Are shocked? are you surprised? Yes an update after all these years. I've been bitten by the GCC bug again. I have just rediscovered my love for dbz again! (Thank super, even though they butchered Goku's personality). I've been away for so long, my writing style is totally different. I looked over the fic from the beginning and i CRINGED at the grammar issues, mistakes and some cliche ideas. I'll write this chapter and it will determine whether this is permanent hiatus or not. Never fear looking into lots of fic ideas! RHYMING INTENDED! Also just for those who haven't been watching super, Vegeta let out this information that had been squealing at the potential. Saiyans are attracted to strong willed women. So our little Goku like all that shouting mwhahaha! I LOVE IT!


Bulma sat down in the library looking at the schematics of the spaceship she had just designed. She resisted the urge to laugh, that stupid prince had no idea what he was up against. After prince Vegeta had seen how brilliant she was, he put her to work on developing saiyan technology. One of the projects he was most interested in was improving Saiyan travel. She had been studying the efficient space pods for months before she met Chi-Chi. Her new friend inspiring her letting her know that she was worth more than a slave. She had to escape this God forsaken planet. She couldn't die here.

One of the prototype models they were developing was going to have a new feature non of these brain dead scientists could even imagine.


Who knew it, what made her family renowned on earth was going to save her and Chi-Chi's hides. It was going to be a tough but they could do it.

She was just about to add another detail when a familiar rabble she had come to expect was brewing outside the library doors. She rolled her eyes, This should be good.


Chi-Chi narrowed her eyes at the tall saiyan who had his own arms crossed in defiance. This was not going to end well.

"I say, no!" she ground out, deep brown eyes clashing with yellow.

Kakarot was irritated, what was so wrong with his request? He had been allowing these meeting between his pet and the blue haired woman to go on for the past week with no complaints. He knew it was healthy for her to interact with one of her own. It was a bonus that she wasn't abused as some of her unfortunate earth kin tended to look but he couldn't help it...

He was jealous

Whenever it was morning time, Chi-Chi shoved her way out of their bed without so much as a glance his way. Bulma this Bulma that, ever since this Bulma had come into the fray he felt her drifting. Not that she ever expressed happiness at her predicament but something was definitely off. She was at least a little bit warmer to him, he eyed her lips longingly . What he wouldn't give for her eyes to light up with excitement to see him and not Bulma.

"Calm yourself, I just want to spend time with you. Is it so bad if I stay in the library while you and Bulma are there?"

"YES!" His sensitive Saiyan ear drums rang with her screech.

"I see Bulma, for 3 hours tops before your drag me away! Now you want to sit with me! N-O! I absolutely refuse to agree to this Kakarot"

When she put it that way it wasn't unreasonable for her to want to spend time with someone other than himself, but the thought had him clenching his fists. He knew he was being irrational but he couldn't help it. The thought of her attentions being stolen from him drove him insane. He wanted her eyes on him only, everybody else could take a hike. She was HIS damn it.

Even the way she was fighting him just made him want her more. 'Don't you see Chi-Chi! How much I want you.' He couldn't admit this, she was already so far from him. Any confessions would push her further but he was running out of patience.

He stepped forward while she stepped back.

"Wha-what are you doing?"

He ignored her stepping forward until she had no where else to go. He put his arms on either side of head leaning forward as she backed herself into the wall.

"Give me something, I am trying" He whispered, "Do you truly despise me so?"

Chi-Chi gulped at his closeness, he was making her dizzy with how close he was. The undeniable scent of alpha male penetrating her. Kakarot always smelled so wild, the way he was looking at her. Like she was his last meal on earth, like she was something to be devoured. She shook her head.

"What are you doing to me.." She mumbled as he took her limp hand and pressed it on his chest. His other hand cupping her chin.

"Kiss me and I will leave you with Bulma until 5."

Chi-Chi gasped as their breaths mingled, this was definitely a new angle of his. Normally Kakarot stole all his kisses but he was bargaining for one. And the terms were goddamn tempting.

She felt his tail flutter near her waist curling itself near the curve of her left hip. Making her shudder.

"Just a kiss." He muttered his lips brushing against her own literally talking his way onto her lips.

"Y-you promise" She stuttered feeling her resolve weaken. 'Think of the terms, think of the terms.' Her brain screamed.

"On my blood." He couldn't help himself he didn't even wait for her protest as he desperately claimed her lips. She looked so enticing looking at him so softly. He couldn't even wait, molding his lips against hers seeing if she would fight him. He let out a throaty groan as he felt her hand dig into his chest as her other hand sank into his thick locks.

Is this what it would be like to have her participation? He pushed himself as close as possible, feeling her soft breast crush against his hardened chest. He was taking liberties, he knew but when next would he find her so willing. It seemed she didn't mind as she ran her fingers through his fur exploring his chest. He felt grind her against him as he couldn't stop the throaty growl from emerging.

Chi-Chi was lost to the sensations Kakarot was inflicting on her, sneaky saiyan shoving that dexterous tongue into her mouth. Making her ache like this. The kiss was long over and yet she couldn't remove her hands off his addicting body. This was why she stayed away, this was why she had to get off this planet. She couldn't afford to get attached, she just couldn't. Bulma needed her, she needed her freedom. With all the willpower she possessed she pulled away from Kakarots lips. Kakarot attempted to follow but shook her head. Brown eyes determined, "That's your kiss!" She panted.

Kakarot panted as he looked at her eyes so filled with steely resolve. Her eyes were one thing, her body was another. He could see the tiny beads of persperation forming at her throat. He moved to catch one, when she sharply shouted.

"Kakarot! Your word"

A cold flush of reality on his heated skin, he was burning for her couldn't she see that. He licked his lip to remind himself of his reward. He had to uphold his end or she would not trust him. A mating must be built on love and trust, he couldn't afford to compromise either of those. Not when he could see himself achieving his goal. As much as Chi-Chi wants out of his embrace, he could scent her sweetness so potently. Advertising how ripe she was for him. Try as she might to deny her self, her body was attracted. Kakarot smirked to himself.

That would be her downfall.

He pulled away as she attempted to straighten her rumpled appearance. He didn't even bother to adjust, the cut of his trousers didn't give allowances for raging erections. He just hoped he didn't run into anybody on his way back to his quarters.

His predicament didn't seem lost on Chi-Chi who instantly flushed.

"Put that away Kakarot." She spulttered trying to avoid look at his issue.

Kakarot laughed as he put his arms behind his head. Glittering yellow eyes bright with mischief.

"Want to help put it away?" He gave a little buck in her direction which earned him a disgusted snort.

"You are such a pig."

He started laughing as she made her way into the library. He would never tire of her mouth. Any saiyan worth his tail knew his female when he saw her. She was definitely his.


Chi-Chi looked over the Bulma's designs, fingers shaking at her friend's idea. "You really think you can achieve this is in 3 weeks?"

Bulma rubbed a finger under her nose with a small grin, "You are talking to the daughter of Dr. Briefs. Capsule technology is my father's life work. He taught me everything I know and I am telling you I can encapsulate a saiyan ship."

"What do you need me to do to make this work." Chi-Chi was determined. That kiss did not phase her, she was still focused. She will triumph over these despicable murderers and get her freedom.

"The day of our escape needs to be when there is distraction. Your royal ass prick doesn't doesn't tell me a damn thing about anything." She snapped her fingers as she grabbed Chi-Chi's hands.

"Kakarot will tell you anything, ask him about upcoming events, celebrations or whatever."

Chi-Chi nodded at her mission, this was her task. She would not fail. If there wasn't any important events coming up.

She would make one.


Just a teaser to see if I can still write for this, I enjoyed it. I hope you did to. Trying to keep Kakarot's pervy nature fans seemed to like it, so hard to write when I feel like I have evolved as a writer but I will do my best.