
Chapter 7


Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King, and yes, Mengele is a real person… but Mengele II is mine XD (sorta)

They were the wind, twisting over dark streets on Mengele's motorcycle. They were speeding, as usual, but something up ahead caused Mengele to do something he rarely ever did. He hit the brakes, turning sideways to screech to a halt. Faust, sitting behind him, peeked over his shoulder to see what was the matter. What he saw he both expected and didn't expect at the same time. It was a cop; loaded gun set sights on them.

They had been living the free life for a month now, and the police were all combing the area to catch them: dead or alive. It was invigorating, knowing that you were that important… But he digressed.

"You killed my wife… You bastards!" The cop was shaking now with the force of his emotion. But his aim didn't waver. Mengele sighed.

"I'll take care of this." Mengele took his scythe (he stole it from someone's yard, it was rather sharp) from Faust's hands. Putting it over his shoulder lackadaisically, he wandered over to the policeman. "Now what's this I hear about killing your wife?"

"She was a teacher. Over at the school you… you…"

"Annihilated?" Mengele laughed darkly. "Listen you old fool, you'd best learn your place. We're the new law around here. I think it's about time you… cooled your head about this whole matter hmm?" With that said, Mengele took a wide sweep with the scythe, effectively slitting the cop's throat and spilling out his life's blood. Mengele smirked, and then turned away, heading back to Faust and their ride. He left the cop for dead, lying on the blood soaked pavement.

The cop raised his gun, slowly, and with great difficulty… his sight was growing dim… He fired.

Mengele was facing Faust; the bullet went through the back of his skull, leaving a messy hole on his face. He reached out, eyes unfocused, fingers fumbling… Mengele fell forward, arm still outstretched, blood and brains oozing from his forehead onto Faust's coat when he caught him. Faust stared dumbly at the blood on his hands, not comprehending. When Mengele's death sunk in he shrieked something fierce.

Whirling on the policeman, he was enraged to find that he was already dead. His soul was just rising from his body when Faust caught it in his gloved fist. It wriggled like a captured tadpole of days long gone. Faust squeezed it painfully tight as a glow surrounded his hand and he began muttering. This man's soul was pure, only tainted with revenge. Faust twisted these vengeful thoughts, twisted until the man's soul was consumed by it. Consumed by it, and no longer able to enter heaven. He conjured up a needle and thread, sewing the cop's soul back to his body. The man would still be dead, not even reanimated like the Schwerdtleins. Only he would have full consciousness of his body… his rotting body.

Faust cried out his heart to the sky, its inky blackness echoing his feelings.

Faust wandered around for days, evading capture and trying desperately to save Mengele's body. It was all in vain, his soul and will was lost forever. He had combed his ancestor's tomes diligently, he had read about a tournament, a tournament for the title of Shaman King… He could bring his love back. All he had to do was wait…

The comet lit the sky like so many fireflies, but no one seemed to pay it any mind. Ah, only those with the power could see it. Faust wandered off into the darkness of the hour bathed in the moon's comforting mad rays. Mengele was grinning, always grinning now; Faust smiled back at his damaged skull.

Yes, he could bring his love back.

So that was it. Yeah… Let me know what you think.

Oh, Mengele II might make an appearance in another story of mine… maybe sometime soon. How does a SK and YYH crossover sound?