A/N: not to get on the wrong side here, I'm mainly a fan of Inu Kag stuff, but with this story, I'd like to try to go beyond that, so I'm here with –something I personally haven't seen- a Bankotsu and Kagome pairing. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and related characters, and I didn't steal them either, so stop frisking me.+.

The Heart of A Miko And The Halberd of A Mercenary

Chapter 1:


"InuYasha! No!"

Kagome wakes up in the middle of the night, sitting straight up and yelling out to the said man she had grown attached to. That was the worst dream I've ever had she mentally says as she stands up and notices she has no clue to where she is. She looks around to see she was in the middle of a dark and empty room.

"Where am I?"

As she looks around once more, she notices it's not as empty as first perceived.

Still shaking off the shock of the nightmare, she walks toward a shining metal object placed to her left, her raven hair falling to her shoulders and back. As she gets a closer look, she is almost mortified at what she sees.

"Oh my god! It can't be!" she exclaims at the sight.

As her realization as to what happened comes to hit her, full on, she can't help but stare hopelessly at the object that stands before her.

What she saw shining was the object's halberd, a long, thick, and just plain enormous axial pike, with the staff-like handle protruding from the end, and another blade, this one resembling a crescent.

What scared her the most was not the blade, but what she saw on it. She knew, before the person who was now standing behind her said anything, that what she saw was the blood of the man she had just been dreaming about, which meant one thing:

He was dead.

InuYasha was dead.

She was so stunned, she didn't notice who had come up behind her.

"Admiring my Banryu, are you?"

The shock of the voice caused her to turn around so fast, she almost got whiplash. The person who stood before her, the lone surviving member of the Band of Seven, was Bankotsu.

"You killed him, didn't you?" she said, turning around so he could only see her back, falling silent.

"So what?" he shrugged, "I had orders, and now that their fulfilled, I'm a free man, and since I found it in my heart to spare only you, you will now serve me as my slave." He said matter-of-factly, a wide grin stretching across his face.

The words hit her like a semi. Only me? Than that means he must have…

She spun around once more and stood face-to-face with him, not caring that he has the nerve to kill her for trying anything.

"Are you telling me that you killed all my friends, too!" she screamed in anguish.

He was astonished at her sudden boldness, this woman is not like any other, she's starting toamuse me he mentally said to himself, but a slave should act like one…

"You might be bold," he began, and walked over to pick up the Banryu, "But let's see if you'll keep running that small mouth of yours," he grabs hold of it and brings it up, "When this is pointed at your head," he said as he positioned the Banryu to be mere centimeters from the bridge of her nose.

Kagome glares at him, then shoves off the blade, "Answer my question!"

Bankotsu was at a standstill. For some weird reason, he couldn't kill her. He felt like killing her, but something in his body said otherwise.

Damnit, he mentally cursed himself, I can kill any other girl easily, I don't even hesitate, but, this girl, something's different about her… I don't know what, though. He was still on his train of thought when her yell brought him back to reality.

"Answer my question, damnit!"

"Shut up!" he barked back, glaring into her honey brown eyes, noticing how soft and beautiful those eyes looked… wait. What the hell! Where'd that come from! He shrugged it off and continued glaring at her. "I'm letting you live, so that should be enough for you, now stop asking questions, besides, you and your 'friends' killed all of my brothers." He said as he turned around to leave the room.

"One last thing," he turned around to look at her once more, "Don't even try to escape, the walls are tall enough to keep you in, and even if you do get beyond that, the only way down is through a demon infested forest, and not just any kind of demons, the type only the most skilled of the skilled demon slayers could kill." He said as he walked out of the door.

She just sat down once more, and began to sob her eyes out, knowing that she'll never be able to see her InuYasha again. After an hour of crying and sulking around, she decided to go back to sleep.

"Well, at least he was kind enough to leave me a pillow and blanket," she said as she lay down to go to sleep.

Before her head had even hit the pillow, she had already gone into a deep slumber.

Where am I? she said to herself as she looked around.

"Kagome! Stay back!"

She turned to see InuYasha standing a few yards off, locked in a battle with Bankotsu.


"Stay back, don't come any closer!" he said as he ran towards her, but before, he got close enough to grab her hands, he slowed down, and then came to a complete stop, mere feet from her.

"InuYasha?" she looked at him, but when she noticed what had happened she stared in disbelief.

He toppled over, the Banryu embedded in the fatal wound on his back, and as she looked over towards Bankotsu, a sly grin spread across his face, a grin of victory.

She looked down at InuYasha, and suddenly her body gave out, and she came down to meet him, but all she saw was blackness…

She stood up straight, yelling her head off for him, but she was met with a warm towel on her forehead.

She looked around to see the man who she saw slay InuYasha, putting a warm towel on her head.

"You really should stay down, wouldn't want my slave to die of a fever."

"Get away from me!" she yelled at him as she tried to knock away the towel, but he held it fast against her head not even moving it.

"I said get away-"

"Listen!" he said as he continued to hold up the towel, "I don't want to be here any more than you want me here, but I don't wanna stand back and watch my slave die before I even get the chance to boss her around!"

She gaped at him, how dare he! He has the nerve to tell her the only reason he is helping her is to boss her around?

"So, if I got this fever after you had bossed me around, you wouldn't care?"

"You stole the words out of my mouth"

Not even trying to hold back her anger and frustration, she slaps Bankotsu across the face, leaving the red print of her hand on his cheek.

He stares at her in disbelief. How dare she do this to him! Doesn't she know she's playing with fire here!

Still shocked at her action, he stands up and grabs her by the wrist.

"You should be glad I have the heart to keep you here and not feed you to the demons out there!" he yells at her, trying to get the dominance in the argument back.

"Go ahead, I'd rather be dead than work as a slave for you!" she hollers at him.

"My pleasure," and with that he drags her to the door, but he doesn't even walk three feet before she starts begging.

"Hey! Calm down! I didn't really mean it!"

"You sure sounded like it," he said as he let go of her wrist.

She backs off, but before he leaves, she swings her foot with all her might and kicks him in the shin.

"Hmf! Jerk…"

"God damnit, wench! What the hell was that for!" he says as he limps back to the room she went in.

"That's for threatening me!" she says as she walks to the corner of the room, trying to keep away from him.

He walks up to the corner and starts to eye her, as if studying her every feature.

She takes notice of what he's doing, and is instantly angered, again

"You pervert!" she yells at him.

"What do you mean, perv-" he doesn't even finish the question before she slaps him across the face again, on the other cheek, making his face look as ripe as a tomato.

"God damnit! Can we lose some of the violence!"

"Not until you get away from me, pervert!"

He notices how close he was standing to her, he was less than a few inches away from her face. God, that really does make me look like a pervert, he mentally cussed at himself, but since when do I care? It wasn't my intention, and I don't have to state myself.

"I'm not a pervert, although I do have to say you're pretty good looking" he states to her, purposely trying to anger her. Let's see how far she'll take this..

She blushes at his comment, but it vanishes as he continues to look at her, noticing he was starting to look down at her chest…

"You, you, you bastard!" she yells as she goes for another slap to his face, but he is able to dodge it, sending her forward, knocking both of them to the ground.

"Look what you did now, wench!" he says as he sits up.

She looks up noticing the awkward position their in, and instantly jumps off of him.

"Get away from me you pervert," she shoots at him, going to the other side of the room.

"Be that way, but you are my slave, and you're going to have to get used to it, so be more friendly to your new master," he says as he gets up to leave the room.

She sticks her tongue out at him, which he notices, but just shrugs it off and keeps on walking out through the door, and she keeps quiet until she can't hear his footsteps anymore.

"Hmf, jerk…" she says to him, although she knows he can't hear it,

She notices it's getting dark, and decides to bed down.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to give him a day in hell," she says silently to herself before shutting her eyes one last time, and going into a peaceful sleep, for the third time that day.

End Chapter

This is new, because some of the stuff I had didn't appear on the original.