18 February 2006

A note from Starry: Wow! I am a jerk, really I am! I feel really bad taking so long to write and update this story. I'm glad it's finished though, now I can concentrate on the other stories that need to be finished, as well as the new ones that are popping up in my head. When was the last time I updated this? In December, right? Wow, sorry guys!

Notes about this chapter... well I think it sucked because I couldn't really portray the emotions because at the time I was writing, I was angry and not 'in love' and such. Also, Ginny and Draco did not want to end the story the way I wanted it to end. They boycotted and kicked my writing fairy out because they thought my ending was stupid. So, Starry had to isten to Mister Malfoy and Miss Weasley and finish it how they wanted it to finish. I really hope you guys liked the ending, because even though It's not how I wanted to finish it, I kind of like it. It leaves you to think of what might happen next and in their future.

Please do not ask for a sequel because I am not making one. It will ruin the story and at the moment, I need to finish other stories as well. I want to thank my reviewers and tell you guys how I much I love you guys! Thanks for waiting for that little update and for waiting to see what happened to our little favorite lovers!

Please enjoy and keep on reading it after it's done, because stories are even better the second time around, and who knows, you might find a different ending next time you read it... hehe

Disclaimer: Last time I checked, I didn't own them...

Chapter 10: Ginevra Weasley

The next morning, Ginny didn't want to get up from her very comfortable bed for lots of reasons. A major one being that she was now going to be ugly everyday and every night for the rest of her life. She closed her eyes and groaned, throwing the pillow at the door and cursing that retched curse. After a few more minutes in bed, Ginny decided it was time to stop sulking and face the world with her new life. She slowly got up and avoided looking at herself in the mirror; she didn't want to see herself since she was going to see the same ugly face for the rest of her life. She went into the bathroom without taking a glimpse into the mirror. Turning the water on, she kept her back to her reflection and waited patiently for the water to turn hot.

"How will Ginevra Weasley manage to live both day and night in her disgusting form?" Ginny paused and looked at the fogged mirror. She couldn't see herself, just her blurry figure and her blurry red hair. She shrugged and walked to her room, where she threw the towel on her body length mirror and walked over to her dresser and began rummaging to look for her clothes. "She'll live like any normal person, except she'll hide her face behind a paper bag…"

Ginny looked down at herself and frowned; the school uniform didn't help her appearance at all! But what was she going to do? Nothing. She sighed and grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder. Today, she was going to eat breakfast in the Great Hall. There was no point in hiding anymore since she was going to look like this for the rest of her life, right?

Her light steps echoed in the hallway and she found how eerie the corridors were when people weren't in them. She quickened her pace and felt relieved when she saw the Great Hall doors up ahead.

"Just walk in and go sit down and eat your breakfast. No one will notice anything because I'm the same as everyday… ugly ol' Ginny." She took in a breath and pushed the door open.

The voices that had been present in the Great Hall soon quieted down when Ginny stepped in. Everyone looked over to see who had just walked in, even the professors.

Ginny took a few steps towards the Gryffindor table when she noticed a group of boys staring at her. She then looked around and saw that everyone, every single person in the Great Hall was staring at her. Why were they staring at her? Her anger began to rise and she clenched her hands into fists. She hated this! She hated it and she couldn't take this anymore. She was an average person, just like them! Why did they have to make fun of her and stare at her and tell her things?

"Stop staring at me! I can't help being ugly, okay? SO JUST STOP STARING AT ME! STOP!" Her breathing became heavy and her chest rose up and down in a rapid pace. She faced the Slytherin table and locked eyes with Draco Malfoy, whose eyes were wide and he seemed frozen. This made her sad and even angrier. "Stop staring at me! How would you like it if you were cursed to be ugly for the rest of your life? Huh? Tell me," she said, turning to face the Ravenclaw table and glaring at Michael. "How would you like it if I made fun of you 'cause of the way you looked?" She turned towards the Gryffindor table and stared at both Hermione and Harry. "How would you like it if your best friends betrayed you and hurt you?"

No one spoke to answer her questions, not even the professors who were also silenced by this.

Taking a step back to the big oak doors, Ginny shook her head with disappointment. "I bet none of you would like it. So just leave me alone and don't stare at me, ever again!" She turned around and ran out the big doors, leaving people with their mouths hanging.


When Draco had woken up, he dreaded it knowing that the love of his life hated him. How could he possible continue living knowing that he had ruined someone else's life, especially someone who he cared for? He slowly got up from his soft bed and in no rush, walked into the bathroom and stared down at his wounded hand. He could have easily fixed it, but he wanted to remind himself of what an idiot he was. She hated him and it hurt him to know that.

"Come on, Draco. The food will get cold."

"I don't care, you go on without me. I'll be down there in a minute." Draco didn't turn to look at Blaise, who walked out shortly after saying that.

He really didn't want to go down and face Ginny after what he had done to her the night before. He looked up at his reflection and sneered at himself, because that's all he felt he was good at, sneering at people and ruining people's lives. Perhaps his father was right when he said, "You're a pathetic boy, Draco! You'll bring no satisfaction to anyone!" This seemed to have made Draco angry, because he stepped back and threw a towel at the mirror. "I'm sorry, Ginny!" he cried, before turning around and getting into the shower to bathe.

When he was done, he slowly dried off and walked into the empty dormitory that he shared with the rest of the seventh year Slytherin boys. He grabbed his wand and accio'd his clothes as well as shoes. He was in no hurry to dress and hoped that when he got down to the Great Hall, Ginny was already out of there.

After getting dressed, the Slytherin blond made his way down to the Great Hall with no excitement. If only he could turn back in time and prevent himself from kissing her, then maybe everything would go back to normal and he wouldn't be feeling this emptiness inside his chest. He shook his head and opened the big doors that lead into the Great Hall.

As he walked, he threw caution to the wind and took a glimpse to Gryffindor table. He felt his stomach pummel to the ground when he noticed that his redhead wasn't there. He sighed, before running a hand through his blond hair and continued walking to the Slytherin table.

Just what he needed, not knowing how Ginny was doing! What if she tried doing something? His eyes widened and worry began to fill him as well as anger. This was not how he was, but Ginny was making him feel like this!

"Draco, you missed the dance," Pansy said, twirling a lock of her black hair around her index finger. The malicious smirk plastered on her pretty face.

Draco shrugged, not looking at her. "I don't care, Pansy, I heard it was stupid anyways." Yes, it had been totally stupid, because he did something that would never let him near his love.

"You should have seen Potter with the Mudblood Granger, dancing."

"Who cares about them— what?" he asked, when he saw Pansy's expression. Her black eyes had gone wide and her mouth hung open. The blond turned to where she was looking at and immediately felt his stomach tighten.

There, standing in the front of the Great Hall was Ginny, staring at everyone and looking like she was going to cry. He couldn't break his vision away from her and just kept staring at her. All noise and everyone else in the Great Hall disappeared except for Ginny and him.

It seemed as though the world had been thrown into a black hole and the only existing beings where them. He could see her lips moving but he couldn't hear what she was saying.

'God, I love her so much,' he thought, as he continued to stare at her. She looked over to him and glared before saying something and then facing to look at the Gryffindor table.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, and Draco didn't mind. All he wanted to do was stare at the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It was weird, a few days before he wouldn't have thought about that, but now, he wanted to run to her and apologize with kisses everywhere. He wanted to kiss the tip of her nose, her freckle dusted cheeks, her shoulders before moving to her lips and capturing her mouth with his.

He was pulled out of his world when he saw her turn around and run out of the Great Hall, leaving everyone speechless. No, what was she doing? Why was she leaving? Draco quickly got up, and without caring that everyone in the Great Hall was going to see him run after her, he ran out.


It happened so fast that Ginny didn't even know when she was turned around by two strong arms. She turned around and came face to face with him.

"I told you not to touch me, Malfoy!" she yelled, trying to get out of his tight grasp.

Draco gazed down at the redhead before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. He wrapped his arms around her figure and pulled her tight towards him. He never wanted to let go, never!

Ginny was surprised, very surprised. Soon, her thoughts caught up to her and she pulled back and pushed him away. "What are you doing?" she said, glaring at him. Why did he kiss her again? "I'm ugly!"

Draco grabbed her book before taking out his wand and changing the old Charms book into a hand sized mirror. "Look at yourself, Ginny." His voice was even and there was no hint of mock.

What was he talking about? Surely he was trying to make her feel bad, again! She shook her head and pushed the mirror back to him. "No, I already know I'm hideous, you don't need to keep rubbing it in my face since you're the one who did this!"

"Damn it, Weasley! Look at yourself in the stupid mirror!" he commanded, forcing the small mirror in her creamy colored hands. "LOOK!"

Her brown eyes widened before moving their gaze to the object in her hand. What she saw made her jaw drop and she almost fell backwards, but Draco was fast enough to grab her.

Staring back at her was not Ginny of the Day. Her left hand went up to touch her cheek that was no longer covered in dark freckles, but lightly colored ones that were only visible if you looked closely. Her fingers went over her lips, that were plump and rosy, and not the cracked thin ones she always had. Her eyebrows were thinned to the right proportion and the color of her skin wasn't ashy but alive and creamy!

She moved the mirror down to see the reflection of her body and was shocked to see that she wasn't the pudgy girl, but instead, her weight went well with her statue and her breasts weren't as big as Echo's but were the right size! She wasn't Echo but she wasn't Ginny of the Day either… she was Ginny Weasley!

"Like what you see?" Draco asked with a playful smirk on his face.

Ginny glared at him before dropping the mirror and throwing herself on him. They both fell on the ground, with Ginny on top, but they didn't seem to care.

"I-I –I'm…"

"You're my Ginny," he whispered, putting his hand behind her head and slowly bringing her lips to his.


Ginny broke away from the kiss, only to look up into her brother's angry face. She looked down at Draco, who was still under her and immediately jumped off him.

"It looks like your sister was on me, Weasley." Draco got up, dusting his pants and smirking at Ron.

Ron's face turned bright red before walking forward and raising his hand followed by his fist meeting Draco's face.

"RON!" Ginny grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him back from Draco, who had staggered backwards from the blow.

"He was attacking you!" Ron said, glaring at his sister. "And you were letting him!"

"Don't hit him! He cured me, Ron. Draco cured me from my curse!" She turned to take a glimpse at Draco and felt fluttery feelings in her stomach. She had been very wrong the night before about him. He really was something.

"What?" Ron looked from Ginny to Draco and back to Ginny before shaking his head. "What are you talking about? He knew about your curse, Ginny?"

Nodding, Ginny took a step back from her brother and shrugged. "I don't know how, but he knew and well he cured me last night."

Ron's expression changed into a horrified one before changing into a glare towards Malfoy. "WHAT? LAST NIGHT?"

Ginny jumped up and shook her head, grabbing him again. "No not like that Ron! Get your head out of the gutter; I was talking about him kissing me! All I needed to get was a kiss and the spell would have been broken."

Hermione and Harry appeared beside Ron, both having heard Ginny's latest statement.

"A kiss was the cure?" asked Hermione, not believing that a simple thing could have been done years before!

Ginny nodded. "Yes, a kiss, and Draco kissed me and he cured me." She turned to the Slytherin and walked up to him. "Thank you, Draco, you've saved my life," she whispered.

Draco wanted to kiss her again and show her how much he really cared about her. He didn't want to be dead, though so he kept his hormones under control.

Ron walked up to them and glared at Draco, before grabbing Ginny by the shoulders and pulling her away. "Alright, you've said thanks, now let's go, Ginny."

Ginny only nodded and let her be pulled away from Ron. She winked at Draco and hoped he somehow got the idea that she would see him out by the lake later that night.

Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny all walked back into the Great Hall, where everyone got quiet when they saw Ginny come in again. And Draco was left standing alone in the middle of the corridor, with a frown on his elegant features.

She hadn't even said anything to him! She just winked! What did that mean anything? Another way of thank you? He ran a hand through his hair and with a frustrated sigh, he turned around and walked to the Slytherin common rooms. Was he ever going to be able to kiss her again?


Later that night, Ginny found Draco sitting on the shore with his head down. Her smile faded as she approached him and wondered if she was the reason he was like this. She wanted to tell him how she was still the same girl after eight o' clock and she was never changing, ever again!

"Draco?" she meekly said, before sitting down beside him.

He looked up from his thoughts and felt his heart skip a beat. She was beautiful! More beautiful than Echo…

"Ginny?" he said. "What did Granger say about all this?"

Ginny shrugged. "She said, I'm cured and free to live my now normal life." She dug her fingers in the soft sand, enjoying the feel of the cool and small grains against her warm skin.

"That's it? So now you have a normal life?" he asked, watching her bury her hands in the sand. He reached over and took one of her hands and rubbed his thumb over it gently.

She looked up at him with glossy brown eyes, before nodding slowly. "Yes," she whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I'm normal."

Draco leaned his head against her and closed his eyes. He wanted to tell her that she'd always been normal, but at the moment he didn't want to ruin it. Instead, he breathed and said, "I love you, Ginny."

"I love you too, Draco. Thank you."

The Slytherin and the Gryffindor stayed like that for a while. They wanted to freeze that moment and keep it etched in their lives forever. Sure come morning, she would have owls from her mother and brothers telling her and asking her why she let Draco kiss her. And Draco? Well he would probably be hunted down by the Weasley men, for kissing their only sister.

For now though, they just wanted to spend time together, and ponder on how wonderful it felt having the love of your life with you.

Starry: -hugs everyone- Thank you for everything and hope you guys liked it. See you in the next story!