School days

AU: Its Parent's evening at Inter-Galactic Middle School, Anakin and Padme are about to find out that Luke and Leia aren't the model pupils.

No infringement is intended. Everything is copyright to its original owner.

This is my first fan fic I apologise now if its rubbish.

Chapter one: Parent's Evening

Not a word was spoken as Anakin's speeder zoomed up through the school's iron gates. Anakin was keeping a close eye on the sign posts pointing to the direction of the packing area.

The school was busy that evening, with speeders and ships, all coming from different directions. It would be easy to get lost.

Would that be a bad thing? Anakin thought to himself. He hated Parent evenings; they reminded him of times when he was small boy facing the Jedi Council.

Padme was fidgeting nervously in the passenger's seat. Her fingers were drumming against her knee. Anakin hadn't seen her this nervous since her speech at the Parent and Teacher Association meeting.

He chuckled quietly to himself; he could not believe Padme was so anxious. He looked at his beautiful wife in the side mirror and thought to himself,

This was Padme Naberrie-Skywalker. Former Queen and Senator of Naboo who fought bravely alongside the Jedi at Geonosis while at the same professed her love to him. How could she possible be afraid of their children's teacher? Okay he would admit that Luke and Leia could be a handful at times. But surely it could be that bad? Could it?

Anakin found a parking space close to entrance just in case they had to make a quick getaway. He turned to Padme with reassuring smile,

"Are you ready?" He said cheerfully holding Padme's hand in his.

"As I'll ever be," she replied returning her husband's smile.

"Don't worry my love," he said gently trying to calm his wife's nerves.

"Ani, they are your children of course I'm worried!" Padme answered with a small grin on her face.

Anakin could help but smile at his wife's comment. Hand in hand they entered the school. To be greeted by a look-a-like Threepio droid.

"Good evening and welcome to Inter-Galactic Middle School."

Oh No! Anakin moaned to himself. Not another droid.

Anakin hurried passed not wanting to get into a conversation with the droid, he had enough of this with Threepio at home.

The main hall was fall of anxious and proud parents, chatting about how the son or daughter excelled in certain subjects. Anakin wished that he could talk about Luke and Leia that way, but he knew the only thing they excelled in was trouble. There were tables and chairs placed in even rows across the hall. Each table had a teacher's name on it.

Anakin turned to Padme confused "Whose Luke and Leia teacher again?"

"Miss Brambles," Padme replied searching for the table.

"Brambles I remember! She's the short dumpy woman with the beady eyes and hair like...ah...ah... a bramble bush."

Padme turned and stared at her husband, they both let out a small laugh at his comment, unaware of the figure behind them.

"Yes, that would be me Mr Skywalker." A squeaky voice replied making the couple jump in surprise.

"Ah...ah...ah," Anakin stuttered, trying to dig himself out of the hole he placed himself in.

"Miss Brambles nice to see you again." Padme jumped in, shaking the teacher's small scrawny hand

Anakin put on his best smile in attempt to make the situation less unconformable. The woman just glared at them, making them feel like they were children again.

Not a good start Anakin thought to himself

Mr and Mrs Skywalker please take a seat and we'll begin." Anakin pulled out the chair for his wife then took his place next to her.

Both parents watched eagerly as the older woman looked down at their children's reports and back up at them.

"I'm going to cut right to the chase, the twins are... how to put it... are different."

"Different is good right?" Anakin asked staring at the small woman opposite him.

"I'm going to start with Luke. He is an enthusiastic pupil, who gets on well with others."

Anakin couldn't help but smile; this wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.

"However!" His smile quickly faded. Here we go

"There was an incident today involving your son. As you may be aware, today was our Open Day. Luke and an older boy Han Solo were given the task to meet visitors arriving by speeder and to guide them quickly to the parking area. Also he was given the reasonability of collecting 10 credits for the parking. Both boys abused this reasonability. I caught your son and Han Solo racing our visitor's speeders up and down the parking area.
And as for the credits they were meant to be collecting, they used them to bet on the local Pod race."

"Well...," Padme stammered trying desperately to come up with an excuse for her son's behaviour. She looked towards Anakin for help, but he only returned her look blankly.

"um... please continue." Padme managed to say.

"Leia..." the woman continued. Surely she couldn't be as bad as Luke Anakin thought.

... Leia's behaviour is worse then her brother's. She is rude and insulting! One member of the class was reduced to tears the other day when Leia called her a scruffy looking nerfherder."

I wonder where she learnt that from Anakin thought sarcastically then turned to face Padme who was going slightly red with embarrassment.

"Then there was incident concerning another pupil. They were set a task to describe the planet of Naboo. Leia lost her temper with her partner during their joint class work exercise and ended up cutting the document of work into pieces with a lightsaber. Where she found this weapon I don't no."

Anakin sank into his seat with a guilty look on his face. He could feel the wrath of Padme's temper building from the seat next to him.

"How are the they doing academically?" Anakin asked trying to void the subject of the lightsaber.

"Academically, they are very intelligent children..."

I'm not surprised their father is the 'Chosen One' and their Mother is a Senator. Anakin thought trying not to sound to smug.

"However they do let themselves down on one aspect."

"What do they let themselves down on?" Padme asked curiously.

"Homework," Miss Brambles replied.

"What's wrong with their homework?" Anakin added.

"They don't do it Mr Skywalker." Oh!

"Though I must give them credit, their excuses are quite extraordinary." The teacher continued.

"My favourite excuse from Luke must be, ET stopped by my house and he accidentally took it home with him."

Anakin couldn't help but laugh I wish I thought of that one when I was his age.

"Though I think Leia could of done better than, I didn't do it, because I didn't want the other kids in the class to look bad."

For the first time in her life Padme was speechless. She had always told her children that a good education was important.

Miss Brambles looked at the bewildered parents and felt sympathy for them. She only had to see the Skywalker twins in school hours, it must be a nightmare living with them.

"Let me give you some advice, precision and order is what your children need. I am convinced that this naughty behaviour will continue unless the twins are disciplined and punished for the actions."

"I assure you that Anakin and I will do what we can to put a stop to this behaviour." Padme said in her Senator voice.

Anakin knew to well that Padme only put on this voice outside of duties when she angry.

"I hope so Mrs Skywalker."

"Thank you for time," Padme replied shaking the old woman hand again followed by Anakin. They both stood up and headed towards the door

The couple hurried out of the school building ignoring the droid at the exit who called out, "Thank you for visiting Inter-Galactic Middle School..."Anakin and Padme were gone before the droid could finish.

Anakin and Padme climbed into the speeder. They both sat there in silence for awhile.

"Well that could of gone better," Anakin nervously said trying to break the silence.

"Drive home me home Anakin I want a word with our children." Padme answered in a harsh tone

With out question Anakin started the speeder and headed home.

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