Hi! This is my first story, so please post reviews so I can see if I'm doing a good job or not. I would really appreciate your comments. If you don't know what Hot Gimmick is, it's a manga series that's out now. For more information you can check out the website all about it (I made it) the link is in my profile so look there if you want to find out more about Hot Gimmick. Thanks and enjoy the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Hot Gimmick! If anyone decides to sue, you aren't going to get anything other than $1.69 and some old junk (keychains, trading cards, pacifiers, popsicle sticks, etc.)
This story is taking place in an AU (alternate universe)
Warning: This story will contain mature language, sexual themes, and imposed rape. Also, you might want to keep a box of kleenex on hand.
Chapter One - Graduation: Leaving Tokyo
"Hey Hatsumi! You excited school's almost over?" asked Subaru. Hatsumi, Subaru, Azusa and the rest of the graduates were graduating tomorrow, then after that, off to start their new lives in colleges and universities.
"I guess so Subaru, but I'm definitely looking forward to working in Paris as a fashion intern for Chanel! It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity!" Hatsumi replied, overly happy.
"Man I can't believe that you're going all the way to Paris, just to work with clothes! I'm going to be heading off to Ukashe University for video and technology programming. I can't wait! I'll design my very own Gundam game and no one will be able to beat it but me! It'll be so awesome!" Subaru exclaimed, wide and starry-eyed.
"You think that's the best? Well, I'm going to be in a whole bunch of movies directed by all of Japan's hottest directors! You'll see my face everywhere! More than you ever saw in the Revolver! I'll be plastered on every single smooth surface! I'll be so big and famous with girls hanging off of my arms!" Azusa bragged.
"Azusa, we've heard that too many times to count! Please stop bragging! We know that you'll be in movies and all that stuff, so don't tell us again!" whined Hatsumi.
"It's time for our last class; we had better get there now! After all, it's our last class ever!" Subaru replied.
And so off they went. There wasn't much to learn, just preparation for the graduation ceremony tomorrow. Finally, just as the last bell rang for the day, the teacher announced,
"Class, remember to wear your dresses and suits before you come here at 12:45 p.m. for rehearsal! We don't want another shoe tripping incident happening like last year do we?" as he shot a glance towards the older, popular girls. They giggled. Then the class scrambled out, and the three walked back to the apartment complex. On the way back, they met up with Akane who was walking back to the apartment complex too. Subaru blushed the entire time.
"Mom! What's for dinner?" asked Akane, putting her book bag on the kitchen counter top. Hatsumi arrived in the kitchen, just seconds later.
"Teriyaki chicken, with rice and vegetables, sweetie. What time do you have to go to your school tomorrow for rehearsal Hatsumi?" asked Mrs. Narita.
"12:45 p.m., Mom." Hatsumi replied, walking towards the table and sat down. Then Mr. Narita and Hikaru came in, just in time for dinner. Everyone sat down as Mrs. Narita served the teriyaki chicken, with the rice and vegetables then sat down. Soon conversations were flying across the table about Hatsumi and her 4 year leave to work in Paris for the Chanel fashion line. Hours later, everyone cleaned up and went off to bed. Hatsumi slept comfortably that night, completely unaware of the events that were in store for her…
That morning, Akane woke up early, and left for school. She still had to take one more exam and then she was off for the day. Hatsumi slept in that morning, since she didn't have to go to the school until 12:45 p.m. She awoke at 11:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Narita were out working, so Hatsumi was alone in the apartment. She went over to the kitchen and toasted a bagel, then spread cream cheese all over it.
After that, she took a long shower, and fixed up her hair for the graduation ceremony, then put on her make-up on, which wasn't much, except for eyeliner, mascara, blush and a simple light pink lip gloss. Then she put on her Chanel dress that the Chanel Company sent to her from Paris as a welcoming gift.
It was sleek and slimmer, splashed in a medium purple hue, with silver sequins around her bust, and a diagonal line in between, and also with white lace, draped around at the hem of the dress. It looked spectacular on her. She loved how it looked so appealing, yet was simple and appropriate for the occasion. She also had a purple purse that matched with it too, and that made it look even better.
She closed her room's door and went out to the kitchen where she wrote a note telling her parents that she left and that the graduation ceremony was at 6:00 p.m. Then she put on a light coat, then walked out and closed the apartment door, then locked it. She went down the elevator, walked to the bus stop where she rode the bus to her school. She arrived at 12:40 p.m., with 5 minutes to spare.
Then she caught up with Subaru and Azusa, both looking very handsome in black suits. After 5 hours and 15 tiring minutes, the ceremony started. Each student got a diploma and awards for best student, most improved, valedictorian, etc. Finally, they tossed their graduation caps in the air and cheered. Then the students scattered, going to their parents, talking to the teachers, eating the food that was provided, etc.
"We graduated! Yes! I also won the "Most Improved" award! I am so excited to go to Paris tomorrow!" exclaimed Hatsumi, whose voice was nearly drowned out by the chattering in the auditorium.
"I am so proud of you! Look at you, you're all grown up and so sophisticated! You're all ready to face the world out there!" Mrs. Narita smiled, looking into her daughter's eyes.
"Congrats sis!" Akane said, giving Hatsumi a sisterly hug.
"Congratulations!" Hikaru said, also giving Hatsumi a very affectionate hug.
"Aww… you three are so cute!" Mr. Narita said, taking a picture of Hatsumi being hugged by Akane and Hikaru.
"Hey everyone!" said Subaru, who came up from behind Hatsumi. He looked at Akane, and blushed.
"Hey Akane! How are you?
"Fine" said Akane grumpily.
"Hey Hatsumi, glad we graduated huh?" Subaru asked.
"Yeah I guess, but what's the difference, I'm going to Paris tomorrow!" Hatsumi replied. Then after saying good-bye to Subaru and Azusa, the Narita family left the school and went to a very expensive place, The Sukiaso Restaurant in honor of Hatsumi's graduation and also a farewell to Hatsumi's leave tomorrow. After a hearty dinner and 5 full stomachs, the family went back to the apartment complex, where everyone went to bed, all tuckered out.
Everyone except Hatsumi was sleeping. She couldn't sleep due to the anticipation of leaving tomorrow. Everything was all packed, including the Chanel dress she wore that night. She thought it might come in handy for a staff party or something. Her plane left at 1 p.m. tomorrow so she could relax all morning. Finally after a long time of staring into the ceiling, she fell asleep…