If there's one literary piece in the olden days that can be considered, and deservingly so, a children's classic, it's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Ah yes, the story fuels up the imagination like the waves of a sea: it usually laps at the sand at a very reasonable rate, but at a given, and sometimes random time, there can be a tidal wave roaring in, flooding the sand with gallons and gallons of imagination, metaphorically so of course.

And this little piece of mine is a tribute to the late Roald Dahl, and director Tim Burton for making a movie that did the book proud, even if it wasn't totally true to the book itself. Well, this piece will also be loosely based on the story, so loosely in fact, that you'll be rather shocked at it. And if some of you readers and would-be reviewers are wondering, I'm taking a break from my other story because I need to juice up my imagination, and take a break. So here it is: Five Teens and a Chocolate Factory.

The actors playing which characters are:

Robin: Charlie Bucket (naturally)

Grandpa Joe: Bruce Wayne (didn't see this one coming didn't you?)

Grandma Josephine (Joe's wife): Diana A.K.A Wonder Woman (REALLY didn't see this one coming didn't you?)

Grandpa George (the other grandpa, the one that cusses): My OC (because I can't think of anyone else)

Grandma Georgina (the crazy one): My OC (like anyone in the DC universe fits her description!)

Mr. Bucket: Terry McGuiness (I'm just plucking out everything from the DC universe am I?)

Mrs. Bucket: My OC (same deal with Grandma Mary, mate)

Veruca Salt: Raven (this'll be something you'll never expect)

Augustus Gloop: Beast Boy (same with Raven)

Violet Beauregarde: Starfire (same with Beast Boy, only triple the magnitude)

Mike Teavee: Cyborg (same with Raven)

Mr. Salt: Trigon (can you see where this is going?)

Mrs. Gloop: Mother Mae-Eye (no witch-stuff for her, just a handbag and a big belly to reinforce it)

Mrs. Beauregarde: Blackfire (don't worry, she's not Star's mom in this story despite the inappropriate title)

Mr. Teavee: My OC (an African-American OC, by the way)

Oompa-Loompas: Larry the Titan (naturally)

The Shopkeeper: Mad Mod (for the sake of throwing him in)

Willy Wonka: I had a hard time thinking of this one, I thought of Mad Mod, but he's just too dang arrogant, Mumbo wouldn't work because of he's just too wacky to be taken seriously! I even thought of Mr. Bean (if you've never watched this show, shame, shame on you), but he's just too clumsy despite his subtle and unsung ingenuity. Then, while taking a shower, I realize, why not throw in Willy Wonka himself? Not Johnny Depp (he was brilliant as usual) Wonka, but the book Wonka. The original chocolate-wiz himself; of course, he'll be altered just a bit, particularly his history. Cheerio and enjoy!

Black hair, blue eyes, sunglasses, a cockle-shaped head, a short but muscularly lean physique, and cheap but thankfully still warm winter clothing all described a fifteen-year-old Richard Bucket to some degree. Richard, or Robin as a pet-name from his family, was walking down a snow-covered street, heading back to his home from school.

Now, Robin's family, the Buckets, were a very, very poor lot of people, living in a musty old shack that Robin called a home, and was trudging off towards it still. If that wasn't bad enough however, it wasn't just Robin's mother and father living there, but his grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine and Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina as well.

Robin's father, Terry Bucket, works in a shoe factory, and fitting the shoelaces onto the shoes was his job. It wasn't one that paid very well sadly enough; outright minuscule would be the better term. It was not Terry's first job (or his favorite), in fact, he was actually an ex-tight-rope walker in a circus.

He lived in his town that he and his family reside today, but many years ago, he joined the circus to become a tight-rope walker, and traveled all over the world. A few years later, the circus came back to his hometown. Terry was really, really excited. It's not everyday that one does an exciting stunt in front of the society that he grew up in. But halfway across the rope that he was a-standing on, a fire, created from a passing-by smoker, spread throughout the giant circus tent like a deadly plague. Terry survived, and so did his wife and baby son, Robin; but half of the circus performers and a few audiences didn't make it, including the ring-master. The circus was ruined, and Mr. Bucket and his family stayed in town ever since.

But Mr. Bucket's skills in rope-walking didn't go to waste however, for they were passed on to his son, who knew more than a thing or two when it comes to balance. It actually comes in handy when living in a rickety old hut and sleeping in its attic.

Robin's nose was cold from the weather, and he honestly shouldn't be wearing a pair of shades when the evening is coming to an end, but they comfort him, it helps keeps his privacy to himself. When you're the poorest student in the whole school, you're usually on your own. As he walked on, Robin brushes off the thought of being the 'poor, lonely one' in his class by peering on to the right, between the grocery-shop and bistro, the pride and landmark of the town, the Chocolate Factory.

Remember, one of the best things of being a child, teenagers included, was enjoying chocolate. The delicious, light substance that lingers in your mouth, so smooth and savory, it just makes you glad you get to taste it. This was how Robin describes eating chocolate, he told his parents one day. It was one thing living in post-poverty; it's another that you live just ten blocks away from the largest chocolate factory in the world. A whiff of a chocolaty scent filled his nostrils; he relished it with glee.

Robin knew, despite from his poor background, that that scent was not just a mere scent from a mere chocolate factory. No sir or madam; Robin just caught the scent of the best chocolate in the world, because that chocolate was made by the best chocolate-tier in the world, perhaps the galaxy, perhaps the universe even: Willy Wonka.

Despite Robin to have never ever met with the man, he admired him as much as he admired his dad. It was his delicious creations that have silently encouraged him to live on year after year after year. Willy Wonka was also happened to be the man that has once given his Grandpa Joe a job, as a security guard.

Ah yes, Grandpa Joe. Robin honestly and truly loves his grandparents to death, but Grandpa Joe held a special place in his heart. He always told Robin tales of his times as a guard in the Factory, and Willy Wonka's fantastical creations and shenanigans. Despite him being an old man, even before all these years, Grandpa Joe was possibly the toughest grandpa a kid would willingly ask for. "That's what landed me that job, Rob-boy. Willy Wonka gave me that job," he told Robin.

Robin recalled a few years ago when Grandpa Joe told him of what was the seemingly end of the Chocolate Factory. "Ya' see, Rob-boy, there was a reason why Mr. Wonka hired me and a few other blokes to guard his factory: jealous chocolate-tiers, Rob-boy." He told him, "They were jealous of Mr. Wonka's brilliance in the chocolate business, and wanted to steal his recipes, and they did. While we guards did a good-job at guarding the place, spies have slipped us by, sadly. Soon, Dairy-Worthy were producing ice-cream that never melted, Slugworth were selling gums that you could blow at gargantuan sizes, but the final straw was thrown when Nogirt Industries sold the Jumping Jelly Beans, multi-flavored beans that literally jump in your mouth, even after being chewed!"

Robin got a little disturbed when Grandpa Joe told him this particular part, "After Nogirt Industries made a fortune with those beans that were stolen from Mr.Wonka; he had absolutely enough of it. So, without warning, Rob-boy, Mr. Wonka fired every single factory worker and employee that ever worked for him, me including. The factory was closed for weeks without a peep," he grimly told Robin. This was when Grandma Josephine intervened.

"But Joe dear, after those weeks, it started back on. Didn't it?" she asked. Grandpa Joe turned and gave her a smile. He said, "Yes Josephine. It started, and about as sudden as Mr. Wonka firing us I dare compare. But the funny thing is: no one's ever been in it since he fired his workers, the lights were shining bright and smoke was emitted, but the gates were never opened, never, but only when truckloads of Wonka chocolate rolls out of it o' course. I'd give anything, even my good arm just to take one last peek in it!"

This was, of course when his parents openly protested. Knowing Grandpa Joe, he'd do it, if he could beat Robin in (he still can't believe he lost in this) an arm-wrestling match, he'd be daring enough to hack it away, and in some ways, Robin would do the same as well. After all, he wanted to know what's going on in that Factory as much as Grandpa Joe.

While most people could afford chocolate in an often-enough amount, Robin gets one as a birthday present from his family every year without fail. He would save it, and only bite a bit into its creamy goodness once a day, and so on and so on; it lasts longer that way.

The thought of his family presenting him a bar of Wonka's Whipple-Scrumptious-Fudgemallow-Delight just made him walk at a swifter pace, eager to return home to receive his favorite bar of chocolate. It was only a thought of course, Robin knew it, but he didn't mind, after all; his birthday's only two weeks ahead.

I know its a little codswallop that a fifteen-year-old bloke would be swooning over chocolate, but remember, his gramps worked for Wonka himself, and he lives near the factory! How can he not be a fan of chocolate! Until next time! R&R please!