A now 15 year old InuYasha walked down the snowy street. He had been out of the hospital for about a year now, mainly because it had been shut down for one reason or another. He hadn't really bothered asking as long as he got away from the piece of crap they called "help". He shivered violently. He had no jacket, not except the one he found in a garbage can on Main Street, and he had nowhere to go, no one to turn to for help. He brushed a piece of tangled, dirty silver hair out of his eyes and continued down the street. He couldn't remember the last time he had ever opened his mouth to speak to somebody...he supposed it was probably the day Kagome left. How he still missed her and wished to feel her hands touch his cheek again, or to hear her say he precious last words he had ever heard uttered from her mouth..."i love you". "I love you too" he thought to himself. He had never forgotten the memory of his best friend and love of his life, he never would he supposed. He continued walking down the snowy lane deep in thought...that is he was deep in thought...until he ran into something.

InuYasha looked up to see a young girl, about his age with long raven hair and chocolate brown eyes. InuYasha blinked a couple times before deciding 'nah...it couldn't be her...i'm not fortunate enough for that' then he turned to keep walking when her voice penetrated his thoughts again. "Hey! You just knocked everything out of my hands and you don't even apologize! You ruined my project and it's due tomorrow! Just who do you think you are? JERK!" The girl fumed as she bent down to pick up her things. InuYasha thought it only right to go back and help her since he had made her so angry, and besides he liked being with her because she reminded him of that other girl...Kagome. How he longed to hear her name.

The girl straightened up and took the books from the boy, taking a good look at him. 'Poor guy. I guess he probably doesn't have anywhere to go judging by the looks of him' she sighed, then took another look at him, this time spotting his silver hair, handsome golden eyes and puppy ears perched on the top of his head. 'Oh my god' she thought. 'I-InuYasha?'..."InuYasha?" she asked. The boy looked up with hopeful eyes, then looked back toward his feet and nodded. The girl gasped and then gently touched his cheek so that he lifted his head to look at her. "Don't you remember me?" she asked. 'Yes' InuYasha thought. He shook his head no. "I'm Kagome" she said, almost in a whisper. InuYasha lifted his head to look into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes again, amber eyes sparkling he whipsered "K-Kagome?" That was it. His first word in 3 years was Kagome, the girl whom his heart belonged. She nodded and her eyes filled with tears. InuYasha became teary eyed too and unmeaningly flung himself onto her and cried. "Kagome!" he said every few minutes and he clung to her. Kagome patted his back, a feeling a sorrow creeping up on her. She knew how hard it must have been after she left him and she couldn't bare to think that this was her fault. Finally InuYasha let go and stood up, facing her and staring lovingly into her eyes.

Kagome imediately felt the pain he had gone through and a single tear trickled down her cheek. She had never meant to inflict this on him...never. If she had known what would become of him she would never have left...never. "InuYasha?" she said a little shakily. He looked up eagerly at her with hopeful eyes. "I'm so sorry that I put you through all of this I never would have left if I knew what was going to happen!" she cried, tears now pouring from her eyes. InuYasha walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder as if to say 'Please don't cry. It's ok. I forgive you' and Kagome hugged him tightly."Please let me make it up to you i'm so sorry...do you have anywhere to go?" she asked, secretly knowing the answer. InuYasha shook his head know, hoping he would soon. "Would you like to stay with me" InuYasha looked at her, his eyes glowing in shear delight, then nodded. "Ok then let's go. My house is this way" she said, taking his hand and leading him down a couple of streets to her house. Finally they got there, the house was a mini home, and a dark shade of yellow with grose brown windows (i used to live in a house like that but i'll shut up now). The inside was much too small for three people to live in, let alone the four that now occured, when you counted InuYasha. There were two bedrooms, one for the parents and one for Kagome and now InuYasha.

Kagome opened the door and walked inside, pulling InuYasha along with her. "Mom, we're home" Kagome called. "Hello Kagome, who is we?" her foster mother asked running down the hall to the door where Kagome had entered. "Oh hello. Kagome? Who is this?" she asked her daughter (we'll just call her mother Anyanka). "This is my life long friend InuYasha. I've known him since I was four years old. We went through a lot together and I just ran into him again today. He has nowhere to go so can he stay with us mom?" Kagome asked, she was practically begging. "Well yes but does he have any relatives?" Anyanka asked curiously. InuYasha nodded. "Well boy who?" she asked. InuYasha just glared. He hated uttering his name let alone admitting that he was related to the virmin and he didn't want to have to speak his name. "Who?" Anyanka demanded. Her glare shot daggers at InuYasha and hit him hard. He had been here not even 10 minutes and the woman already hated him. He supposed he should just leave but he couldn't stand life on the streets for even one more day.

"Well?" she demanded once again. "Kagome does this boy say anything at all?" she yelled, her voice raised considerably. "Sesshomaru" InuYasha whispered, just loud enough to hear. "What was that?" Anyanka asked. "Sesshomaru!" InuYasha yelled, tears filling his eyes. Kagome rested her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it in a friendly, soothing way. "Mama don't make him say it again. He and Sesshomaru were parted when InuYasha was 12 because of the severe beatings he had suffered from him every day. Sesshomaru was his older half brother that took care of him after his parents died" Kagome said. InuYasha growled slightly at being reminded of these terrible happenings, and visions of the past flooded his mind. "Oh i'm sorry I didn't meen to make you angry" she said. "He can stay" Anyanka said, walking out of the kitchen and secretly wondering to herself about the boy. He could be trouble...should she let him into her house...let alone sharing a room with her daughter. But she allowed him, why she didn't know. She supposed she felt sorry for him, from what Kagome had said about him, he had a pretty rough life, and he couldn't be much older then Kagome who had just turned a week ago.


Meanwhile InuYasha and Kagome were setting up the cot in Kagome's room where InuYasha could sleep that night. After they had set it all up they both got into bed and turned out the light. InuYasha, belive it or not, broke the silence. "Kagome, how have you been since you were adopted?" InuYasha asked. Kagome looked worried for a minute, but then sighed. "I've been good..." she said, but InuYasha could tell that she didn't meen it. "What's really been happening? I meen I can tell by the pause you took before answering that you haven't been good. How's this new family of yours?" InuYasha wondered aloud. "Well they're really nice, they took me in whole heartedly and they love me a lot and I love them too. Now you'll be part of the family" Kagome said, smiling. "But I won't be your brother or anything right?" InuYasha asked a little hurredly. "No I don't think so. We'll never really be brother and sister." Kagome said, getting the message at why he didn't want to be her brother and smiling to herself, she felt the same way about him too.

"So how have you been since I left? And I want the truth don't just say good because when I saw you today I'll know that you don't meen it" Kagome said a little crossly. "Well after you left I became depressed and didn't eat or drink. Doctors checked me for diseases daily but always came to the same conclusions. They thought I was a schitzofrantic but I was just depressed, alone feeling. A little empty I guess. Sesshomaru tried everything to get me back, eventually he did for a while and...and...I thought I was going to die. But they hired some demons to come and brake me out and he's in jail again for the time being. I went back to the hospital where I was verbally abused by all of the nurses and workers, one hit me regularly, and they all thought that I was doing it to myself, hence they thought that I was a schitzofrantic. (schitzofrantic is somebody who thinks they have something wrong with them but they are really just fine...for the people who didn't already know that...ok i'll shut up now) They eventually found out but didn't do anything about it, they just let it continue. Then they just stopped feeding me because most of the time I wouldn't eat the meals anyway, unless I couldn't take the hunger anymore, they thought they were wasting their food on me when they had other patients not getting enough. Then I stole food from the kitchens because I was starving and dangerously skinny and when they found out they had me arrested. I was in prison until I was 13 and a half and then I was released and a new hospital took me in where I was fed but still verbally abused. Nobody cares much for a hanyou so no matter where I go I will always be verbally abused. I figured that out long ago. Anyway I spent a half a year in that hospital and then it shut down and I was thrown out onto the streets because no one else would take me becuase i'm a hanyou. So i was basically living on the streets until you found me. I was only on the streets for about a year. I'm 15 now." InuYasha said, he had never talked that much in years.

Kagome jumped up and engulfed him in a big hug, more tears pouring down her face. "I'm so sorry InuYasha! I'm so sorry" Kagome cried onto his shoulder as InuYasha hugged her back.

OK cool more chapters to come that took me a really long time but there's more to come sorry this one took so long guys really sorry! LUV YA'Z!