
A/N: This started out as fluff, but soon turned into a sequel to one of my first ever fics, Hurt Before. You don't actually need to have read it to understand what's going on, it's pretty self explanatory. I'm sure you can probably see aspects of my car journey to Devon in the first chapter though lol, but hey, what do you expect? I have at least 6 more chapters to come, but it might take a while to type em all up!

Sorry this chapter is kinda short!

Dedicated to: I have to dedicate this to my dear friend Fanfic Queen again don't I? Of course! She kept me sane on my holidays, so yes, this one's for you Becs!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, apart from the characters of Ellie and Maddy and any others you don't know that I mention.


The morning sun shone through the open window, lighting up the room, forcing Martin's eyes open and him to realize the empty space next to him. Rolling away from the light, his eyes searched for the small alarm clock at the side of the bed. It was still early. Sighing, he pulled himself out of bed and grabbed a shirt.

"Morning," Samantha hovered out in the hall, dressed in one of Martin's shirts, the sleeves rolled up.

A smile formed across his face as Martin pulled her into a gentle kiss which soon turned into a longer one, "You're up early," he finally murmured.

"I always am,"

With a smile, Sam started toward the kitchen, running a hand through her blonde hair. Martin followed. He made coffee, she raided the fridge. Finally, she decided on peach yoghurt which he'd got especially for her, him not being able to eat it. Happily, her eyes followed his every movement, not even a hint of tired in them. Setting their coffee down on the table, he couldn't help yawning which just made Samantha smile even more.

"I take it you're not a morning person," she laughed, putting her empty yoghurt container in the trash.

"You could say that,"

Sam took a sip of her coffee as Martin took his turn at the fridge. As he searched, she slipped her arms round him, blowing in his ear, which succeeded in him giving up deciding to tickle her to dead instead. Until the doorbell interrupted.

"Who comes by at 6 in the morning?" Starting for the door, Martin groaned.

He opened the door, revealing the red head on the other side. A worried look in her green eyes, she nervously looked behind her before realizing Martin's presence. Dressed in a red sweater and black pants, which both looked crumpled, he thought perhaps she had been on the road for some time as her hair didn't look like it had been brushed that morning either. He smiled.

"Oh! Hi… do you know where I can find Samantha Spade please… I got your address from her apartment… it was open, I didn't mean to go… the door was open… your address had been scribbled on a post-it… ummm… You know where she is?"

Martin nodded, "May I ask why you need her?"

"Yes, of course!" She looked back at the SUV parked directly behind her one more time, "I'm Ellen, Sam's cousin… I need to talk to her, it's important. I can't tell you why… sorry… but she might not want you to know… unless you already do… but since I don't know… uh yeah, where is she?"

"SAM!" Trying hard not to laugh, he called to the kitchen and soon saw a familiar blonde coming toward him, "It's for you,"

Opening the door wider, Sam still had her coffee cup in her hands, "Hey?"

"Samantha, it's me, Ellie,"

"Oh! Hey Ellie! How are you? How's Helen? Come in!" As Ellie came in, she closed the door behind her before showing her cousin into the lounge and sitting down. Martin headed back to the kitchen.

"I'm okay thanks, Mom is fine. I can't stay long… and I need to keep my eye on the car…. I came to talk to you about something, it's important,"

"Okay, shoot,"

"It's about Maddy…"

Samantha froze. Nobody had mentioned Maddy in a long time, and although she never forgot about her, she'd learnt to move on, and hadn't told anyone about it, not even Lisa. Tears pricked at her eyes even from the mention of the little girl's name.

"She wants to come live with you," Ellie finished.


A/N: Once again, apologize for the length… it was longer on paper lol. If you don't understand the end, don't worry because it will be explained next chapter, which is coming really soon!