Title: Dominus

Author: Saber Girl Amidaala

Rating: PG, I guess.

Summary: Set immediately after Revenge of the Sith, Qui-Gon's ghost visits Obi-Wan and…teaches him. Should be followed with at least another chapter, I think- but I better just put up this part that I've already written as Chapter One. BTW, "dominus" is Latin for master or lord, I thought it would be appropriate for this story. Read on.


Tears filled Obi-Wan's eyes, as they had when he had last seen him. "Master…" Obi-Wan said in the softest, highest voice he had heard himself use in a long time. Qui-Gon stepped toward Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes and looked up again. Qui-Gon was still there, right in front of him. Still silently sobbing, Obi-Wan knelt before Qui-Gon.

"That won't be necessary," Qui-Gon spoke.

At this, Obi-Wan lowered his head to his knees and cried more. "Master, I've failed. I've failed you and I've failed the galaxy."

"Are you putting me before the galaxy, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon teased.

Obi-Wan looked up at his Master with big blue-gray eyes in all seriousness. "I have always put you before the galaxy, Master." Qui-Gon was silent. "That may have been the problem."

Obi-Wan continued: "Training Anakin was not a popular idea, but when you told me to train the boy, I could not refuse. I thought I could train him as well as you could. I was wrong. Now the galaxy is in danger…because of my devotion to you."

"Do you wish that you hadn't followed my command?" Qui-Gon asked solemnly.

"No," Obi-Wan stated simply. "I don't regret believing in anything you've said. Even if you told me right now that Anakin is still the Chosen One, I would believe you." Obi-Wan hesitated. "And what of that prophecy? Do you know any more than I do about that?"


Obi-Wan waited for an explanation.

Qui-Gon explained: "You know that there truly is good in him. He is the Chosen One who will bring order to the galaxy. I will tell you how.

"The Senate, the Jedi- they haven't exactly been at their best. You thought that Anakin would bring order to the galaxy by making it extremely good, but what you didn't know is that before that could happen, it had to be extremely evil. Otherwise, the galaxy could not have seen what happened, and the wicked would thrive. Therefore, Anakin had to turn to the dark side before he could truly restore order.

"He thought he was doing this when he became a Sith. But in time- a long time- he will realize how wrong he was, and return to the light side of the Force. Then things will be right. He really is good at heart.

"Now as I watched Anakin, he was told of a Sith Lord who created life with midichlorians. Anakin was not created by a Sith Lord- if that was the case, he would be completely pure evil."

"Then who was Anakin created by?"

Qui-Gon told him: "He was created by me."