Disclaimer- I do own Inuyasha! I do! MWHAHAHHAHAHA-
Inuyasha- no u don't
SHUT UP! No one asked you

Warning- There is rape in this chapter. Not for the weak of heart. (always wanted to say that)

(everyone is 18 except Kouga, he's 20)

Chapter 1- 10 years ago

"Hey Inuyasha! What's up?" Kagome asked with a wide bright smile on her face as she answered her cell phone.
"Can you meet me by Houshi-sama's house"
" Sure! See you later Luv ya bye"

Inuyasha and Kagome declared they love for each other at their freshmen year in high school. Inuyasha was with Kikyou and Kagome was with Kouga but the quickly ended their relationships with them when they discovered their newfound love. Before that, they were best friends including Sango Taijiya (sp?) and Miroku Houshi. Miroku is a hentai, Sango can be very violent, Inuyasha is half demon and has a temper, and Kagome is a miko reincarnated from Midroku (sp?) herself. A wild bunch of friends right?

As Kagome was walking down the street, not really paying attention to her surroundings, she suddenly felt immense pain in the back of her head. Right before she passed out, she saw Kouga's face smiling wickedly above her.

When Kagome woke up, she was almost naked, in an alleyway, and Kouga was about to enter her.

"What are you doing!" Kagome screamed
"About to make sweet love to you my dear" Kouga replied.
"Get away freak!" she said as she kneed him where the sun don't shine

Kagome tried to get away but with Kouga with being youkai (sp?), resistance was futile. He swiftly caught her and threw her on the wet, cold ground. He quickly tied her hands to the garbage can.

"If you promise to break up with Inuyasha and get back with me, we could do his the pleasurable way" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Ewwwwwww! NO!"
"Then we do this my way."

Kouga ripped off the rest of the clothing and got in position.
"Kouga don't do this! Please!"
"Too bad. I wanted to be your lover. Since you wouldn't let me have you, I decided to do it anyway! With or without your permission!"

Kouga plunged straight in. Kagome screamed as his manhood broke her maidenhead with brutal force. He ignored her screaming and continued to pump into her over and over, her blood covering his manhood, until he reached his climax. At that point, he moaned and placed his mouth over hers, effectively swallowing her scream.

"Now, that wasn't so bad now was it?"
But Kagome didn't answer
She had passed out from the pain.

He then got up and straightened his clothes. He left his jacket on the ground so she could cover herself with and left the alleyway feeling like a happy man.

"Hello?" Kagome answered her cell still in the alleyway
"WHERE the HELL ARE YOU! You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!"
"Sorry baby! I'm uhhh- on my period and I'm having mood swings! Yup that's it!"
"Alright. Feel better Luv ya"

Kagome shut off her cell phone and dragged her molested body to the Higurashi Shrine.
: I feel so violated. My God the pain, the pain! Does it always hurt this much: As Kagome was thinking, she reached the last step on the top of the shrine. (how do people climb all those stairs DAMN!) There was a note on the door saying,


My and your grandfather went to the West Indies for a year.
The doctor said the fresh air would be good for him.
I took Souta with me.
I left money if you want a plane ticket to visit us
You could stay with Inuyasha if you want


At this point, Kagome sweatdropped


: Thank god they're gone. I need privacy:

With that thought, Kagome took a long and much needed bath and went to sleep, still feeling dirty and molested.


:I CAN'T BE PREGNANT! Inuyasha still doesn't know that I was raped! FUCK FUCK FUCK: Kagome thought as she went to her monthly gynecologist exam. :NO FUCKING WAY but I have to do what I have to do.

Kagome left the doctor and straight to Kouga's house.
"Kouga! Get your mother fucking ass out here!"
"What woman? I'm sleeping!"
"I'm pregnant asshole" Kagome said that so calmly, you would think that she was speaking about the weather.

That woke Kouga up. He dressed so fast and got ready so quickly, you could say "muttface" and he wouldn't move faster.

"Whatcha mean you're pregnant!" Kouga screamed
"Well, Kouga, when two people have sex without protection that is usually the result"
"Then you shouldn't ask such a stupid question! Anyway, you need to give child support checks because I know you really love Ayame and I don't want to ruin that."
"No. And don't come back or I'll tell Inuyasha about us. Bye Kagome"

The door was shut in her face: I can't believe it! That heifer said no to me about our child.

Kouga answered the door, "Wha-"
"This is for slamming the door on a pregnant lady!"
Kagome sucker punched him in the jaw and did a roundhouse kick which resulted in him ending up on the floor with swirley eyes. (Picture this hehehe)
Then she left.

I can't have an abortion. I'm not like that. I cry during "Finding Nemo" for God's sake (don't own but is in love with Nemo. He's sexy).
So I have to do what I have to do.

Kagome then walked straight to Inuyasha's house

"Inuyasha! Open the damn bitching door! I'm PMSing like a mother fucker so don't fuck with me!"
"Alright! Stop fucking yelling!"

(Can you feel the love?)


He was wearing Joe boxers with doggies on it with no shirt. His long, silky, beautiful silver hair was a mess making him look devilish. (:beats fan girls: STOP DROOLING!)

Kagome voice's cracks as she said the last sentence she would ever say to him. She just couldn't stay with him. She felt dirty and used and he would think she was a slut like Kikyou (sorry Kikyou fans but that's how I feel) if he found out she was pregnant.
"We're over Inuyasha. Goodbye"

With that, she closed the door behind her and left a confused and heartbroken hanyou and probably the best thing that ever happened to her behind.

Yeah, I no. it probably sucked but I take constructive criticism
Inuyasha- wat does that mean?
It means I listen to the crap people say about my story to make it better (no offence)
Inuyasha- I knew that!
Kagome- it's all right to be stupid. I understand :laughs behind her hand:
Inuyasha- FEH!

PLEAZE REVIEW it's my first story and I'll be heartbroken :puts of puppy face: