oOo Last Time oOo

"We'll keep in touch?"

They all quietly agreed except Yusuke who seemed to take the question as an insult and yelled his affirmative.

oOo Chapter 22 oOo

Let The World Continue

Three months later


Kagome looked up as arms wrapped around her torso and grinned at the male the arms connected to. She raised her head and gave him a soft kiss before returning to making food.

"Morning Kur-kun."

Kurama lowered his head and lightly kissed Kagome's neck making her giggle.

"Are we still going to see Genkai today?"

"Ya, Hiei and Sango will be there too." Kagome rolled her eyes. "I knew they liked each other and were similar but my god, they go to makia and we don't see them for months."

Kurama chuckled and with a final squeeze let Kagome go and slipped beside her and started helping her make breakfast.

"Will Shippo-kun be coming?"

"Of course, Kilala is going to have kittens and he made Raja promise to convince her to let Shippo have a kitten and since they've been staying with 'Bara it will also be nice for him to visit them. Have you heard if Yusuke has proposed to Keiko yet?"

"Last night he asked Keiko's parents and their fine with the idea, he was planning on asking you today and if your fine then he plans to ask Keiko today."

With a smile Kagome responded. "Yusuke can be so sweet at times. Naive, of course I'm ok with it, but sweet. And of course Sess is going to be there. Do you think 'Bara has realized that Sess has a thing for Yukina and she likes him back yet?"

Kurama just made a 'hmm'ing noise in the back of his throat.

Soon Shippo ran down the stairs and bounced into a chair at the table.

"When are we going?! When are we going?!"

"After breakfast Shippo." Kagome said with a giggle.

Shippo nodded and when Kurama place a plate of pancakes in front of him he dug in with gusto.


Kagome let out a laugh as Shippo raced up the shrine steps.

"Wayyyyyy too much energy."

Kurama grinned and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Wouldn't have him any other way."

"Too true."

The two young adults followed the kit up the stairs only at a slower rate. At the top they found Yukina already waiting for them.

"Shippo's already inside."

"Thank you Yukina." Kagome walked up to her and hugged her. "Is anyone else here yet?"

"Only Hiei-san and Sango-san."

"Thank you Yukina."

Kagome smiled at her and all three walked in.



The two girls squealed and hugged. Yukina smiled and went to make tea while Kurama and Hiei shuddered and sat together to talk.

"So how has Makia been?"

"It's been pretty good, I've been able to keep up with my fighting and it's quite similar to the feudal era, 'though the sky is pink."

"The sky is pink?" Kagome asked incredulously.

"Ya, but Hiei has really warmed up to me…I think I really like him."


Kagome stood up and walked over to the guys.


She ignored her friend like sister and stopped in front of Hiei with her hands on her hips. She gave him an evil glare that promised lots of pain. All of a sudden she grinned cheerfully.

"Welcome to the mismatched family Hiei."

With that she returned to a heavily blushing Sango and leaving to confused males.


"'Gome, can I talk to you please?"

"Sure 'Suke."

She waved to the girls and followed Yusuke to a quiet corner.

" 'Gome, you're my last family other then my mom and it's really important to me that you're ok if I ask Keiko to marry me."

"Oh Yusuke, you're my family too, I'd say yes if only for the fact she makes you happy. But as it is, I would absolutely love to have Keiko as family."

Kagome hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Thanks 'Gome."

"No prob."

Yusuke took a deep breath and walked over to the girls, Kagome trailing behind.


Keiko looked up and smiled at him.

"Yes Yusuke?"

Yusuke took another deep breath and plunged.

"Keiko, I love you and can't see myself living without you. Will you please stay with me and not leave. Keiko, will you marry me?"

Keiko stared at him in shock before tears welled up on her eyes and a small bloomed on her lips. She flung herself at him with a happy sob.

"Of course!"

"Kilala's having her kittens!"

Shippo ran into the room excited, not noticing or caring he interrupted a different happy moment.

Everyone just looked at him before it set in and most rushed into the room Kilala was in.

The End

The story is done and over with. There will be no sequal...unless I'm hounded for one but I really doubt there will be one. I hope you all enjoyed my story and those who asked questions in reviews that I never answered, I'm sorry. My email account didn't get a lot of things form fanfic so I'm missing quite a few.