kitty: hiya! were back and with another story!

misty: yes this one we hope is going to be really funny!

kitty: well i hope you guys like it!

Chapter 1 - Boredom Attacks!

The blade breakers were inside Tyson's dojo. It was the hottest day ever and there was nothing to do. They were bored! Kai was sitting against the wall with his eyes close and arms crossed. Rei was writing a letter to Lee. Max was lying on his back counting all the dots on the ceiling. Tyson was lying on his stomach having a starring contest with the wall across from him. Kenny was talking to Dizzi and surfing the net.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I am so bored!" yelled Tyson,

"Then do something," said Kai in his usual unemotional tone.

"But there is nothing to do! Kai! Lets play something!" Tyson said.

"I don't play," answered Kai.

"We have to do something! If we don't we might just die from boredom," screamed Tyson.

"Well Ty. What games can we play," asked Max.

"I-I don't know," answered Tyson unsure.

"Dumbass," Kai said while smirking.

"Shut up Kai and come say that in my face," yelled Tyson.

"Hn. I don't have to waste my breathe on you," Kai told Tyson.

" Why you . . ," Tyson said but was interrupted.

"Calm down, Ty," said Rei who had finished writing his letter to Lee.

"Yea. Well leys try to think of games we can play," suggested Kenny.

"Ow! Me think! Not really a good idea Kenny, but I am really bored so I TRY to think of something to play," answered Max.

"haha! Ok Maxie! Remember don't think so hard," laughed Rei.

"Hey! Why don't we play ….Ummmm…..some kind of sport," said Tyson.

"No way! Last time I almost got killed! Anyways it is to hot to be playing some kind of sport," Kenny told Tyson.

"I have something we can do. The kids and I played it all the time at the village." said Rei.

"Really! Why didn't you say anything sooner. Ok. Tell us about the thing that will save us from this boredom," answered Tyson.

"The game is called Boredom," Rei said.

"HaHa! We're bored and the game is called Boredom! Cool!" said Max kind of hyperish now.

"Yea. Well the game is for ten days," said Rei but was interrupted.

"WOW! Ten days! Super cool! Ty I don't think we will be bored for a while," said Max happily.

"Yea! Come on! Tell us more,' Tyson said.

"Ok. Ok. This is how it goes each day one person will pick things that we can do or that they want to do. It can be anything! Also whatever the that person wants to do we HAVE to do it. We will get two turns each. Since it is 5 of us it will work out perfectly since the game last ten days. What do you think?" Rei said to the four boys.

"Awesome! This is going to be so much fun. I can do whatever and so do you guys!" happily yelled Tyson.

"Woah! Woah! (a/n: misty are you laughing -inside joke ppl-). This sounds like fun! Cant wait to start!" Max said.

"Hmm. This sounds interesting," Kenny said while asking Dizzi her opinion, which she said it would be fun.

"Hn. That sounds childish, but it sounds . . .alright," said Kai opening his eyes to look at everyone.

"Wow! Kai said more than 3 words! HaHa! Anyways Rei what is the order we go in," asked Tyson.

"Yea," Max and Kenny said together.

"Well! Why don't we do this order: Kenny, Max, Kai, Tyson, and me for last. What do you think," said Rei.

"That sounds good to me. What do you think Maxie," said Tyson.

"Its sounds good! I cant wait until my turn," said Max happily.

"Yea! I know! Lucky Kenny! You get to go first," said Tyson.

"Tee hee! Guess just lucky," laughed Kenny.

"Ok boys! Lets go train after dinner, then 1 hour free time, then bed," said Kai.

"Aww!" said Rei, Max, and Kenny together.

"Yes mommy," said Tyson.

"Hn. Hurry up mommy doesn't have patience." answered Kai.

kitty: lol hope you liked it

misty: yup! R&R plz

kitty: yes R&R