightly into her own throne. Chase jumped and landed next to her, Jack hadn't moved at all, and before Omi could do the same, he was grabbed be some ropes of some sort. Silver stood behind him with the Tangle web comb pointed at him. Chase frowned a little and glared at Mercurius. I have had enough of him, thought Wuya, narrowing her eyes at the child that stood smiling before her, so let's wipe that smile off his face. As this came and went, Wuya smile evilly. She reached out with her hand and pointed it over the arm. Her hand was directed straight at Diamond, as she stayed there unmoving from shock. As green fire began to engulf her hand, Mercurius bolted forward going straight for the witch her self. Every one was caught off guard as he reached and grabbed both of Wuya's arms. Wuya reacted by forcing her feet into his chest. The two struggle, neither able to do anything. "Diamond, RUN!" shouted Mercurius as he pushed forward. "No, I won't go." She said getting up and moving to help. "NO!" he shouted, as Wuya moved one foot and placed it in his face. "GO!" he yelled through her foot. When he noticed that Diamond hadn't moved, he reached out with his leg, and placed it to the left of her. With one swift movement, he threw Diamond through the air at the monks, who stood at the door. "I got ya." Said Clay as he caught the girl. They all stood there as Mercurius was forced back by Wuya, but he as he moved to attack Wuya spoke. "Chase, defeat him." Chase moved forward and jumped at Mercurius. He was blocked by his arm, and the two started to exchange hits. Chase soon fell victim to Mercurius as he was pushed back by one of his opponent's punches. Mercurius then turned his attention to the robots that were about to attack him. Chase looked up to see the fight that Mercurius was winning in front of Wuya, and charged in as well. Soon, Mercurius was losing to Chase Young and the overwhelming numbers of the Jack-bots. As He tried and started to get hit more and more, Wuya smiled, summoning her powers, and opened a large crack in the floor that led into the darkness. Mercurius stumbled back towards it, but he finally got a chance. When Chase and the Jack-bots went for him, He swung his leg around and knocked the first two robots back, one into the Jack-bots that were following it and the other one into Chase. As they flew back, Mercurius caught his breathe in this brake in the fight. As he raised his head, breathing hard, he spotted Wuya standing up. Her hand was glowing green as she pointed it at him. His eyes opened wide as he stood up. Wuya fired at him, striking him in the chest. As the fire stopped, he fell back, and into the large crevice on the floor. As he entered it he heard a cry. "MERCURIUS!" was cried by two girls, Diamond and Kimiko, as he fell. With all his strength, he reached up for his pocket and took out him Shen Gong Wu. With it in his hand he threw it at the sound of their voices as he fell. The ground past as he lowered. 10 feet went by. Darkness and the ground closed around Mercurius as he fell. The Voice of the monks was cut short.

A/N: Well there you have it. The end of this Fan fiction. HAHA! There is no more in this story! Please review this story please.

The ending was done this way is because there will be a sequel. Well the will be two, but they have don't have any thing in common to each other. Well apart from being a sequel from this. PLEASE REVIEW!

The end.