Teardrops and Bloodstains – Chapter 1

Ok ok… I know Tails is a boy! But for the sake of this story… he is a she (!). Right… my first fanfic so be kind and fair… 'blink'. It's TailsX? (Hahahaha you've gotta read it now!)

BTW, I might accidentally swap tenses by accident :S, I'm like that… heh heh…

I am 14, I live on a rock, and I have no money… Does it sound like I own Sonic? Or Tails? Knuckles? Shadow? Amy? Cream and Cheese? Or Rouge? ANYONE? No!

(On with the Fanfic :P)


"Come on Tails! Keep up already!"

"'Pant' I'm trying Sonic… You're going too fast! 'Pant'"

Another day… another race. My life is getting better again. The sun is beating down onto my fur, and I can feel the warm sand between my toes. Today is the beach party we've all been looking forward to, on the coast of the Floating Island. The only disadvantage to that is that we can't go too far out into the water… or we'll get washed of the edge! Amy, Cream and Cheese the Chao, Knuckles, me, Sonic, Shadow, Rouge, Big and Chaotix Crew are here. Amy, Cream, Rouge and Big are playing Volleyball… Cream's on Big's side… I'm worried … what if he trips on her? Oh, Knux has just brought the drinks out… that's sorted it.

"Sonic… can I get a drink? Please?"

"Wha'? Oh… yeah, you must be boiling under that fur… go ahead!"


I take to the air because the sand is burning my feet.I notice Shadow has left the party… oh no, he's just gone into the shade, don't blame him! I land beside Cream, alarming Cheese…

"Oops… sorry Cheese! You ok?"

The young Chao stops screaming at me and nods.

"You'd better be careful around here Tails! It's windy higher up and we don't want you getting blown off do we?"

I look up only to be met by the kind, amethyst eyes of Knuckles.

"Yeah… It isn't like it is at Station Square… with the tall buildings!" Cream piped up.

I look down at her little angelic face.

"I suppose not!" I smile at her, and she returns the gesture, collecting her lemonade from the tray Knuckles was holding. I do the same and we go and sit underneath a large palm tree with Big and Amy. I start to glance around, you know, as you do. My bangs are getting in my eyes, spurred on by a gentle breeze. I spot the slender shape that is Vector in the water… not again! He's trying to creep up on Espio and Mighty again. Oh well, nothing to do with me.

"Where's Shadow? He said he was staying all day this time!"

"Oh, I think he's still in the shade."

"Oh, YOU know do you?"

"What! I saw him while me and Sonic where racing!"


Honestly… Amy can be sooo annoying at times! Those rumors should be long-gone! I don't even know why they started. Amy probably stirring up trouble as usual.

"Are you ok Tails? You look pale…"

I look up. Oh, only Sonic.

"I'm fine… honestly Sonic, It's just the heat."

"You sure?"


I put my hand up to my face, to rub my forehead. As I do, I notice the long, thick scar going all the way around my wrist. I move my arm, and look away.

"Some things are hard to forget aren't they?"

I prick my ears up, did I just hear that?


"Your hand… you never really got over it, did you?"

My hand, my metal hand.

"Not last time, but the time before, when Eggman came back, he… he captured me. Apparently Amy didn't make very good conversation. So Sonic, Knuckles, Cream and Amy came to save me, and Eggman said:

"Give me the Chaos Emeralds or your little friend loses her hand!"

Sonic, being Sonic, gave him the Emeralds. But Eggman, being Eggman, did it anyway. I lost a LOT of blood. If Sonic wasn't there I would be dead now. He ran me full-pelt to the nearest hospital and then offered to give me his blood. I only have the doctor's, Sonic's and Knuckles' word for this, because I was out cold."

I look up at Sonic. My eyes are fighting a losing battle to keep back the tears. I have to look away, now, because I don't want to let him see me cry. I think he's noticed though. He's crouching in front of me. Oh heck.

"Do you wanna go somewhere on your own?"

I nod. Anywhere please… I start to stand up, I'm shaking inside but I don't think it shows. I take to the air again, staying low to avoid the winds Knuckles was on about. I start to fly back to the forest. I see why they all this place "Angel Island" back down on Mobius. It really is beautiful. My vision starts to blur, the tears are creeping back. Landing by a tree, I wipe my eyes. Much clearer. I'm gonna go to the place Knuckles showed me. It's calmer there. As I approach it, I hear footsteps. Instinctively, I dash behind a tree. I can just see the clearing. The sudden temperature change is making my fur stand on end, there is something sharp in my side, and I'm snagged by something. But through my fear, I'm staying put.

A few minutes seem to have passed, so I'm daring myself to look outside. All I can see is green and brown, so I step out, brushing off any twigs/thorns that are snagging me. I prick my ears up for noises – none.

"Why where you in there?" A cool voice from behind me spoke, and in my shock made me jump up and yell:


"Sorry Tails, but the shock of seeing me would have scared you more."

I let my eyes focus on him more. Oh my god! He's bleeding heavily from his side, and his right eye was closed slightly due to a large slash across his face.

"W…what…what happened?"

"Nice animals Knuckles has around here, doesn't he?"


"Oh come on now Tails, you're not stupid…"

"What kind of… what did this?"

"I'm not sure, kinda fast."


He just fell down. Kneeling beside him, I'm getting a better look at the wounds. They look like bites... that's why he collapsed, he's been poisoned.

"Shadow? Can you hear me?"


"Can you stand? Shadow? Don't go to sleep… please!"


Oh my god… oh my god, oh my god! What can I do? I help him up, but he's swaying.

"Can you walk?"

He gives me a gentle nod, then tries to move. He's swaying again. He falls on me. I would leave him here to get help, but the thing might still be here. I've got no choice.


I heave him off me and wait, what, 5 seconds? Sonic comes zooming in.

"Oh my god! What? Who…?"

Knuckles has caught up by now.

"'Pant' Tails… 'Pant' Did he say anything? 'Pant' Did he say what it 'Pant' was? 'Pant'"

"Something fast… he said some kind of animal…he's been bitten…"

Everything was rushing out of my head in panic. I'm starting to shake again.

"I… I… no… I…"

Sonic comes up to me a hugs me.

"It's ok Tails… It's ok…"

Tears are welling up in my eyes again. They start to spill onto Sonic's chest. Knuckles heaves Shadow onto his back and sprints off to the beach again.

"He… just…I…"

I know I'm making no sense. Sonic should understand me though. A while ago… in another Anti-Eggman battle, I thought I'd lost Sonic. He was lying there, in his own blood, he knew how I felt. That all over again for me. It had happened to him. With me and Amy. Eggman catching us, or just getting hurt. Everyone has done this to him. He keeps cool though, I can't. I have a mental block and start to make no sense. It's mainly because I get emotionally attached to everyone, missions, everything. I know somewhere in Sonic head, he's panicking, but it doesn't show. My sobs are becoming calmer, but I swear that I hear rustling, but it's nothing, I can feel sonic shifting slightly, it's his shoes…

"That's when it happened, just like that. It struck me. I fell. The last thing I could hear was Sonic telling me to stay awake. I couldn't. I know my body isn't as strong as Shadow's. So that means the poison didn't take as long to get into my system. I remember waking up, Cream's tear filled eyes and Shadow, he was alive, but he was heavily bandaged, also, his right eye was half-closed."

"Sonic? SONIC! Tails is awake!" I heard Knuckles shouting down the corridor.

2 seconds… just 2 seconds it took him. I noticed everyone filing out of the room as he arrived. What? Was I that badly hurt? I went to move all of my limbs. They're all working… my hand? I look down. All of the flesh has been taken off. Just the metal inside left. They've seen it… all of them.

"Tails? Are you ok? I… I… you look pale… I mean you… I…"

I looked at him. Sonic, Stuttering? Of all the people, he was… is he crying? Tears are in his eyes.

"Sonic? You're crying?"

"What… oh I suppose. You had me worried little buddy."

He cracks a small smile.

"I see Shadow's ok. How long have I been out for?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well kinda…"

Sonic looks as if he really doesn't want tell me.

"Uh… well…"

"6 Months"

My head turns around to see Amy, pouting as usual.

"You had us all worried. You should have heard Cream. And Cheese, the poor little thing got ill."


"It's true. Shadow's going on that it's all his fault, and so is Knuckles, says it's his Island, his responsibility, you know, about the animals, blah blah blah…" Sonic replies.

"How long…"

"Was Shadow out for?"

I nod slowly; there is a sharp pain in my neck, causing me to wince.

"2 days. The doctors said something about his body being stronger than yours, so therefore… well you get the idea."

"I was in that hospital for another 2 weeks. Sonic, Cream and Cheese, Knuckles and Shadow kept visiting me. They covered up my hand again, with nerves. I could now feel with it. I wasn't perfect, but it was better that it was. When I finally got out, I knew something else was going to happen. But I didn't know what and when… or who I would be with."



Hahahahahahahahahaha! 'cough'. That was fun to write! Well… apart from hurting Tails and Shadow! Review please! Please Review the individual chapters cos my writing varies a lot!