Hey guys, I got inspiration to write this for some random reason. Anywho, I'still doing my others I just want to do this one also and I'm doing a series of pictures of anime characters getting Glomped! (hugged kissed whatever) but it's jokey lol send in any requests if you like and I'll happily do one for you. I've already done one of myself kissing Goku then been hunted down by Chichi. Lol so anywho on with the fic.

Stolen life

They had stolen her life, destroyed her home, killed her family and eradicated her soul. Once was Chichi Mau now is a common slave amongst others. Most would be grateful to still have their lives but this shell worked lifelessly. Begging for death to claim her, whether it is by saiyans hand or starvation. But when she refused to eat her master whipped her into submission, yelling about not being able to afford new slaves.

When the earth was invaded they had killed every male, including her father. She fought with all her might to avenge him, but the saiyans laughed and knocked her out effortlessly.

She awoke hours later in a cramped cabin filled with scared women. Some grabbing onto others for comfort, others crying silently in corners.

She looked at her hands seeing handcuffs, and a metal clasp on her neck she saw that none of the other women had it except a blonde woman who sat in the corner with a defiant look.

She approached the woman with caution wary of her indignant face. "Excuse me but where am I, and why are we the only one with these chains"

The girl turned to her, her face already to chew her out but she saw the chains, her face twisted into a smile, then she let out cynical laughter.

"Looks I'm not the only who chose to fight those barstards, good on yah kid" She muttered.

Chichi didn't understand, she saw a slow tear drop from the woman's eyes as she laughed again; she turned to chichi staring deep in her eyes.

"You're on a saiyan ship sweet heart, who knows our fate now", chichi gasped at the explanation then it hit her what had happened to her, what had happened to her father.

"Papa!" she cried out, "O papa I couldn't save you!" her own tears gathered in her eyes as she sobbed softly.

The doors then burst to life revealing a bald man, he licked his lips as he eyed all the women. Many started backing away in horror and screaming as he descended the filthy staircase.

"Well, well, well look what we have here" he smirked looking at the women with unmistakable lust. "I'm feeling somewhat…randy," He then pointed to a dark blued hair woman. "You girl! You're my new playmate" The woman screamed and began backing into a corner, fear laced on her features.

The bulky saiyan let out a booming laugh, Chichi shivered his voice could split eardrums.

He walked to the girl and lifted her roughly by her hair, "Not obeying orders, that's earned you punishment" He slapped the screaming girl, silencing her and incurring an array of gasps from the audience of women.

"Good girl" the saiyan drawled, he then dragged the now bruised woman struggling to muffle her sobs in fear of incurring the bulky saiyans wrath.

He grinned, and turned to the crowd again, "Hopefully you will all go to loving owners like myself," The deafening silence seemed to please him, as he took the girl away.

Chichi then knew her fate…

And now 3 months on, she is working for her master, her once feisty sprit broken and her hope dwindled to nothing. She could never get out of a place like this, how could she.


I know its very short but 1st chapters always are it's a teaser.