A/N: This is a short one, because I just wanted to show everyone I was continuing. There is more forthcoming quite soon. By the way, has anyone here ever been to thelablounge dot com? It's for adult Labyrinth fanfic, but I recommend going there JUST to see flash opening. It's bloody fantastic. And if anyone wants the song that plays, just email me… I hunted it down because I liked it so much.

coughcough Back to the matter at hand! I sum it up as: Not mine, read it anyway.


At Sarah's last shriek Jareth had popped his head up from under the covers, greeting the two women with a full-bodied grin. Sarah looked up at Karen anxiously, half expecting things to start getting thrown.

But then Sarah sighed inwardly with relief – Karen was frozen in the doorway. One of the benefits of having a supernatural being as a lover was the ability to reorder time. Her eyes were glazed, her mouth was open and a forgotten cup of coffee was clenched solidly in her left hand. Jareth repositioned himself alongside Sarah, his hand still possessively placed under the sheet. He seemed quite comfortable to Sarah, but as Karen was still unnervingly regarding them with her frozen stare she turned her head to ask him to do something about it.

But then Sarah almost suffered her third heart attack of the morning as Karen snapped her mouth shut with the comment "I'll see you in the kitchen."

"Did… Did she see?" Sarah whispered hoarsely.

Jareth laughed and stretched. "Kitten, unless she was blind I'm sure she saw quite a lot." With that he rolled out of bed, looking around the room for his clothes. Sarah squeezed her eyes shut as a naked Jareth moved nonchalantly across the room to grab his shirt from where it hung across her armchair. She stiffened as she heard him walk and pause in front of her.

One of the drawbacks to having a supernatural being as a lover was that sometimes they got off on humiliating you.

"I'm not opening my eyes until you get some clothes on."

Jareth sighed. "That's what I'm trying to do, if you'd be so kind as to pass me my pants."

"Not those clothes!" Sarah could feel a note of desperation enter her voice. "Magic yourself up some new ones or something. Your usual Kingly outfit isn't going to exactly blend in up here."

Jareth stood before her, waiting. "My pants." He sounded bored.

After a few second's silence when it was obvious that Sarah intended to do nothing but remain in bed with her eyes closed Jareth clicked his tongue in aggravation. Sarah gasped as she felt his body push against hers impatiently, at once fearing and desiring a repeat of whatever had passed between them last night. This was not to say that she wanted more sex; her muscles were sore and the thought of Karen sitting in the kitchen waiting for them was more than she could bear. But what had passed between them last night? It had been something else entirely. But Jareth moved away again – discarded pants gripped in hand – before Sarah could begin to digest her thoughts. "You can open your eyes now."

Contrary to the Sarah's understanding of the laws of physics, Jareth was not wearing his Goblin King attire. Though Sarah's sexless mood was wiped away as she sized up his modern attire. Tight dark jeans – does this man ever buy pants that actually fit him? – and a deep red turtleneck. He twirled his usual cape around his shoulders, Sarah blinking as it morphed into a respectable black overcoat, fitting perfectly. He sat down on her armchair, pulling on his gloves. These, she was uncertainly pleased to see, remained the same. He wiggled his fingers in the air with the air of someone checking the draw of a weapon, before forming a steeple with them in front of his face. "Well?"

"Well what?" Sarah retorted, unsure of where things were headed.

"You got to watch me dress." He gestured around the room with his eyes, smirking. "Now don't I get the same pleasure?" Despite the lightness in his voice, his eyes looked dangerously eager.

"I didn't watch you!" Sarah gripped the sheet tighter to her chest.

"Not my fault if you forfeited your morning-after rights pet." At her steely glare he sighed dramatically, and closed his eyes. Sarah still wrapped the sheet around her as she stood, moving awkwardly to the dresser and clambering ineptly into the first things she could grab before dropping her material shield. She coughed politely to let Jareth know he could look, but soon furrowed her brows at the look on his face. "What?" She looked down at her simple 'jeans and a t-shirt' number.

He stood and approached her, lifting her head with a finger under the chin. "These garments are simply not suitable." He reversed the drift of his hand, allowing his finger to run straight down the centre of her torso. Under his touch her shirt changed from a drab blue to a vibrant green. Under his touch she quivered. Under his touch she felt bare. She turned to survey the change in the mirror, and laughed. No wonder she had felt exposed! The high-necked top had suddenly become quite daringly cut. "Change it back."

Jareth raised an eyebrow. "This looks much better."

"I like this shirt. Change it back." Sarah demanded exasperatedly. He looked like he was about to argue, but thought better of it and snapped his fingers, restoring the shirt to its earlier design. "The colour stays." He stated definitively as he started towards the door.

As she followed him out of the room muttering under her breath about domineering men, Sarah did have to admit his taste for fashion: the green set off her eyes perfectly. In fact, if it wasn't for some of the more strenuous activities of last night, she would have drawn some very definite conclusions about a certain Goblin King.

Sarah was forced had to abandon her idle thoughts… and hasten to catch up with Jareth before he reached the kitchen. She grabbed him by the arm. "Let me do the talking." She hissed before insinuating herself in front of him to enter first. His eyes narrowed – She really had no idea of the proper respect that a King was due. But Sarah missed the dangerous look as she was already squaring her shoulders for the next confrontation.


She stepped through the door.