"You were right Sarah." Said Albrecht coming from the back room a case file in hand.
"Amy Harrison, murdered a few weeks ago..." Sarah opened the file as Albrecht continued,
"This her boyfriend?" She asked looking at Billy's picture.
"Yeah Billy Martin, He match your vision?" Sarah Nodded.
"Here's the lab results back Detective." she said handing them to him.
"Thanks Lisa."
Sarah stood to look at the results her self.
"That's weird." she said
"There's DNA on the knife that's not the vic's."

As Billy as Eric began to prowl again.
"So the others Bone & Dice? What do you know?" Eric asked ,Billy stopped.
"That one of them is getting out to that car." he said walking quickly.
"HEY!" he called out, the man stood there, until Billy came into full view, then began to run. Billy looked back at Eric.
"They always have to do it the hard way don't they?" Billy said, turning to Eric who was again gone. He turned around as last time finding Eric pinning him to the ground.
"You have got to teach me how to do that."
"So" Billy said
"Your & your friend go around attacking people when they just come to get beer?"
"No only when they kill." Billy chuckled
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Few weeks ago you and a now late friend of yours help kill a girl, Amy Harrison any thing ring a bell there for you?"
"Liar."Billy said punching him hard.
The man began to struggle with Eric free in seconds.
He pulled a gun from his pocket aiming & Firing, hitting Billy in the stomach.

As they began to struggle Billy put the barrel of the gun to his attackers head as he pulled the trigger.
"This is Dice." He said lifting the sleeve of his shirt, showing 2 black & red dice on his bicep, the dot adding up to 7.
"We just have to find Bone."
"& quickly that amulet only last till dawn." Eric said, Billy ears perking up.
"What happens then?"
"You'll Die."