W00t! Another chappy! I love you guys:cough: Sorry, I'm high on hot chocolate… Really hot hot chocolate! OUCH:burned tongue:whimper:
Chapter 18 – Silent Meeting
Kiatra's bare feet were freezing under the long robe she wore around her shoulders. In the Burning Plains, it was very hot, but here, she was freezing. It didn't help that the tears sliding down her cheeks were ice-cold as well.
"I am so stupid… Eragon's right…" she mumbled, numbly wiping the tears away. She slammed her body against the kitchen door, and it gave way.
Kiatra? Are you all right? Aseil noticed her first.
Kiatra shook her head and tried to smile, but more tears just spilled over.
Strange Eyes… Aseil gently probed her memories, and Kiatra didn't stop him.
I'm so stupid…
No, you're not. You're brave. Don't cry.
Aseil nuzzled the top of Kiatra's head; her black hair was now mussed.
"Thanks Aseil." Kiatra hugged the periwinkle dragon around the neck.
Eragon entered the room. Aseil glared at him. Saphira gave a greeting chirp. Kiatra said nothing. Eragon gazed nervously at Aseil's sharp claws and hurried over to Saphira, who nosed a bowl of oatmeal over to him.
Kiatra grabbed her own bowl of oatmeal and began to eat, offering a roll from time-to-time to Aseil, who quickly snapped it up.
Eragon, do you really mean to hurt Kiatra? Saphira asked Eragon, nibbling the edges of his ears.
Eragon turned a deep crimson, and sunk so only his eyes were visible above the table. No… I like her as well as she likes me… But I can't put the Varden in danger; you know as well as I do I swore to Nasuada.
I understand. You are good to you vows. But remember, Eragon. The Varden cannot control everything in your life. Your life is your own.
Eragon nodded, and scraped the last bit of oatmeal from his bowl. Gazing up at the clock, he dropped his spoon. It was almost noon.
"I'm going down to the library." He said to the room at large, shoving his bowl away from him.
"I can lead you there." Kiatra said hopefully.
"No, I can go on my own." Eragon opened the door and disappeared. Kiatra glared after him, and followed.
The dragons shook their heads.
She's too lovesick for her own good.
Eragon is making a mistake, pushing her away at a time like this.
Both of the dragons let out the grumble that was their laugh.
Naughty Kiatra. She'll be in for a shock when she finds out where Eragon's going. Next chapter up by Monday. (11/14) I love you all.