Chapter two.

A/N: Sirius is alive, and HBP never happened.


But as James was about to reveal all, Sirius and Remus burst through the door.

"James, umm, can we talk to you?" Remus asked him breathlessly

"Can it wait?"

"Nope, now!" Sirius shouted.

"Harry, do you mind?"

"Not at all." Harry said politely as he walked out.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing? I was trying to tell Harry that I'm his dad!" James shouted as he put a hand through his already messy hair.

"Keep your voice down Prongs! If you tell Harry, you could alter the future, he may not be born!" Remus explained, his grey eyes were serious and his face looked tired as though he had aged as they traveled through time.

"I want to tell him!" James whined

"James, for your safety and his, please do not tell Harry." Remus said

"Fine, Moony why do you have to be so sensible?"

Remus shrugged, he smiled, the first smile James had seen him smile for almost a week. James looked at his schedule; and then grinned, and cracked up laughing.

"What's so funny?" Remus asked.

"Snape, is the Potions teacher, and the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, is you Moony!" He laughed; as his friends started laughing.

"Oh my god! DADA ought to be rather interesting then!" Sirius shrieked.

Back in the common room, Hermione was throwing questions at them continuously.

"And, what school did you come from?"

"Umm… Durmstrang," Remus answered slowly, this was one of the details Dumbledore had left out: their history. They would have to make it up for themselves.

"Max, what part of England are you from?"

"Cornwall." Sirius replied; he had realised that Hermione Granger was a very smart girl and she wasn't quite sure about the four new students.

"Why did you all transfer?"

"We got scholarships…" Sirius said

"Hogwarts doesn't have scholarships."

"To a summer quidditch program" Lily finished the sentence, glaring at Sirius for making such a stupid mistake.

"Oh, ok. So, will you be joining the Quidditch team?"

"I'm not sure, if we're good enough." Remus said

"Well, if you're good enough for a scholarship, you should be good enough for the Gryffindor quidditch team."

Hermione didn't believe any of it. As nice as they seemed, the new students stories seemed to be very fake.

"I'm not sure about the new kids." She said. Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to Potions, and Hermione thought it was a good time to ask them what they thought.

"I don't know. They're really nice, they're Gryffindors, so they can't be bad." Ron said

"No, I mean, I think their stories are completely made up. They're lying." She said

"Hermione, for once could you just leave them alone?" Harry snapped; Hermione looked very hurt.

"I'm sorry Mione, but maybe we should just give them a chance."

"Yeah, I guess." Hermione sighed

"Potter, stop mucking around and focus on you potion, the last thing I need right now is you turning Weasley into a purple frog." Snape said. Lily and Sirius (who were partners, much to Lily's dismay.) sniggered at this remark.

"Excuse me Miss Stewart," Snape said turning towards Lily, "do you think that is funny?"

"No Professor Snape." She answered

"Excuse me Sniv—Professor Snape, I was laughing as well." Sirius confessed.

"Well, Jones, you will be joining Miss Stewart in detention." Snape said and then swept off towards Neville Longbottom, whose potion had blown up, resulting in Neville and Seamus Finnegan losing their robes.

Great, Sirius gets detention with Lily, why couldn't it of been me? I mean, I am the one whose been constantly asking her out for the last three years. James thought menacingly, tossing his crushed beetles into the potion, unknowingly causing it to start bubbling a dark, murky blue.

A/N: sorry it took a while, but i had a million assignments, so blame my teachers!

Please review!

luv ellie!