This is it everyone last chap, so I would just like to thank everyone that read this and reviewed me and stuck with me (sniffles) from beginning to end with this story, and any other story I have done, (hugs everyone).

Warning: M and Yaoi and contains abuse just a little not much

Don't own Yugioh

CHAP 35: The Realm Of Anubis Part 2

Ryou stepped forward slowly and his body merged with Bakura's. Marik fell to his knees and wiped the blood from his nose. Everyone looked at Bakura as nothing seemed to happen, Malik walked over and helped Marik to his feet, but all of a sudden a loud boom made everyone jump including the gods. Marik moved Malik back as cracks ran along the ground from underneath Bakura's feet and the groups as well, then the ground rose like a wave and shot out knocking everyone to the ground. But then everything went quite again, everyone stood up on broken tiled ground. "What's going on?" Yami asked.

"I'm not sure?" Maat said as she stared at Bakura. A deadly quite rang throughout the realm, everyone cried out as a gust of wind shot through with a bright light, they shielded their eyes with their arms for a good few minutes but when it subsided, but what meet their eyes was unexpected, but for one.

"Is that them?" Yami asked.

"Yes." Marik said with wide eyes, there stood Bakura and Ryou, one side had soft brown eyes and hair and a white feather wing, on the other side was in shadow hard dark almost black eyes more defined and the wild hair with the black feather wing, and the ring hanging around his neck half demon and angel stared ahead.

"The darkness has been lifted and I'm once again set free." Both Bakura and Ryou's voice spoke at once. "We now know the darkness."

"Who is it?" Maat asked the half angel demon looked at her.

"All will be brought forward as I am the judge and executioner." The small group knew which would be the judge and executioner. Yami and Yugi moved out of the way as two bodies dropped from five foot in the air and landed hard on the ground with a thud and gasps.

Yami took Yugi's hand and moved around to stand next to Marik and Malik, "Come forward Arthur." He didn't even get to lift his head as the angel demon spoke in the one voice. He was lifted up into the air and dropped at their feet. "You took my demon every night for a month, in this thing that you called Devil's Sleep, speak for I know all." It was Ryou's voice this time.

"My orders come from Shizuka, that the high archangels wanted the ring back and that was the only way they could get it back to stop you from doing this again." He looked up trembling the angel demon narrowed his eyes.

"Since you made it you'll spend the rest of your immortal life there with no escape and suffer ten folds that I had." The demon spoke, the elderly man got up on his knees and crawled forward and pulled on the half white and black robes.

"Please I was taking orders I had no choice." He begged.

"There will be no escape for you as you'll have no body to escape too. I show no mercy." The demon said calmly. Marik grabbed onto Malik and moved them both and Yugi clung to Yami as the shadows crept forward and wrapped around the old man and pulled him away, tearing the cloth as it lifted him up into the air, he screamed out as the sound of crunching could be heard and when they returned back to the shadows from once they came. There was nothing left of the old man, the half demon and angel looked at the second, her eyes wide and full of fear as she started to scuffle back she got up to her feet and ran for the large doors.

Yami, Yugi, Marik and Malik thought that she was going to get away but before she could run out they slammed closed as if they were just some common door, she ran into it slamming her fists screaming to be let go. But she was picked up and flew through the air and she was dropped onto the ground at Bakura and Ryou's feet.

"No, I had nothing to do with this!" she gasped as she pushed herself up onto her knees.

"Anubis, you allow this monster to do this to us." She asked.

"You dare speak to me in such a manner?" he growled as his claws dug into the arm of his throne. "What ever Bakura and Ryou set for you is justified by me and the other gods, as what has happened to them… continue angel and demon."

"We know that the high archangels want the ring," they spoke together Ryou's soft voice was doubled over with Bakura's harsh voice. "But they never ordered my demon in the sleep, in fact you had teamed up with Pegasus before all this, you were pissed that I sent him to the marshes of Zilla." the room fell silent again.

"No I wasn't." She said her voice trembled as she shook. "I had orders, you needed to be put under control."

"In the few days the angel was in hibernation you secretly reported it back to the higher angels." Bakura's voice hissed it was cold and ran right through everyone.

"No not true… I was helping Ryou. Just ask him and Solomon." She gasped, the half demon and angel glared at her. She jumped as a third person was dropped onto the ground.

"Solomon?" he was lifted and brought before them and next to Shizuka, he pushed himself up and gasped.

"The angel that caused the fall." He moved back as if trying to get away, the true power of the ring stood before him, "How?"

"Be still." They ordered. "Solomon the girl." The demon not wanting to explain what the girl had said and what they knew, he put his dark hand up, palm and fingers faced the old man.

"No, what did I do?" he moved back. "I saved the angel as said." He gasped as he fell to the ground a few short minutes and he pushed himself up.

"The girl was gone for a few hours at a time every day. I didn't say anything at the time for I didn't ask really." He looked at the girl.

"You'll have your immortality taken from you… and everything that comes with it." Bakura growled as she was lifted into the air.

"Please…" she gasped but screamed Yami covered Yugi's eyes and Malik turned and looked away as Shizuka's skin started to wrinkle up and her white wings fell apart, her skin was like it melted off the bone or a bucket of acid thrown on her. The screams soon died out as her skeleton fell to the ground and turned to dust in the breeze the feathers fell to the ground in a heap where she once stood.

"Are you satisfied?" Anubis asked.

"No we are not the high archangels need to pay for their doings." The demon half hissed. The room started to shake and a wind picked up blowing everything around, Marik shielded Malik with his wings and held him tightly as Yami and Yugi vanished, but Yami came back alone, "all of heaven will fall again." The wind picked up and pushed everyone back, "BY MY HANDS, EVERY ANGEL WILL DIE!" the demon half laughed insanely, "BLOOD WILL RAIN FROM THE HEAVENS AND STARS FOR ALL ETERNITY!"

"What have you done!" Marik yelled at the gods, "He was harder to control the first time round!" Anubis stood and gathered energy and threw it at the half demon and the half angel, it turned his head and threw it right back at the god.

"I knew that this was a bad idea." Marik growled.

"I didn't know this would happen." Maat cried out, "Ryou was supposed to share his soul and to restore Bakura's."

"Well you didn't ask me!" Marik yelled back, "I was there."

"Stop it Marik!" Malik growled over the howling wind. "What will happen to Ryou?" Malik asked, Marik looked down at him then looked up at the demon half angel. The angel half had tears running down it's cheek as his skin was slowly turning dark like that of the demon.

"Bakura will consume Ryou's soul for himself, they are not aware of each others presences in the one body. But it's not his doing, it's the ring itself." Marik said, Malik gasped.

"How do we stop them?" Maat asked.

"You're a god and your asking me?" Marik yelled.

"We gods can not use our powers on someone like him." Maat said, "We would kill them, if anyone can help them it's you." Maat gasped as the other female god vanished from the hall.

Marik growled as the wind picked up more, what was he supposed to do, all of a sudden the creature flew towards the ceiling, Marik stepped back away from Malik, "Wait here for me." With that he leapt into the air.

"MARIK!" Malik screamed after him, Yami was next as he followed Marik the ceiling crumbled as the creature broke free and flew towards the realm of light.

Marik and Yami flew at high speed just to try to keep up, but a flash of light and they were in heaven, the now demon landed on the steps of the great hall and turned to face the crowd that had gathered. "YOU IDIOTS!" Marik yelled at them, "GET AWAY NOW!" most of them stood there like a deer caught in headlights.


"Marik make him see what this is doing." Yami said, Marik lunged forward with the Rod in his hand and it glowed, and Ryou fell forward and landed on the ground shadows wrapped around his body and where they touched his skin he bleed from.

"Do you see now what you're doing to him?" Marik yelled as he stopped by Ryou's side. The half demon and angel glanced down at Ryou not really seeing him. "He offers you his soul to save you and this is how you thank him by trying to kill him."

"No more." Ryou pushed himself up, Marik helped him up, "Leave Marik."

"What?" Marik couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Leave if this is what Bakura wants… then I'm willing to help him in what ever it is that he wants, what they did to him, I saw and felt everything that he went through, what is left of Bakura is bitter and twisted." Ryou fell to the ground again. "If I'm to truly have Bakura back then this maybe the only way, we can be together."

"Do you hear that, he is willing to sacrifice himself for YOU!" Marik yelled again. "You'll let your love die for your anger at a few insolent angels." Ryou coughed and gasped for air as the shadows tightened their hold on him he screamed out in pain. "Look at him, the small child you swore to protect, the boy you turned into an angel because you loved him even after you were told to leave him be." The half demon and angel looked away, they were feeding off Bakura's rage, all over a angel and a piece of gold, "You couldn't stay away from him no matter what anyone told you, you just didn't listen, and now you're doing what they want." Marik closed his eyes and whispered an apology to Ryou. "Kill him if that's what you wish. I'm sick of him getting in yours and my way of what we want." Marik stood up then kicked Ryou in the side, the boy cried out as he rolled away blood smudged on the ground. The creature seemed to snap out of its anger and roared at Marik as he threw him across the area, Yami flew after him and managed to stop him from getting hurt.

"Don't touch him!" It yelled as it flew to Ryou's side and knelt down and pulled him into his arms.

"Forgive me for I didn't see, I got carried away." It nuzzled its face into Ryou's hair as the shadows vanished from his body.

"Come back with me and Anubis maybe lenient with you, we can help you both." Marik and Yami landed and he held out his hand for the other.

"You killed him." It screamed at Marik.

"No he's unconscious it was you that has done this to him." Marik growled not liked being blamed for Ryou's condition.

"But everyone that hurt Ryou is here they need to be stopped and punished." It said as it stood up with Ryou in its arms and held him tightly.

"No, Ryou doesn't need that right now, what he needs is you. If you want Ryou to live, you'll come back with me and we'll work something out." Marik said.

"Will I get to keep Ryou?" it asked as it nuzzled Ryou's cheek whispering reassuring words into his unhearing ear. "I'm not giving him up to anybody, not even the gods, I'll kill everyone of them if they do." It growled as it looked at Marik.

"And I'll help you if they do, but we must go back." Marik knew that the half demon and angel loved each other even though it saw it's self as separate and a completely different from Bakura and Ryou they shared the love, tears started to fall as the angel side started to come back. Marik sighed as Ryou vanished again.

"Were did he go?" the voice was edged again with Bakura and Ryou's voice.

"Back inside you, as he knows that he is there and you saw what you were doing." Marik said.

"Will he forgive me for what I have done to him?"

"You'll have to ask him that." Marik sighed, and then they flew back to the field of the gods.

"You know you have caused so much trouble in the past and now?" Anubis pointed out.

"I take full responsibility for that, the angel was not conscious at the time of the falling of heaven, I simply took over Ryou's body and used it." The demon spoke calmly. "Bakura called upon me to help him as I did it freely." The being that stood there totally unaware of the other souls in the same body.

"With what has happened in the past events and what you have been through… I say that Bakura should pay and be punished, but I think that they have been through enough. SO, he comes every week one full day in helping me file the names of the dead for eternity. But with the recent events, all your power will be sealed in the ring you'll be nothing more than a demon. Ryou has to report to me once a month on Bakura's behaviour." Anubis smirked. "And count your lucky stars that I let you get off lightly."

"Master, if Ryou was to report on Bakura then you'll have one hell of a long day." Marik snickered but stopped as Malik elbowed him.

"Anubis?" The woman that had hugged him before said sternly and he winced slightly, "you are not trying to get out of your duties are you? I let you make the Reapers of Egypt."

"No I'm not mother," he said like a small chid in trouble.

"But be warned Bakura, I'm not a god to be taken lightly, mess up again and you're mine and I won't care if I have left Ryou without his Reaper." He growled the half demon and angel gave a sharp nod agreeing to the terms given.

"May I, speak with Ryou?" It asked and Anubis nodded his head. All of a sudden a boom rang out in the room followed by a bright light everyone shielded their eyes and a few cried out in surprise.

Ryou opened his eyes he was standing on a white ring of light and all around he was darkness. "Ryou?" A voice came then a figure stood in front of him. The half demon and angel it took a step forward, Ryou looked up. "I'm sorry for what has happened."

"What has happened?…I don't know where I am." he whimpered.

"Your in the darkness that Bakura couldn't get out of, this is me." It looked around, its voice was edged with both Bakura and Ryou's voices "This light that we're standing on is you, in a way."


"Yes, this light or soul has saved Bakura"

"I would have done anything for Kura." Ryou whispered.

"I know and I thank both of you for setting me free."

"I don't understand?" Ryou said.

"I was the darkness from Bakura's soul, the Sleep that he was put in brought me out, in his desperation to help you. I went a little nuts. I needed you two to combine souls again to set me free, as last time you Ryou weren't really present and I got stuck here, because of that. I was stuck in his body. I'm supposed to return to the ring every time I'm called by one of you." It sighed as it walked up to Ryou and lifted his chin with the dark hand. "I never meant to hurt you, for I did not see, my judgment was clouded." The angel half ran it's light hand up Ryou's arm.

"Where's Bakura?" Ryou asked. "You ate half of his soul."

"I'm sorry, I hadn't meant too, you both from now on will have to share a soul." It lent down to Ryou, and kissed him on the lips soundly then pulled back a little, Ryou blushed. "I would never have hurt you intentionally." It smiled. "But it was nice to hold you so close even if it was for a short time. Bakura is very lucky, but next time when he wants to use the ring… don't let him." Ryou broke out into a smile.

"But what are you?" Ryou asked. "I feel like I know you, like I know Bakura." Ryou wrapped around him not wanting to let go.

"We are both of you put together, souls, the ring is where I came from. I used to be an angel before yours and Bakura's time, I too fell in love with a Reaper and as punishment for this crime, we were killed and locked in the ring. When Bakura stole me or the ring, I had no form of my own, and when he used me I combined my power with him, and took this shape" it sighed. "Bakura found you, soon after you died and he used a part of my power to keep you alive." It nuzzled its face into Ryou's hair, "Bakura called upon me when they took you from him, I to was furious at them, as I felt that I was only half of what I was and Bakura…" it sighed "he didn't think what he was doing neither did I. I aided him to bring heaven to its knees, for him to have you back again." Ryou pulled back a little and looked up in its brown and black eyes.

"So you where the one that gave me that feeling, when I first picked up the ring?"

"Yes I felt you, but couldn't do anything about it, Bakura just thought it best that you didn't touch the ring just in case you remember everything, as you weren't with us then, so I made the mistake and used myself in your place and got myself stuck in his body… Bakura never wanted you to know that he killed all those angels, so don't be angry with him for that." The half angel and demon sighed as it looked up, "You better go back now." It looked at Ryou again.

"But what about you? I don't want to leave you in such a place." Ryou said with tears filling his eyes.

"Because I'm connected to Bakura and you, I won't be left here alone."

"But where will you be?"

"In the ring as long as you or Bakura wear it, I'll always be with you." It kissed Ryou on the lips lightly, "I'm sorry for the trouble my little angel, but you'll be fine now… But please don't let Bakura use the ring, he tends not to think when he is mad, I don't want to be stuck in him again." When the light faded in the hall Bakura stood there with both his arms wrapped around Ryou holding him close a ball of light above their heads but it separated into two balls each floated down into each of the bodies as soon as the light was gone Bakura and Ryou fell to the ground unconscious.

Bakura lay on his back Ryou on top of him Marik ran forward and knelt down lifting Bakura's head. Bakura opened his eyes slightly though they were unfocused he smirked tiredly but then his head fell back in his arm, Marik sighed. "He'll be fine Marik." He gave a soft gasp as Ryou vanished then Bakura.

"It isn't over?" Marik asked as he got up to his feet he was ready if needed.

"Relax Marik you'll find Ryou in the room you slept in last night and Bakura we are just going to take a look at him to make sure that he's fine." Maat said, he frowned he wanted to take care of Bakura himself. He turned and put an arm around Malik to leave with Yami and Yugi.

Marik?" Anubis called he stopped and turned around looking at the Jackal god. "I haven't forgotten about the items that you and Bakura hold… and lets not forget that you were there with him in the falling of heaven." Marik groaned inwardly.

"Aye Master."

"Go for now be with your friend I'll call for you later. You are free to have a look around if you like." He said and the gods vanished one by one from the room and the small group walked out of the hall.

It wasn't to long when Ryou sat up, "Hey how are you feeling?" Marik asked.

"Like I got hit by a plane." He gave a small laugh, as Marik sat on the bed. "What happened." Ryou asked.

"What do you remember?" Marik asked.

"Maat weighed my heart and then she called me to stand in front of Bakura. Then I talked to the strangest being I have ever seen, then I'm here, did I fail?" Ryou asked the last part was soft and barely above a whisper.

"No you did it, you saved Bakura." Marik smiled.

"Where is he?" Ryou threw off the blanket it fell over Marik's head.

"Ryou!" Marik pulled the sheet off his head, "Bakura's with Anubis right now." Ryou looked up as he pulled his shirt down the rest of the way. "Don't worry he's just looking him over then he is returning him a little later, you have been asleep for a while." Ryou sighed and stopped what he was doing and nodded. Marik got up and walked over to him. "Lets go outside, Malik, Yugi and Yami are in the water fall pool swimming why don't we join them and take our minds off Bakura for a bit." Ryou nodded his head as they walked to the door.

Once out into the long hallway Marik and Ryou walked to the edge where sand met grass. Marik stepped out into the sun and walked off to where the others were. Ryou sighed and hoped that Anubis would do just that, his heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Bakura, he stepped out and tilted his head back as a gust of warm air hit his face and ruffled his hair, he opened his eyes to see blue sky. He started to walk to the water taking off his shoes, jeans, shirt and socks he walked to the water "It's great Ryou the waters warm." Yugi chippered.

Ryou walked in when he was deep enough he dove in. They swam around for a while when Ryou climbed out, they had been in and out of the water for half the day. Ryou lay out on the grass, and let the sun dry the beads of water from his body, looking up at the sky to see a few birds fly over head. He closed his eyes as he listened to the giggles and yelps of Yugi and Malik. But no one saw the figure walking over to Ryou and stood over him, it knelt down and crawled up over the top of Ryou the smirk on his face was nothing but mischievous, he pressed his lips to Ryou's who gasped and his eyes wide but a tongue slipped in and caressed against his own then the other pressed his body onto Ryou's who closed his eyes slowly and with a softly moaned and kissed back, the kiss was broken slowly as both panted a little out of breath, "I knew that you would come through for me."

"You doubted me?" Ryou matched his smirk but it faded.

"Not for a minute my love."

"Tell me this isn't a dream and I'll wake up alone."

"Not this time." Bakura ran his hand through Ryou's hair he lent down kissing him he pressed his body down. Ryou arched his back into the body above him as he ran his hands down Ryou's sides and stopped at the boxers, his fingers running under the waist band of his boxers, "Kura your being evil." Ryou gasped.

"I am evil." That grin was still there, but before either could say anything else Marik tackled him off Ryou and they rolled on the grass when they had stopped Marik was on top.

"Kura, I missed you, you ass." He lightly hit Bakura on the upper arm.

"Marik get off!" Bakura snapped.

"Yep, it's you alright." They both looked up just in time to see Malik jump on them.

"KURA!" and he planted kisses where he could, Marik chuckled as Bakura pushed Malik up.

"Get off me you psychos!" He growled, Ryou laughed as Bakura pushed them both off him and got to his feet, "I missed you too, but give me five minutes peace with my Ryou." He walked back over to the said teen and sat down next to him, Ryou crawled over to him and sat on his lap and Marik and Malik walked over and sat around them as they talked.

"Oh by the way" Marik said with a smirk. "Anubis said that we get to keep our items as long as we keep them safe and not use them for bad deeds." Bakura raised an eye.

"Well that leaves you out on everything." He pointed out.

"Not really, as you and me don't get the items." Marik narrowed his eyes. "Ryou and Malik do. Yami's been given one just today but it's Yugi that wears it." Marik said.

"Anubis's mother Nephthys said that we are free to go home when we are ready." Malik said cutting in.

"Well no time like the present." Ryou smiled, as Bakura tightened his hold on Ryou and kissed his forehead.

"GUYS WE'RE GOING!" Malik yelled at the top of his lungs, Yami and Yugi ran out of the water and gathered their things.

"We'll head straight home." Yami said as he pulled Yugi to his side and vanished.

Marik pulled Malik to him as Bakura and Ryou stood up, "wait." They all looked to see Nephthys walking towards them with a small wave and Maat at her side both ladies were very tall and beautiful.

"I was hoping to catch you before you leave." Maat said, as they got closer.

"Why is there something wrong?" Marik asked hoping that Anubis didn't change his mind about the items.

"No not at all," Maat said then looked at Bakura and Ryou.

"I wanted to give you this." Nephthys said as she held out a gold scarab and walked right up to Ryou and grabbed his hands and placed it into them and closed them again, "keep this with you if you ever need anything at all. Anything, all you have to do is say my name and I'll come right to you." She hugged him, Ryou wrapped his arms around her waist.

"So you Bakura you better take good care of him, he has the mother of your master watching over him." Maat said with a grin, as Nephthys let Ryou go and stood next to Maat.

"You have nothing to worry about he's in good hands." Bakura pulled Ryou to him as he put the gold scarab into his pocket.

"Thank you for everything." Ryou smiled and waved, as Marik and Malik vanished then Bakura and Ryou.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Maat asked as she turned and walked back. The goddess just smiled. "Will they?" Maat asked again but didn't get an answer.

Ryou and Malik pulled up outside the house on Malik's motorbike the snow had cleared as spring had come around, Ryou jumped off the bike and ran inside with Malik right behind him.

"Bakura!" Ryou called out as he ran up the stairs taking off his shirt, it had been two months since the field of the gods. Bakura stepped out of the kitchen he smirked as he followed the former angel he pushed open the door too see Ryou's clothes pooled around his feet, he walked up to Ryou and wrapped his arms around him as he was changing into other clothes.

"What?" he asked as he ran his fingers over his scares on his back and down to the hem of his boxers.

"I bought you something." Ryou lent over slightly and picked up a small box from the bed and handed it to Bakura, he raised an eyebrow as he took it a black box with a red ribbon wrapped around it he pulled off the ribbon then opened it. He looked at Ryou as he pulled it out and looked it over. "Do you like it? I saw it and thought that you needed a new one. Your old one is rusty… and nothing says I love you more than a knife." Bakura chuckled as he put the pocketknife in his back pocket and pulled Ryou closer.

"Let me show you how thankful I am." he smirked and his black wings unfolded from his back and spread out, "a re-enactment of the cloud." Ryou smirked as he looked up.

"Your being evil again."

"You know it, as I'm the other half of your soul now, one of us has to be evil." He kissed Ryou as he pulled back gently he said. "You love me when I'm evil." Ryou giggled and with that they vanished from the room.

Malik just walked into the room to see them vanish, "Great, there gone, where would they run off to?" Malik huffed Marik lent on the door.

"I'll tell you when your older." He said with a chuckle as Malik glared at him.

"Well it looks like it's just us tonight." Malik walked out of the room turning of the light and closing the door. The room filled with a golden light from the small scarab on the dresser.

"See Maat they're just fine." Nephthys said as the image faded, "and will be for a long time to come." She turned and walked away with Maat at her side and for once everything seemed to work out for everyone.


Well, that was the longest story I have ever done, it was fun (sighs and sniffles) I hope you liked it and weren't disappointed with how everything went and ended, as I'm one for the happy endings, but anyway review and let me know. (Hands out plushies of Bakura and Ryou) bye me lovelies.
