Another Summer At The Grangers

Disclaimer: I don't own HP, JK does, though I desperately wish I did. Hahaha.


Things came out perfectly well on Harry's last visit and he decides to come back, alog with Ron who brings a very interesting guest along.

Chapter One - Ron's Announcement

Once again, everyone was gathered in the Great Hall for the last feast before they were sent home for the holidays.

Like always, Ron was too busy stuffing his face to give a hoot about what was going on around him. Although he really didn't want to since things had gotten quite mushy between his two best friends. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

During the last summer holidays, Harry and Hermione realized they wanted to be more than friends. With a little help from Ron, they accomplished just that.

"Ron," Hermione turned to him. He was taking a rather large bite off a chicken leg. She rolled her eyes. "Are you spending the holidays with us?"

Harry chuckled as Hermione's words went into one ear and out of the other. He clamped a hand on Ron's shoulder to grab his attention. Ron grunted but didn't stop eating. Sighing, Harry pried his fingers off the chicken leg. Ron let out a growl.


Harry held it out of his reach and then waved it in front of him just for fun. He let out a laugh as Ron's eyes carefully followed the dangling food item. Harry took a bite.

"Noo," Ron yelled out in anguish. "That was mine!"

Though normally Hermione would have scolded them because of their childish behaviour, she laughed and let it go. Ever since she and Harry began dating, she found it easier to just relax and have fun.

"Now that I've finally gotten your attention," Hermione said, "I just wanted to know if you'll be staying with us for the holidays?"

"Wouldn't you two rather be alone," Ron asked.

"Nah, we've got plenty of time for that," Harry replied.

"Well," Ron said, "Okay, as long as I'm not going to be a burden."

Harry and Hermione shook their heads. Harry began to talk to Hermione, letting Ron go back to his food.

"Hey," Ron's mouth was full of food. "You two are hitting your one year mark!"

Hermione gasped. Of course! How could she have forgotten? Harry seemed to look rather pleased.

"I know! I've the perfect gift for her," Harry grinned. Hermione's eyes widened. She hadn't gotten him anything! She felt terrible.

"What about you Hermione, what've you got planned?" Ron asked.

"Excuse me," she replied hurriedly and ran off.

As soon as she was gone, Ron turned to Harry.

"I'm hitting my one year mark too," he said proudly.

"For what?" Harry asked in confusion.

Ron took a deep breath...

"Ginny! There you- Malfoy?" Hermione was taken aback.

She'd left the hall to look for Ginny. She was seeking advice on what to get Harry for an anniversary present. She found the youngest red head member of the Weasley family coming out of a classroom followed by a rather ruffled Malfoy. Ginny blushed.

"Erm, hey," she squeaked. She cleared her throat. "Hey."

Frowning, Hermione watched as Malfoy walked away. This wasn't the time to ask about him. She needed Ginny's help.

"You've got to help me," Hermione pulled her to the side. "It's nearly my one year anniversary with Harry and I haven't gotten him a thing!"

"You mean... You forgot?" Ginny replied. Hermione nodded shamefully. "Oh, wow. Well, have you got any ideas?"

"If I did I wouldn't be here, would I?" Hermione pouted. "Honestly."

"Oh, yes right. Well... A new broom?"

"I'm not rich like Paris Hilton."

"Who's that?"

"Never you mind! Next suggestion!"

"Well," Ginny was smiling, "you could-" she pulled Hermione closer to whisper in her ear. Hermione gasped as the color drained from her face. She looked at Ginny with complete utter surprise.


"Just a suggestion, relax. Okay, how about this, you make him a dinner."

Hermione thought for a moment. "Like, I cook for him?"

"Precisely. Dinner at a nice place, just the two of you."

That idea didn't seem so bad. The problem was, Hermione hadn't had a clue how to cook. But, it was the only one good option. Now that the topic was over, Hermione went to ask a bigger question.

"What were you doing with Malfoy in there," she gestured to the room from which they came from.

Ginny avoided her eyes. "I wanted to ask him something..."

"What would that bumbling dolt possibly know?"

"FYI, he happens to know a lot."

"Why are you being so defensive? Ginny, this is Malfoy we're-"

"Draco is a--"

"Draco? Since when--"

"Oh never mind!"

Confused, Hermione followed a rather upset Ginny back into the Great Hall. She took her spot across from Ron and Harry just in time to hear Ron's big announcement.

"I've got a girlfriend!"

Harry took a while to respond. "Wow! Great! Congratulations!"

"Oh Ron, that's wonderful!" Hermione smiled.

"Yup, one year in a month!" Ron grinned.

Suddenly realizing their best friend had kept this information from them froze their smiles.

"What?" Harry and Hermione exclaimed in unison.

"A year?" Hermione scowled. "You've been with someone all this time and you didn't bother to tell us?"

"I did just now didn't I?"

"That doesn't count," Harry shot back. "We're your best friends!"

"Get over it," Ron pouted. "Now you know."

"Well, what's she like?" Hermione asked.

"Is she prety?" Harry asked eagerly.


"Sorry. You know you're the prettiest girl in the world."

Hermione blushed. "Well, hehe, okay. Ron, is she smart?"

"Does she like Quidditch?"

"Does she like books?"

"Will you two stop," Ron chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough. Damn, look what you've made me do! I missed all the food!"

Everyone had left and so they decided to go.

"I'll get us a compartment," Hermione smiled before taking off.

Once she was out of ear shot, Harry turned to Ron, pale.

"Ron, I need help," he said.

"With what," Ron asked as they walked around to find a compartment.

"I lied. I haven't got an anniversary present for Hermione."

Author's Note: Well, there's that sequel you were all waiting for! Well, the first chapter anyway. Lol so what do you think? Lol, oh man this is going to blow... Hahahahaha. Okay, anyway, there you have it. Don't forget to review and thanks a bunch for reading! Really appreciate it.