Sometimes it sucked to be the son of a socialite.

Logan Huntzberger adjusted his tie as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in a dark blue Armani suit, with a blue tie. He adjusted his tie once more and sat down on his bed to put on his dress shoes.

Did he really care about the Bishop's 40th anniversary? He had attended their 30th anniversary; it seemed like, just yesterday. But alas, he was only 12 then. So did he really care that they had a perfect lovely decade more of marriage?

No. Not at all.

He had a "social responsibility" as his mother called it, so he would go, greet the hosts, make some small talk, and find somebody to sneak booze with.

He should have gone to Europe earlier with Colin and Finn. But no, he had to stay behind and steal a yacht with Rory and wait until his father dealt with the lawyers before he could go anywhere this summer. Now Rory was in trouble too, and he was about to be bored out of his mind. Hopefully there would be at least one person there that he could hang out with.

Screw spontaneity.

Yeah, right.

He stood up and checked his reflection one more time.

"Logan, are you ready?" His mother called.

"Give me a sec!" He called back.

"This will be fun." He muttered under his breath as he slammed his bedroom door.

Tristan DuGrey reached into his closet and without even thinking about it pulled out a tie and dress shirt that matched perfectly.

He had done this many, many times before.

Why did he come home from North Carolina? He finished military school and was attending Wake Forest, but for some reason decided to move back to Hartford.

"Stupid, stupid." He said as he buttoned his shirt.

Tristan decided that he wanted to take a year off, because he still didn't know what he wanted to do after college, and thought maybe being home would help.

Boy, was he wrong. His dad was insisting that he should go to law school or business school and be just another Hartford suit.

His mother wanted it for him too. She was so excited he was home, and insisted that he come to some ridiculous party with his parents so they could "celebrate" his home coming.

He really wished he had kept in touch with his friends from Hartford. He had no idea who was coming to this thing. Hopefully there would be someone his own age to hang out with.

He expertly tied his tie and headed downstairs.

"Mom, what is this party for again?" He asked.

"Honey, the Bishops, you remember them right?" Tristan nodded, already bored.

"Yes, well, it's their 40th anniversary."

"Oh. Sounds swell." He replied with a hint of sarcasm that his mother didn't pick up on.

Lucky his dad was in the next room, nothing got by him.

"Oh Tristan, your tie!" His mother exclaimed, adjusting his perfectly tied tie.

Tristan sighed.

Sometimes being the son of a socialite sucked.

Ahh, the rich "bad boys" are coming together.

Please tell me what you think. Is this worth continuing?